A new friend!

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~May's POV~

I woke up at 5 o clock the next day, still sleepy but I had to get up because now is basically the only time I can work on things without the gang disturbing, for obvious reasons today is a holiday, and if you couldn't figure it out already, it's a holiday because the party ended after midnight, so the principal called it a holiday. 

What work? I want to clarify a few things related to Team Magma, I want to know if the rumor of 'CC' being part of Team Magma is true so I opened Maxie's mail and wrote.

"Hi Maxie, I have a few questions for ya." Yes, I talk to him casually when I'm not on duty, he mostly allows because the organization will collapse without me. 

A couple of minutes later, I got a response, "Do you really have to ask me now? I just woke up."

 I sighed, "Either you answer now or my dorm mates find out about my secret." I responded.

 "Fine, Fine. Go ahead." he replied, 

"So, is the rumor true that, 'CC' is part of Team Magma and if yes, I want to know his real name." I typed. 

"Yes, it is. However, he does not appreciate me telling others his name." Maxie sent.

 "I don't care. I want to know his real identity." I replied. 

"It's Red." he replied. 

I was right!! "Hm, thought so. Does he know about my secret?" I asked and he said, 

"No, I don't think so. Why are you asking me this?" I replied, "I'll tell ya later, thanks for answering and sorry for disturbing." I sent as I shut my laptop down. 

"Interesting..." I murmured as I got up from my bed. "Well, I better get ready." I said to myself as I entered my wash room. 

~Drew's POV~

I woke up at 6 o clock, got ready in blue jeans and a plain green half sleeves shirt. I came out of my room to see May on the couch with her laptop, she seemed to be concentrated and serious. 

She was wearing a red crop top with blue slim jeans and her bandana around her hair. She didn't realize me sit next to her until I kissed her cheek startling her. She noticed me and blushed as she quickly closed whatever tab she had opened making me raise an eyebrow. 

"What were you doing?" I asked her seriously, she was still startled but stayed quite for a bit as if thinking "I won't be mad if that's what you're thinking. Unless you're trying to cheat on me." I said as she relaxed a bit, "I'm not cheating on you and it's not about getting angry, I'm not doing anything wrong." she said as she kissed me on the cheek and I nodded my head. 

"What is it then?" I asked calmly, "I was just trying to find out who was trying to kidnap me." She replied, I nodded again. "I'm glad you didn't break down because of that." I said and she giggled, "That much won't be enough to take down a top team magma member, speaking of which, I found out that my suspicions were right, CC is Red." she said. 

"Okay, so now what?" I asked her, "I don't know, let's discuss once the others come out." she said and as if on cue we heard Dawn yell, "AHH! MY HAIR!!" and then many groans and 'What the hell's' were heard. 

I made some coffee cause May was too busy researching to do it, "May, let's make break fast." I called and she nodded. We made some cheesy egg toasts and put them on the table. Like expected the minute the scent reached Ash's room he came floating out, literally, how does he do it? 

The others also came soon, the guys dressed jeans and shirts and the girls were wearing crop tops along with either shorts or jeans. "What do we do today?" Dawn asked as she took a seat at the table. 

"I need to discuss somethings with y'all after breakfast." May informed them and they nodded their heads. After we were done with eating and put our dishes in the sink, we sat down on the couches. 

~May's POV~

"Okay guys, first things first, my suspicions were right. Red is CC and is part of team Magma, so we're going to have some troubles taking team Magma down." I started, "May, how is Red being part of team Magma supposed to be a problem?" Dawn interrupted, "Dawn, if Red is a part of team Magma then he is going to be ordered to fight us making it hard for us to execute whatever plan we come up with, he seemed pretty strong." Ash said making us slightly shocked, "I'm not that dumb." he said irritated and we nodded. 

"I hope that answers your doubt, Dawn." I said and she nodded, "Okay, so I did some research on Red and about his disappearance and what I found isn't good." I said as I opened the website, "Apparently, after he became a champion, he kissed his friend's girlfriend so the girl he kissed, his girlfriend and his other friends left him and he was alone, a couple of days later, he disappeared and CC was discovered." I told them. 

"However, Red declared in his last interview before he disappeared that the girl he 'kissed', Liana (I made her up!) is the one who actually kissed him and took a picture, she was also the one who showed it to the others making the others betray him for no real reason." I added, "This is messed up." Drew said with a sigh. 

"So, if what Red declared in his last interview is true, then he was betrayed making him turn sides.. at least that's what I think." I declared, "Okay, so, that's that. Have you found any info on who was trying to kidnap you?" Misty asked.

"I saw the video footage many times but couldn't get a good look at him, all I know is that he had black/brown hair and brown/blue eyes." I said, as I leant into the chair, "I don't think I know anyone like that." I muttered. 

I felt someone pat my head and saw Drew's hand, I smiled. "I'm thinking we wait before we shut team Magma down because we're going to need more practice, one battle with CC made my strongest Pokémon so tired." I said and the others nodded.

"We have summer holidays coming in a few weeks anyways, we can practice and execute our plan during that time." Leaf suggested, "Great, that wraps it up for now. Let's go practice." I said as I grabbed my pokeballs.

 We went to a big lawn right behind the school, a while later when I was practicing with kirlia, I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around to see a girl, my age with brown hair that reached below her shoulders with bangs, hazel eyes, a fair complex, and a black frock with boots. "May I help you?" I asked, "Hi, I'm Lin. I was actually hoping for a battle..." she said and I smiled, "Sure! I was just practicing anyways." I said. (This character was requested by Nice_Clover

We went to the battle field with the gang watching, "This is a one on one battle!" Gary said as he was the referee, "Begin!" he called, I sent out Glaceon and Lin sent out Sylveon.

(Glaceon vs Sylveon) It was a long and intense battle that ended in a draw. "That was a good battle" I said as I shook her hand, "We couldn't properly introduce ourselves, I'm May." I said the gang introduced themselves, "I'm Lin." she said.

We talked for a while, apperantly she was coordinator and big fan of mine and that's why she got an eevee, but she evolved it into a sylveon. She informed us about some tournament which will be held in this city tomorrow and it was for both coordinators and trainers so we all registered. 

"I should be going now, We'll meet in the tournament though." Lin said with a smile, "Of course." I said as we bid our good byes and came home. It was already getting dark so I prepared some dinner, we ate and slept. I was thinking about Lin and the battle contest, she was pretty strong.

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