Breaking out Agent Zed

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~May's POV~ 

The helicopter took me to the Team Magma HQ and Maxie was waiting for me, I somersaulted out of the helicopter and landed right in front of Maxie. "Sapphire, you need to free Agent Zed from one of Team Aqua's HQs," he started walking inside, "You'll be going undercover and freeing him. This is your undercover uniform, suit up." He said tossing a bag to me, "Got it sir" I replied as I went to the changing room and got changed quickly.

I got into the helicopter, and messaged Max, explaining the situation to him in half an hour we were there, "Agent Sapphire, we're here" the man in front of me said and I nodded as I put on my parachute and jumped, "I'm in, everything is going smoothly," I said into my earbud communicator to Maxie, "Excellent" He replied, I entered the building and started snooping around slowly. I heard footsteps and stopped snooping around, I've been in a few other HQ's of Team Aqua and know lot about them. I spotted a huge door and a few men in front of it. I immediately hid behind a wall when I saw a grunt walking towards my direction. 'Phew, that was close, anymore close calls and I'll be in trouble' I though to myself, "Maxie, there's a huge door and armed grunts guarding it, so I'm guessing that's where Zed is kept. I'll be able to take them out easily." I told Maxie, "Okay, good, keep me updated," he responded, I came out of my hiding spot and snooped around a little. 

"Sapphire? You there? What happened?" Maxie said through the earbud communicator, "Nothing, just snooping around making sure no one is watching." I replied in a blank tone, "Okay, be careful, Team Aqua is very unexpected." he said and I nodded, "Kay." 

I quickly made sure no one was looking and ran to the door where agent Zed is supposed to be kept, the grunts looked at me and scowled, "Get back to work!" one of them barked, "I am doing my work," I said with a smirk as I called out Ivysaur, "Use stun spore" I ordered and she did so, "Ivy" she said and used vine whip to pull their bodies aside, "Thanks Ivysaur, return." I returned her, I called out blaziken next, "Blaze kick to knock down the door," I said quickly and he did so, "Thanks, follow me." I added. We found agent Zed behind bars, "Agent Zed, I'm here to break you out, stand back." I informed him as blaziken did Blaze kick on the bars breaking them. "Thank you agent Sapphire." he said and I nodded, "Let's get you pokemon and then get out of here, won't be long before they get to know that some of their grunts are knocked out," I said quickly, We roamed around a bit but eventually found his pokeballs in Shelly's office but Shelly was in there so I had to be extremely careful, she was looking in the opposite direction of the pokeballs so I quickly grabbed his pokeballs and handed that to Zed and he looked so relieved in having them back, I would blame him, If someone tried to take my pokemon from me then they would find the end of their line. I ran towards he exit with Zed and Blaziken close behind but it was blocked by grunts with Crawdaunts, "Ugh, Blaziken, overheat all of them!" I ordered and he nodded and did as told, We ran out and got into the helicopter fast as we flew up. 

"Got him and escaped," I informed Maxie, "Good Job, agent Sapphire. Lawrence will drop you off at your school," he replied. "Once again, thanks Sapphire." Zed said, "It was nothing," I said as we reached, "Bye! I got to go" I said as I got out of the helicopter and went to the main building of our school. It had been 2 hours since I left them and I bet they got pretty worried, I snuck into the washroom of the main building in our school and changed into my regular clothing and then went to my dorm. 

~Dawn's POV~ 

May had still not come and we all were starting to panic, Max received a call from Norman (Max and May's dad)  saying that he would be staying here 1 day extra and we all were fine with it, Esther also decided to stay an extra day. I think the 2 got a crush on each other, but right now I wasn't in the mood for match making because I was worried about May. Just then, the door bell rang and we all sprung up, I opened the door and saw an exhausted May. I immediately attacked her in a hug. "You're ok! We thought you got kidnapped! Why didn't you pick up calls?!" I exclaimed as I pulled away, she chuckled as the other girls hugged her, "Had some work, call wasn't connecting" she said shortly and we nodded, though Drew didn't look convinced. "Well, you look exhausted, why don't you go rest?" Misty suggested and May nodded. We went to the living room while May left to go to her room and Drew followed her. 

~Drew's POV~ 

I wasn't convinced with May's answer, I was worried sick when she didn't pick up the calls so I'm not relaxing till I have a proper answer as to where she was. Just who had called May? Where did she go? What took her this long? Why didn't she give an elaborate answer? And more importantly, Why am I stressing so much about her? I guess there's no hiding it, I have fallen for May. I knocked on May's door and she told me to enter. 

"Huh? Hey Drew. What's wrong?" She asked me and I frowned, "Who had called you? Where had you gone? What took you so long? Why didn't you give us a proper answer?" I asked her. She looked startled by my questions but got a grip of herself, "Forget it," She said while walking towards to door to exit, I grabbed her arm and pinned her to the wall. "Let me go, Drew!" She struggled but I kept a firm grip. "No way, Princess. Not until you answer my question," I said, she sighed and said, "I'll tell you one day, not today." Now, I sighed and let her go. This was the best I was getting today, "Fine" I mumbled, "But you got us really worried, you know" I said, "What can I do to make it up to you?" She asked thinking to herself, then she looked like she got an idea, she leaned in making me blush and kissed me on my cheek making me blush even more furiously. "That should do it." she said while blushing too and exited the room as I placed a hand on my cheek where she kissed me. 

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