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| Time skip because, wynaut |
(2 hours before the party) 

~Dawn's POV~

"Come on!! We have only 2 hours to get ready, girls!!" I said while pulling Misty and Leaf, May was just following. "Oh, alright." Misty said as she entered my room. "Boys! Get ready!" I shouted as I entered and May followed. 

First I did their makeup, then I did their hair and May did mine. We wore the dresses, it was a regular dance party, not an actual Ball. 

After 2 hours we were ready, we came out and showed the boys our looks and they were awestruck. 

This is what we wore: 

Misty : 

Misty : 

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Leaf : 

Dawn (Me) : 

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Dawn (Me) : 

Dawn (Me) : 

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May : 

We all had our hair down with some makeup

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We all had our hair down with some makeup. We blushed as we saw the boys reaction, the boys all had tuxes with different colored ties, Paul had black, Gary had purple, Drew had green and Ash had orange.

~Drew's POV~

The girls looked awesome, but I was focused on May. Her hair was down and not in her usual puppy ear style. She looked beautiful, I mean, how do you not fall in love with her!? 

She blushed, and I did too. I gave her a pink rose, usually I'd give her a red rose but she's wearing pink so I decided to give her a pink rose. "You look good, June." I said as she blushed and accepted the rose, "Not bad yourself, grass head." 

We headed for the dance with the others holding hands and May and I were, well, just walking. We entered the hall to see many people in outfits similar to us. Except 4 girls, they were in ball gowns. Wonderful, yes, you guessed it.............. Brianna and her posse!

Brianna noticed me and ran up to me, "Hi Drewwy! Long time no see!" She squealed and I sighed, "Brianna, you mind? I'm trying to enjoy the night." I told her. "Huh? Oh, is this loser not letting you enjoy?" Brianna said pointing at May. 

"Shut up, Brianna, leave May out of this." I told her angrily and she ran away half in tears. "Good riddance." I muttered and May gave me a smile, the others had wandered off somewhere. The songs started playing for the dances. 

Just as I was about to ask May for a dance another guy, Brendan, came and asked her and May being the polite girl she is, accepted. They danced for a while and I was irritated with the way he was smiling at May, if you know May, you could tell she wants to step on the guy's foot hard and walk away. 

May walked over to me and sighed, "Finally, that's done!" she said as she grabbed a glass of punch. After one song, I gathered the courage to ask her to dance, "May I have this dance, April?" I asked as I held out my hand and she nodded placing her hand in mine. It fit perfectly.

We danced and it was like heaven, I could feel Brendan glaring at me but I didn't care, I'm sure Brianna was also glaring at May but she didn't care either. We smiled at each other as we ended dancing. "May, can I talk to you?" I asked her and she nodded, "Come on." I said taking her hand and leading her out to the park. 

I made sure no one could eavesdrop and took a deep breath preparing myself for a rejection before saying, "May... I have something important to tell you, I just can't hold it in any longer...  I Love you." I said quickly, she tilted her head trying to understand what I said so I repeated myself slower. "Uh- I- Drew-" She said and I sighed.

"You don't feel the same do yo-" I asked but I was cut off by May...kissing me!? I kissed her back and she smiled at me, "Does this answer your question?" she asked me and I nodded, "I have one more though." I added and she nodded signaling me to continue. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked and she nodded and hugged me, "I will, Drew." 

I smiled at her... I got a girlfriend!!!!!! I was freaking out on the inside, May pulled away from the hug and took my hand as we walked towards the party. "Let's tell the others about the good news!" she said happily and I smiled.

~May's POV~

I couldn't believe it....... I GOT A BOYFRIEND!! "Drew, do you think Brianna is going to try and murder me?" I asked hesitantly, "She always does, June." he replied with a chuckle. I giggled, he was right. Whether I date Drew or not, she's still going to try and kill me. "You're right." I said. 

"I'm always right." he replied in a matter of fact tone, "Someone's got a big ego" I teased, "You've got a bigger one." he retorted as we entered the auditorium hand in hand receiving glares by Brendan and Brianna but we didn't mind. 

They could glare all they want, it ain't separating us. I honestly don't know why Brendan is glaring at Drew, I just met that dude and he's creepy, like, really creepy. "Drew, do you know anything about that creepy Brendan guy?" I asked him and he nodded, "Yeah, he's got a group of friends who, I'm pretty sure have crushes on the other girls of the gang." he said and I nodded.

"So, they're technically a copy of Brianna's posse but for the girls of our gang instead of the boys?" I asked confirming and he nodded. "Let's hope he doesn't become a constant head ache of a flirt." Drew muttered and I giggled, I kissed him on his cheek and he smiled at me. 

We looked around till we spotted the gang who had worried looks on their faces, well the girls had worried looks on their faces, Paul was just standing, Gary was taking secret pictures of Leaf and Ash was eating. "Typical guys." I muttered and Drew nodded in agreement. 

We went to the gang and explained everything to them leaving the guys giving Drew fist bumps and 'congrats' while the girls squealed. "Seriously?" I asked and they stopped squealing, "You're the ones who got in a relationship before me!" I exclaimed and they turned crimson red making me smirk. 

We started dancing and danced till midnight. This was definitely the best dance party ever! I went to sleep that night ready for a new day. Everything is going to go up hill from now on. I just know it!

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