What's the rucus?

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~Drew's POV~

I was standing backstage with May as she talked to her pokemon about who knows what? I was busy admiring her when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around to see Brendan. I smirked, "You may be her boyfriend but that doesn't mean you've won her completely!" he whispered and my smirk grew. 

I stepped back and turned to May who was oblivious to what he told me, I leaned in and kissed her, she was taken aback at first but kissed me back. From the corner of my eye, I saw Brendan fume in rage and smirked into the kiss. 

I pulled back to see a confused yet happy May and a raging Brendan. Brendan walked away while mouthing, "This isn't over." I smirked again and turned to May. "What was the for?" May asked me, "Am I not allowed to kiss my own girlfriend?" I asked her and she blushed crimson. 

"The next match will be between Brendan Birch and Drew Hayden!" Adeline announced, that was a coincidence but I'm so excited to defeat this loser. May smirked at me and I smirked back. "Show him who's boss." she said before as I walked away towards the stage. 

Brendan was waiting there with a smirk, but I could tell he was worried. I flicked my fringe before letting out Flygon, "Gaunn" he roared, Brendan let out his Swampert. 

(Flygon vs Swampert and Drew wins)

I flick my fringe once again as I saw Brendan's red face. He stomped away and I waved to the cheering crowd before making my way back to the gang. I looked at May and saw her basically jumping up and down in joy. 

She jumped up to hug me and I wrapped my hands around her waist. I set her down as the gang approached, "Nice job, Drew." Ash said, "Thanks Ash." I responded before stealing some of Leaf's pop corn. She whined and Gary glared at me making me shut up, look, you don't want to mess with a guy when he's in protective boyfriend mode. 

"Chill out, Gary." May said in my defense as Leaf giggled, they both high fived before we heard a loud yell for help. I turned to May and she had the same face as me. Without second thought, we ran outside to see the a big Meowth Balloon and 2 people in it. 

~May's POV~

We ran out to see the one and only, Team Rocket. "Team Rocket!!" Ash and I yelled in unison and immediately looked at each other in disbelief. "You know them?" Dawn asked me and I nodded, "Encountered them a couple of times during my expedition through Kanto and let me tell you, it was NOT pleasant!" I yelled as Team Rocket got ready to say their motto. "I'm sure!" Ash said gripping onto Pikachu.  

Jessie: Prepare for trouble!
James: Make it double!
Jessie: To protect the world from devastation!
James: To unite all peoples within our nation!
Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love!
James: To extend our reach to the stars above!
Jessie: Jessie!
James: James!
Jessie: Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!
James: Surrender now or prepare to fight!
Meowth: Meowth! That's right! 

"Oh look! The twerp and the twerpette are here!" Jessie exclaimed, "Team Rocket! What do you think you're doing!?" I yelled, "Stealing pokemon, of course!" James replied, "Well, you're not going to succeed!" I yelled back, "Young Lady, you talk a lot!" Meowth yelled earning many gasps.

"Yeah! He can talk!" I declared. Meowth pressed a button on the remote he was holding and giant vacuums started, I gripped on to Drew's hand so I don't fly away. "Glaceon! Come on out!" I said throwing her pokeball in the opposite direction of the flow. 

"Ice Beam!!" I commanded, Glaceon froze the balloon and the vacuums stopped working. "Ice shard!" And the balloon blasted off into space while dropping the big bag of stolen pokeballs. "Ivysaur! Vine whip!" I said throwing the pokeball. "Ivy!" she responded and caught it. 

"Thank you so much for saving my Evee, Miss May." A little girl said and I smiled, "That's alright, do me a favor, will ya?" I asked her and she nodded, "Call me May." I said and she nodded again happily. 

"Attention! The judges want to thank May Maple for saving everyone's pokemon today and that's why, we're awarding the tournament trophy to MAY MAPLE!" Adeline announced, "I won? Without even doing anything?" I said and Drew put his hand around my shoulders. 

"I guess so" he muttered and I smiled. I went up to the stage and took the trophy, I waved to the crowd and then came back down. "Alright? Let's go?" I asked the others once they congratulated me. "Can we go eatt?" Ash whined and pikachu copied him, "Pika Pikaa"

"Alright!" I cheered as we got out of the stadium, "Where do we eat?" Misty asked me, "We could always eat at home." I proposed. "Truee, you and Mist make the yummiest food." Ash said thinking out loud, "Then it's settled." Misty declared. 

"Any special requests?" I asked the others as we entered the school, "HOTDOGS!" Ash yelled and we chuckled, "Calm down, Ashyboy." Gary said, the two started arguing on another topic and it was making us girls so mad. 

"SHUT UP!" We yelled in unison at the two of them and they stood still, "Drop it, will ya?!" Leaf reprimanded. "Keep it down or my mallet might reach your head" Misty muttered making Ash shiver. 

We went to our dorm, Misty and I started making pasta for dinner while the rest decided on a movie to watch. Of course, the boys said horror while Dawn kept complaining. We watched a movie while eating and fell asleep on the couches snuggling with each other. 

Sorry for the small chapter ! Next chapter will be longer... Byee!! 

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