Another secret? [SHORT]

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~Leaf's POV~

I woke up at 4 am because I was thirsty, I went to the kitchen and drank water, I heard May's voice and went to the garden behind our dorm. I saw May and Dawn practicing with Lucario, Blazekin, Piplup, and Togekiss. I was shocked. 

How are they not tired? "Lucario, you need to keep your focus." May said, "Yes, master." Lucario replied, "Togekiss, you too." Dawn said, "Right, I'm sorry." Togekiss answered. 

I stood there behind a bush, They were sitting in a circle, meditating. I smiled, I turned around to leave but then suddenly, I saw May and Dawn infront of me, I shrieked but May covered my mouth. 

"What are you doing out here, Leaf?" she asked, "U-um, I was thirsty, so I went to drink water, and saw you training." I said still shook about how they knew I was there. They nodded, I turned to leave and that's when I realised something....

The pokemon were still in deep meditation....

So, how did May and Dawn teleport? 

Something's going on, but I'm too tired for this. If it's important, time will tell. 

I went in and went to sleep in my room. 

~May's POV~

"May, she suspects something. You teleported infront of her." Lucario said to me, "I know, Lucario... I'm well aware." I said with a creepy smile on my face. "May, remember what Aurora said, no one can know till we're done." Dawn said, "I know... you don't need to remind me." I replied. They nodded. 


Sorry for the short chapter.. I needed to put this in because I'm planning to make a sequel to this book, so I need to plot it from now. This book will be complete soon. Right now, you need to keep track of these things:

1. Who was trying to kidnap May?

2. What does Dawn mean by "till we're done"? 

3. Who is Aurora? 

4. Will the gang defeat Team Magma? 

2 and 3 will be answered in the sequel. 

1 and 4 will be answered in this book, soon. 

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