Truth Or Dare

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~Drew's POV~

I was still mad at May's little trick and the others were smirking, Leaf finally decided to break the smirking session and asked May "How in the world did you do that?" We all were curious to know. "I spent 3 years learning the 5 forms of martial art." She replied while smiling, I gotta admit, she looked cute like that. Then, we heard a poketch beep. It was May's and she accepted the call. "Hello, can you hear me?" the robotic voice asked. May raised an eyebrow and replied "No." causing all of us to look confused. "Oh, umm, ehh, ugh." The voice said and hung up. May giggled "Figures someone'd wanna hack you during lunchtime." she said causing us to be more confused. "What are you talking about, airhead?" I spoke on behalf of everyone. She glared at me for the nickname but answered with "Ever heard of the 'Say "YES" Scam'?" She asked us and we shook her head no. "Well, it's a scam in which hackers basically obtain a recording of you saying "YES". So, that they can use this recording to make future purchases with your name, charging it on you." She replied causing us to be shocked. "How do you know that?" Gary asked her and she replied slightly hesitant, "I'm genuinely interested in such stuff so I do my research." 

The others chatted more and more and I looked out the window and my back started feeling sore. May noticed this and went to the kitchen, a while later she came back and gave me some milk. I accepted it and took a few sips as my face instantly relaxed. "Feel better?" she asked me and I replied, "Surprisingly yeah, what did you add to the milk?" She smiled and replied "I tinted it with some herbs and berries that help with soreness. Basically, for the rest of the day, we were chatting, laughing, teasing, and getting to know May better. I found myself occasionally stare at her. The next day, however, my back was extremely sore thanks to the airhead. I came out of my room and saw May at the table she saw my facial expression and giggled as she handed me another glass of milk "Here ya go, grumpy face." I scowled and she just giggled more. Which was cute. As we were hanging around the school, Brianna came up to us and punched May in the nose making her stumble backward. 

"MAY! YOU'RE BLEEDING!" Dawn yelled. 

~May's POV~

I touched my nose and winced as I felt wet, I withdrew my hand and saw blood. I felt tears form but swallowed them in. The gang seemed ready to murder Brianna as she was about to hit me again but I held it and quickly pushed a few pressure points on her hand causing it to be temporarily paralyzed. She tried using her other hand but I did the same thing again. A teacher who saw all this walked up to us "BRIANNA! REPORT TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE IMMEDIATELY!" She barked sternly. Brianna just left with a 'Hmph' and the teacher turned to me with sympathy. "May, you should go to the nurse's office," she told me and I nodded as I felt a tear run down my face as the gang followed me. "Can I go kill her?" Misty begged me and I let out a small chuckle, "No, Misty. It's alright. It doesn't hurt that bad." I lied. "This is still unacceptable, she's never stooped that low," Drew replied with his voice full of concern and anger. I smiled and responded with a "She can call me dirt or punch me as she wants, she makes one move to hurt you she'll regret for the rest of her life." I said the last part darkly as we went to the nurse's office. After Nurse Joy cleaned up the wound she asked a pokemon to use heal bell and I was miraculously healed. (A/N: Please don't question this!) 

"So? What do you wanna do, there's still 1 hour before we need to get to the class." I asked the gang. "How about we go practice? We haven't seen your pokemon." Ash suggested and we agreed. We went out and everyone called out their pokemon. 

I called out my team, "Blaziken! Beuatifly! Ivysaur! Skitty! Munchlax! Glaceon! Wartotle! Come out, guys!" I yelled as everyone revealed themselves in order. I had one last pokemon who I decided to keep a secret for now. The gang just stared at us in awe, "WOW! Your pokemon look really strong! What do ya say to a pokemon battle?" Ash asked me "Hm, sure! Right after you guys show me your pokemon!" I said. They all nodded and threw their pokeballs. 

Drew called out his team, "Roserade! Flygon! Masquerain! Absol! Butterfree! Leafeon!" I was impressed at how strong and healthy his pokemon looked. 

Next, Dawn called out her pokemon, "Piplup! Buneary! Pachirisu! Mesprit! Cyndaquil! Togekiss! Emolga! Spotlight!" 

Then came Ash, "Sceptile! Glalie! Swellow! Torkoal! Corpish! Charizard! Come on out!" (Yes, I am keeping his Charizard!" 

Leaf was next, "Bulbasaur! Pidgeot! Sandshrew! Charmeleon! Raticate! Espeon! Let's go!" (I know this isn't the perfect team of Leaf, but just go with it.) 

Gary called out his, "Blastoise! Arcanine!  Umbreon! Donphan! Alakazam! Come out, guys!" 

Misty called her water-type pokemon, "Goldeen! Golduck! Staryu! Starmie! Corsola! Vapereon! Let's go!" 

Then was Paul and him being Paul didn't care to call each pokemon's name, "Stand by!" (Paul has the same team he had in the anime) 

"WOW, you guys! Your pokemon look so strong and healthy!" I praised them. "Now for the battle!" Ash yelled. I chuckled and went to one end of the battlefield. 

(Sceptile vs Blaziken and May wins) 

The others were awestruck, they knew Ash was very strong and that I was a coordinator. "Anyone else wanna battle?" I asked the rest, "Sure" Drew replied. 

(Leafeon vs Glaceon and May wins) 

I ended up going against the whole gang ad won every battle but till then, all my pokemon were tired. "Alright you guys, we've got 10 minutes till class starts, Let's give our pokemon to Nurse Joy and get to class," I told them. After giving our pokemon to Nurse Joy, Misty started, "I still can't believe you defeated all of us!" I chuckled, "It wasn't easy, but I guess all that training and learning paid off." The others nodded. "So, my first lesson is Maths. Can ya help me?" I asked them. "Even I have maths, so you can come with me," Dawn told me. After Maths, I had physics which was pretty boring. Then was English, which was okay I guess. But the chemistry class was the best, Ash and Gary caused a small explosion while Leaf, Misty, and I were trying best not to burst into laughter. After school, when we were going back to the pokemon center to collect our pokemon, Brianna came to me and whispered "This isn't over." in a fake venomous voice and I chuckled. "What is it?" Leaf asked me, "It was Brianna, she was telling me that this isn't over." I told them. "You're starting a war," Paul said as they all sighed. "No, I am not. Brianna is." I pointed out. Half an hour of homework for the girls and half an hour of detention for the boys later, we all came out of our rooms and decided to play truth or dare. By now, I figured out that these guys crushed on each other and I wanted to have some fun. "So, I'm starting truth or dare." and they nodded. "Hm, Leaf. Truth or Dare?" She thought for a second then chose dare. I smirked and got up and went to the kitchen. I came back with a SUPER SPICY CHIP and handed it to Leaf, "Eat this without a reaction." I told her. She took it and put it in her mouth like it was nothing, a second later her face was red and she was trying hard not to jump up and down. I quickly brought a glass of milk and gave it to her. "NEVER AGAIN! NOT CHOOSING DARE WITH MAY!" She yelled as all of us burst into laughter, but the one laughing the most was Gary. "Hmph! Dawn, truth or dare?" She asked the bluenette, "Truth, I'd like to stay away from super spicy chips please." She told us. Leaf smirked "Do you like someone?" she asked slyly. Dawn blushed and hesitantly said "Y-yeah" causing Paul to be slightly perked up as I smirked. "May, truth or dare?" She asked me, "Huh?" I asked snapping out my trance. "You spaced out, airhead," Drew said as I glared at him for the nickname. "Stupid grass head," I muttered as I turned to Dawn and picked dare. She smirked causing me to raise an eyebrow. "I dare you to sing a song for us!" I sighed, "Kay, let me bring my guitar." I said as I went to my room and brought my guitar, "Which song?" I asked them. The girls looked at each other and told me "Hate u Love u." I sighed, "Alright." 

"Feeling used, but I'm still missing you. And I can't see the end of this.......................................................... I hate you, I love you. I hate that I want you. You want her, you need her. And I'll never be her." I finished and saw that the others were awestruck. "Wow, May! That was amazing!" Gary told me. "Yeah!" Leaf told me. Then I saw Dawn getting kind of sleepy so I told the others "Thanks guys, Let's call it Night here. Dawn already slept." I said pointing at Dawn. "Paul, how about you pick her up and put her in bed," I asked Paul with a smirk while he slightly blushed. "Fine," he grunted as all of us smirked. Soon, we went to bed.

hate u love u 
Olivia O'Brien

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