CC vs May

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~May's POV~

I woke up at 5:30 and got ready, I came outside and saw everyone coming out. "So, what do you wanna do now?" I asked them. "Classes are cut short today because of the grand picnic," Dawn added. Just then, my poketch rang. 

"Hey, dad!" I said.

"Hi, May! How is it going at the school? Did you make any friends and enemies?" He asked.

I sweatdropped, "Yes dad, I made friends and found a posse that absolutely hates me. Anyways, what's with calling me this time?" I asked

"Okay, so. Your mom and I have to go out on business and, we were wondering if Max could stay with you at your dorm. It's ok with the principal." he asked me. I looked at the gang and they nodded.

"Okay with us, but if he annoys me I won't have a problem roasting him, literally. Blaziken will be more than happy to do it." I said, now it was the gang's turn to sweatdrop.

"Sure, just make sure he comes back in one piece." He said.

"Ok, when will he come?" I asked dad.

"Tomorrow about this time, I'll drop him off." He said.

"Alright, Bye dad!" I told him.

"Bye, May! Take care!" He said as I hung up.

"Classes start at 7, so we have a lot of time. What do you wanna do?" I asked them. 
They were about to answer when we heard the school intercom. "HELLO! I REQUEST MAY MAPLE TO REPORT TO THE COURTYARD, IMMEDIATELY WITH HER POKEMON!" it yelled. "Um, let's go guys," I told them and we ran to the courtyard. 

When we got there we saw a man with a black cloak with a mega Charizard. "Ah, May Maple!" he said. "Who are you?" I asked him, "I am CC and I challenge you to a 1 on 1 battle with a bet." He told me causing me to raise an eyebrow. "Why me? I'm not a trainer. I'm a coordinator." I asked him. "I saw your battles yesterday and I want to challenge you," he said with a smirk. "What's the wager?" I asked him. "If you win, I'll leave without destroying anything or hurting anyone but you lose, then I'll burn the whole school to crisps," he said causing everyone's eyes to widen. I looked at Mr. Jones, the principal and he sighed and nodded. "Alright, I accept." 

We both went to each side of the battlefield. I knew I couldn't take any chances so I had to count on my secret pokemon. I threw his Pokeball in the air, "Stand by for battle, Lucario!" I yelled. Everyone, including CC, was shocked at first. But then, CC started laughing. "You think you can beat my Mega Charizard with a simple Lucario?" He asked. It was mine and Lucario's turn to smirk. "Don't be so sure, CC." After saying that, I mega evolved Lucario causing everyone to be shocked again. This time CC frowned, "Fine, let's begin!" 

After a long and intense battle, I finally won but I was still suspicious of him so I told Lucario to be on guard through telepathy. I held Blaziken's Pokeball in my hand and saw him smirk. "Nice battle May, you have become much stronger than last time we battled." Then he teleported right beside me and said "I'll be back though." Then he teleported away. 

I ran straight to Lucario hugged him, "Great Job Lucario!" I said out loud and then telepathically told him, 'Thanks a lot, Lucario. Rest, You did amazing today.' He smiled and said 'Thank you master.' as I returned him. I walked towards the gang but my mind kept pondering over what CC said. What does he mean by 'The last time we battled.' I don't remember him. But then again, he had a cloak so I couldn't fully see his face. Right then, I was snapped out of my thoughts by Dawn slapping me. "Ow, Dawn. What was that for?" I asked as I rubbed my cheek where she slapped me. "That's for taking the risk and not telling us that you have a Lucario and the ability to mega evolve him." She said with a pout. "Eh, fair enough," I said as my mind once again started thinking about CC. "Earth to Airhead?" I heard Drew ask. "My name is May" I hissed. "Whatever," he said as we started walking towards the principal. "Excellent job, May!" He said and I smiled, "Thank you, Mr. Jones." I said as felt someone tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw the battle teacher. "May, that was simply amazing! You could probably beat my strongest students and also me." Mr. Luthor said. "Thank you, sir, though I highly doubt I could beat you," I said. Then we went back to the dorm since we had 1 hour for the first class and I was tired, I immediately plopped onto the couch and started thinking about who CC actually is. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize the others were calling my name. Then I felt like I was being electrocuted. I snapped and yelled "AAH!". I glared at Pikachu and Ash. "Sorry May, Drew asked us to do it." Ash said, "Pika! Pika!" Pikachu exclaimed. I glared at Drew. "You wouldn't snap out of it." He said acting innocent. I sighed as I sat back on the couch. "So, what were you thinking about?" Misty asked me. "Remember CC said I was stronger than the last time I battled him," I told the others and they nodded. "What I don't understand is, I don't remember CC at all but then again, he did have a cloak so it was very hard to see his face. I wonder who he was." Suddenly I stood up in realization. "I just need to think about people I've battled with a Charizard. Can't be Ash, cause I met him 2 days ago. Who else?" I muttered. "RED!" I yelled startling everyone. "It has got to be Red!" I said. "Who's Red?" Dawn asked me. "He's a really strong pokemon trainer and I'm guessing CC and Red are the same people," I said. "I mean, Red did have a Charizard when I met him, and I did battle with him. But then, my strongest pokemon was Cumbuskin. So, I lost after an intense battle," I told the others. They nodded. We started walking towards our first class, I had biology with Leaf. There were many whispers about how I defeated CC being a coordinator giving me a lot of attention. The whole day I didn't see Brianna, so I'm guessing she's been suspended for a few days which I was happy for. At the end of school, we all met up and decided to hang out in the city. We all let out one of our pokemon. I let out Glaceon, Drew let out Leafeon, Dawn let out Piplup, Paul had Azumarill, Ash had Pikachu out, Misty got out Vapereon, Gary called out Umbreon and Leaf called out Espeon. "Wow, we have a lot of Eevee evolutions," I said. "We just need Sylveon, Flareon, and Jolteon," I added. "Yeah..." Misty said. 

We had a lot of fun and teasing and laughing. When we told Dawn that Paul carried her to bed she blushed like crazy and it was so funny! At, 6:30 we decided to come back and I made dinner. For dinner, we had Chicken Pasta and Ash's reaction was worth waiting for. After dinner, the girls begged me to sing another song so I had to agree when Dawn and Leaf clung to me while Misty held my guitar. "Okay, Okay! I'll do it!" I told them to get off me and allow me to sit with the guitar. "Which song?" I asked them. They thought for a bit and told me to sing Umbrella by Ember Island. I agreed and started singing  "You have my heart. We'll never be worlds apart. May be in magazines............................................................................." 

Ember Island 

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