Drew's sis

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~May's POV~

I woke up the next day at 7 and realized it's Saturday meaning no school. Yay! I got out of bed and saw that the others were still asleep. I decided that I'd let them sleep in and go for a stroll so I got dressed. 

This is what I wore: 

I was walking around and it was getting kind of lonely so I let out Glaceon, we were walking when I heard a cry for help, I ran in the direction of the cry and realized a girl a couple of years younger than me surrounded by some grunts in full black

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I was walking around and it was getting kind of lonely so I let out Glaceon, we were walking when I heard a cry for help, I ran in the direction of the cry and realized a girl a couple of years younger than me surrounded by some grunts in full black. "Hey!" I yelled. "Leave her alone!" I added getting their attention. "Who are you?" one of them asked me. "I don't think I need to tell you that. Now let her go!" I replied. "And why'd we do that girlie?" another man asked. I groaned and said, "If your not gonna do it the easy way, we're gonna have to do it the harder way. Glaceon ice beam! Freeze them!" I commanded and she nodded, "Glace!" (Got it!) She froze the grunts and I headed towards the girl, "Hey there. You alright?" I asked her and she nodded, "Thanks!" She said hugging me. "No problem, what's your name?" I asked her. "Esther, what's your name?" She responded, "I'm May." I said getting up and calling the police, "What did they want from you?" I asked her. "They wanted my pokemon," she replied and I nodded in understanding. "Okay. Where were you headed?" I asked. "I was gonna go meet my brother, Drew at his school," she told me and it clicked. "Drew Hayden?" I asked her and she nodded surprised. "Should have known from the green hair," I muttered. "Wait, I'm Drew's friend, we'll go together once I'm done with these guys," I said pointing at the grunts. 

I called out Blaziken, "Blaziken, use Ember to melt this ice." I said once the grunts were surrounded by police. The police cuffed the grunts and took them and Officer Jenny came to thank me, "Thank you so much, May." she told me and I smiled, "It's no problem." I told her and after that Esther and I started walking to the dorm. 

Once we were there, I unlocked the door and we entered, "Hi guys!" I said getting everyone's attention. Esther rushed and hugged Drew which took him by surprise but he reciprocated it, "What are you doing here Esther?" Drew asked Esther. She told him everything about how she was gonna surprise him and the grunts and me saving her and I just smiled, "Well, as Esther's brother, I guess I gotta thank you, airhead." Drew joked flicking his fringe. "If it's from you, I think I'll pass." I joked back. 

I introduced Esther to Max and Max to Esther, they were the same age and got along quite nicely. "What should we do now?" I asked the others, "May, can you make your strawberry pancakes? I really miss them." Max asked me and I nodded. "Thanks!" he practically yelled. 

"You know, Drew loves strawberries a lot." Esther started, "I'll make sure to keep some extra for him then," I said while Drew blushed slightly. "I'll help you May. It's the least I can do after you saved my pokemon." Esther said as she followed me to the kitchen. So, everyone was enjoying pancakes made by Esther and me. Ash dove into it like a munchlax causing everyone to burst into laughter, "This is delicious, May!" Ash said with his mouth stuffed. Misty picked up her mallet and Ash suddenly apologized to everyone and Misty put down her mallet. After eating, I asked Max if he found anything about 'CC' and he nodded. "May, I think your right. It has come in the poke-news that Red disappeared after becoming a pokemon master and soon after that, 'CC' started wreaking havoc. Challenging any strong pokemon trainer he spots but what confirms your theory the most is that they have the exact same pokemon team." Max told us causing the gang and me to nod our head while Esther looked at us confused. "Mind filling me in?" she asked me and I explained everything to her. "Say, I've heard about this 'CC' guy. Some say that he works for Team Magma." Esther told us causing my head to jerk up. "Really?!" I asked her and she nodded. "I see," I said calming down. "Why though?" Misty asked me, "H-huh?" I asked back, "What's with you jerking up on hearing Team Magma?" Leaf clarified. I looked at Max for rescue and he shrugged, "N-nothing," I answered hoping they'd let it go. Note to self, NO MORE SLIP UPS. I wanted to tell them, but I think it'll change the way they look at me. "Okay." Leaf said in a 'still-don't-believe-you' tone causing me to sigh. "Anyways, What should we do now since we're done with breakfast? Max asked us. I thanked him with a nod and said "How about we go practice? Esther, you a trainer or coordinator?" I asked her, "I'm a coordinator, you are too right?" She responded and I nodded. "Let's go practice then," Dawn said pumping a fist in the air as we grabbed our pokeballs and came to the practice arena. 

"Okay, so first we all can warm up separately and then battle each other" I suggested and the others agreed.

Max called out his pokemon first, "Kirlia! Treeko! Poochyena! Mudkip! Come on out guys!" His pokemon came out and I was surprised, "Max, you caught a mudkip!?" I exclaimed as he nodded, "The little fella was hurt but still put up a good fight." he told us. 

Then Esther called out her pokemon, "Surscit! Ralts! Swablu! Azurill!" I was impressed, "Wow Esther! You have a swablu! Hold on," I said as I took out Altaria's Pokeball and threw it, "Altaria, look who's here!" I added. Swablu and Altaria became friends. Then the gang and I called out our pokemon. All of them became friends and then went to warm up with their trainers. 

I had an idea for a contest appeal so I called ivysaur and commanded, "Ivysaur, razor leaf!" I yelled and she nodded, "Now, Vinewhip them!" I continued, she did so causing the leaves to slow down and act like they're slowly falling down, "Perfect! Now, sweet scent." I added. It worked exactly as I envisioned it. "Great job Ivysaur!" I praised her as she smiled. Then, I heard clapping from behind me, I turned around and realized the gang + Max and Esther looking astonished causing me to blush. "Not bad airhead," Drew said while tossing a flower. I was red, not from blushing though, from anger. "Ivysaur vine whip him!" I told her with a smirk. She reciprocated the smirk and used vine whip to lift Drew high above the ground. "HEY! PUT ME DOWN!" He yelled, "The magic word?" I asked him. He answered "Please" while blushing. 

"Wow May, Drew barely says 'please' to anyone," Esther said. "Also, that was an amazing appeal, think you can help me with some appeals?" She asked me and I nodded, "Of course, Esther." I said with a smile and she beamed, "Thanks!" she replied. Then we had our battles and I won most of them except a battle with Ash and one with Paul. I decided to work on a few more appeals while the others watched, "Okay, Skitty use assist in the sky!" I commanded and the assist turned out to be razor leaf, "We can work with that, Use blizzard to freeze them in place!" I said and she did it, "Great, now assist again!" Assist came out to be Ice shard, "Perfect! Skitty safeguard!" I said as the frozen leaves fell down and the safeguard gave a glow. The other's clapped again. "That was great Skitty! Go and rest now." I said with a smile. 

"Okay last one, Glaceon, you're up!" I said, "Glace!" she said determined and I thought for a minute, "Okay Glaceon, this should work, use Ice beam to make a circle of pillars at different heights in order!" I called.

"Glace" she said and did it, "Good, now double team and iron tail!" She did as I asked and the iron tails hit the pillars creating a gentle melody. "Icely done, Glaceon." I said "Pun intended." I added. As we giggled. I returned all of them and the gang followed me. "Great appeals, May. No wonder you're a six-timing-top-coordinator." Misty said. "You're what?!" Esther yelled, "Is it true?!" She asked me and I nodded. "Wow! That's amazing, May!" She exclaimed, "I guess it is." I replied as we made our way back home exhausted from a whole day of practice. 

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm calling it night." I said as I opened my room door. "Us too, May." Leaf replied. "Good night." We all said and entered our rooms, Max slept on the couch and Esther slept with Drew. 

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