Cyber Bullying

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The next day, I woke up around 4 am to a crying sound, I became all panicky and ran outside, I realized the sound was coming from Dawn's room and knocked on the door gently, "Dawn? You in there?" I asked calmly, a minute later she replied, "Yeah May. You can come in." she said in a sad tone causing me to internally panic. I came inside and shut the door behind me, Dawn was sitting on the bed, her eyes all red and puffy and her pillow was wet, I realized her phone beside her and there was a post, I silently read it as my eyes widened in shock. 

cupcakelover303: Hey loser Dawn. Y'know, u should leave school. No one likes or needs u around anymore, they have May to replace you who is a MUCH BETTER coordinator then u. 

cupcakelover303: Ay loser, why aren't you replying?! 

cupcakelover303: You coward! U won't even reply. 

cupcakelover303: Take my advice and leave, u good for nothing. 

I felt a tear drop from my eye because whoever this idiot was, they were using me to insult Dawn. I sat next to dawn and let her cry on my shoulder as I murmured, "I'm so sorry Dawn." She got up and wiped her tears as she said, "It's ok, I'm sorry for waking you up." She said sadly. 

"That's the last thing I'm upset about, I hope you know that none of this is true. Whoever is texting you these lies is clearly jealous of you and I'm going to find out who," I said getting up from the bed, she got up and nodded. I quickly rushed over to my room and grabbed my laptop bringing it back to Dawn's room. "I'm going to find out who this idiot is, if it's the last thing I do." I said determined as Dawn smiled to me and I returned the smile. After what seemed like ages, I was done and was enraged by my findings. "That moron." I muttered getting up, "I know who did this, and I'm going to teach her a lesson." I said sternly before hugging Dawn once and stepping back, "Please, don't believe what she says, We care for you and you are a great coordinator, so what if I beat you in a couple of battles? You are an amazing coordinator so don't let any of these stupid lies get through to you, Dawn." I told her with a smile. She reciprocated the smile as she sat on her bed and drifted of to sleep, I covered her with the blankets and walked over to the kitchen to make myself some tea. I prepared some special milk with chocolate in it to cheer Dawn up then I thought about what I was gonna do about this cyber-bully. An hour later, everyone came out of their rooms looking refreshed, I frowned at the sight of Dawn's red eyes and gave her the chocolate milk saying, "Here this will cheer you up, and Dawn, next time something like this happens please tell me." I said with a smile, she reciprocated the smile and hugged me tight, "Thanks so much, May. It's only been a few days since you've come and you've already become one of the best friends I could ask for." she told me. The other's looked confused so I explained everything aside who it was. They all looked furious but sad, Paul's death glare become even angrier scaring the crap out of me. Then we heard a loud music coming from outside the school so we grabbed our pokemon and rushed out so we what it was about.

 We saw Nicolette (A/N: I don't mean to be offensive to anyone named Nicolette!), one of Brianna's stooges with a mic in her hand on a stage, I didn't want it to show but I was boiling in anger. Drew noticed this and put a hand on my shoulder, I relaxed for a second and then enraged as she said, "Hey there! I'm Nicolette as you may already know!" she said in an oversweet voice. 

"Oh, is that your name? Cause I thought it was cupcakelover303!" I yelled interrupting her causing all the attention to shift to me, but I wasn't discouraged by it. I gave her a death glare causing her to shiver. "What do you think cyber-bullying is going to gain you, Nicolette?" I asked her firmly. "It makes you look like nothing more than a coward who doesn't have the guts to say what you want to say in the face of the person." I called out. "I had no choice!" she screeched over the microphone, "I couldn't let her get so much fame in the school! She already got Paul!" She yelled pointing at Paul who was comforting Dawn, Paul scowled at this. I had enough at this point, "YOU SHOULD HAVE ACCEPTED THAT YOU CAN'T GET EVERYTHING! THAT DAWN DESERVES IT! DON'T SPREAD ANY SUCH GOSSIPS FROM NOW ON BECAUSE THE NEXT THING YOU HEAR, MIGHT BE ABOUT YOU!" I yelled out loud making her shut up and hang her head low in shame, I noticed Brianna making her exit probably so that she isn't yelled at like Nicolette, "THESE ARE WHO YOU CALL 'FRIENDS'?" I asked pointing at Brianna and the other girls, Nicolette was almost in tears at the sight of her friends betraying her and leaving her to deal with this mess. "Nicolette, It's time to change your ways while you still can." I said finally calming down as I walked away with the gang following close behind.

When we reached the dorm, I was once again attacked by a hug by Dawn, "Thanks so much May! That was amazing! The way you didn't hesitate to teach her a lesson and show her the right way, I respect you for not choosing violence and letting her change her ways." Dawn told me as she pulled away. "Dawn, violence is never the answer, sure, you can punish one, but violence will only enrage them more and will start an endless cycle of revenge." I said calmly, "and I already have that with Brianna," I added chuckling, the guys + Max decided to game together while the girls and I + Esther decided to chat in Dawn's room. An hour later the doorbell rang and I got it, I opened it to see the last person I expected, Nicolette. "Um, Hi May, I know I'm probably the last person you want to see but I really need to apologize to you guys and especially Dawn. You were right, I was being nothing but a coward by cyber bullying Dawn." She said as she hung her head low. "May! Who's there?" Dawn asked as she stepped out and saw Nicolette, "Nicolette?" She said out of utter disbelief, "Dawn, I'm really sorry for what I've done. I was wrong, and you deserve only the best. You aren't a coward, I was the coward." She admitted, Dawn came up to her and hugged her, "I know you didn't mean to, you only did it because Brianna wanted you to do it," She said as she pulled away, "But Nicolette, you need to understand that Brianna is only going to push you down in the end to become the 'so-called-ccp'." She told Nicolette and she nodded, "Yeah, thanks to you guys, my eyes are now open," Nicolette said as she came up to me and hugged me, "Thanks to you," She murmured, I pulled away and smiled, "No problem, friends?" I asked her holding out my hand and she shook it, "Friends." She said, "Oops, I need to go, Dawn, this is for you." She said handing Dawn a box of chocolates, Dawn beamed and took it thanking Nicolette, "Alright, Bye!" Nicolette called as she left. 

"Guys, time to practice." I called out, "Really? But, I'm tired!" Ash whined "Pika, Pika!" pikachu added, "Ash, you've been sitting in one seat for more than half of the day," Misty chimed in. "But, I don't wanna!" Gary whined, "OAK! UP! NOW!" Leaf yelled and Gary immediately got up with a scared expression, "YOU TOO ASH!" Misty added, "Come on, Paul and Drew," I said since Dawn was lost in her chocolates, "Dawn, quick," I called as we all exited the dorm. After 3 hours of practice we came back exhausted and collapsed on our beds, we had school tomorrow. 

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