Max's Visit

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~May's POV~

I woke up at 5:30 because of my poketch alarm, to my surprise, we were all sleeping in the living room. Then I recalled what happened last time, "Oh, yeah. We slept here, after the song..." I got up and went to the kitchen to get breakfast ready for all, After eating, I messaged my dad. 

ME: Hi dad, when will you reach?

DAD: Hold on dear, almost there.

ME: Okay.

"I better wake the others up" I muttered before smirking. I tapped a few buttons on my poketch and a siren alarm played causing the gang to jerk up panicking. Then they glared at me and I said"Good Morning!" sweetly. "Why'd you do that!?" Dawn whined, "I was having a perfect dream!" She said dreamily. "Was Paul in it?" I asked smirking causing both of them to blush. I'm focusing on Dawn and Paul first, then Ash and Misty, not sure if I really have to do much for Leaf and Gary because Gary is a flirty playboy but I guess I gotta help Leaf, she tends to be timid at times. "No! I mean, yes, but not in the way you think!" Dawn said. "Which way, then?" Drew interjected smirking. She knew she couldn't come up with a counter so her head just drooped as Leaf patted her head. "Anyways, My dad and brother will be here any moment so we gotta pull this dorm together," I said encouragingly. In like, 30 minutes the dorm was back to normal and we all fell on the couch. Just then, my poketch rang and I accepted the call. "Hi, May!" I heard my brother call, "Hey Max! You guys here?" I asked, "Yeah! Open the door.!" he yelled getting excited to see us. I hung up and opened the door as my younger brother rushed in and hugged me. My father rubbed the back of his head and said "He's missed you a ton. Anyways, Hi May... Mind introducing us to your new friends." and I nodded. The gang stood up and came next to me. "The bluenette is Dawn, The orange-haired girl is Misty, the other brunette is Leaf, the grass head is Drew, The one with the Pikachu is Ash, Purple-haired one is Paul and the last one is Gary," I said receiving a glare from Drew. "Nice to meet you guys! And this dorm is also quite spacious, huh?" Dad said. "Yeah, it is," Misty said. "Alright, I got to go. Max be good, May make sure he's in one piece when I come back. I'll come in a week," Dad said as he exited the dorm. "Bye dad!" we both said. 

"So, dad said you got a posse to absolutely hate you, What's the story with that?" Max asked me. "Don't ask, their so-called 'leader' called me a loser as soon as she saw me and attempted to drown me with water but I made the water fall on her, then she punched me in the nose and got called to the principal's office, she didn't show up in any classes but at the end of school, she told me it wasn't over." I said exhausted as Max sighed and said, "Don't know how ya do it, there's always someone out there that hates you." I stuck my tongue out and replied, "It's a talent." Then something struck me, "Oh, Max, do you remember Red?" I asked Max. "Yeah, that guy. He was such a brag just cause he beat you," he replied. "Well, yesterday a random guy in a cloak and a mega Charizard came to our school and challenged me to a battle with a bet, he was gonna burn the school down if I lost. So, I had to battle with Lucario. I mega evolved him and won. Then, the guy named CC told me that I am stronger than I was the last time I battled him. I think Red is CC, can you run some researches on this CC character?" I asked Max. "Sure thing May, Wait, does this mean they know about your Lucario?" Max asked indicating to my friends. "Yeah, they do," I responded. "Lucario, come on out!" I said releasing him. 'Yes, master? Is something wrong?" He asked me, "No Lucario, nothing's wrong. I wanted you to meet my friends," I said as he nodded and turned to everyone and smiled. "Hi Lucario!" they all said. "That was one awesome battle you put up that day!" Misty told him. 'Thank you, if it wasn't for May, I'd probably been nothing like this.' he said to us causing everyone to be surprised. "Yeah, he can use telepathy to talk to others. " I told them causing them to nod impressed. "Why'd you keep him a secret, though?" Drew asked me. Max and I looked at each other and I hesitantly said, "I wanted to k-keep him as a secret weapon." the others gave me an 'I-don't-believe-you' look but let it slip causing me to sigh in relief. 'Lucario, I want to keep our Team Magma thing a secret from them.' I told Lucario telepathically so that the others couldn't hear and he nodded. What secret you may ask? Well, I am secretly part of Team Magma. You'll get to know about it later. "Anyways, Max you can go to my room and change if you want," I said pointing to my room. "Kay May," he said entering my room with his bag. "So, what do you wanna do?" I asked them trying to break the tension in the room. "I don't know, can you sing another song?" Dawn asked with puppy eyes, "Okay, but first you guys have to sing. I'm the one who always sings!" I claimed. "Oki Doki!" Dawn said. 
"I have an idea," Max said coming out of my room. "How about we have girls vs. boys?" he suggested. "Great Idea!" Ash yelled. "I'll be the judge," Max added. We all nodded, "Okay, Ladies first!" Drew announced. "Which song?" I asked the girls. "Who says by Selena Gomez" Dawn whispered to us and we nodded. I started playing the guitar and we sang. 

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