Just a regular day..... Right?

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~May's POV~ 

I woke up the next day, looked at my poketch realized, "IF I DONT GET READY IN 5 MINUTES, IM GONNA BE LATE!" I yelled as I jerked up, got ready and came outside to find a smirking Drew and a snickering Max, "What's the deal?" I asked with a raised eye brow, "Ya should have heard how you yelled, sis" Max said trying to keep himself from laughing, I groaned, "Max!!" I yelled as he smirked, "Y'know June, that was actually hilarious." Drew added making me even more mad, "Blaziken, come on out!" I called Blaziken, he looked at Max and then me knowing what to do, Max just panicked and hid behind Drew, "That won't help Max!" I said as Blaziken used ember on both of them. "Take this as a lesson, DON'T MESS WITH ME." I said firmly as the others poured in and I went to make some tea for myself. 

"What happened?" Dawn asked as she rubbed her eyes sleepily, "Max and Drew thought it'd be funny to change the time on my poketch so it made it look like I was late." I said grumpily, "But, Blaziken showed them who they were messing with" I added victoriously, "I'll say, Drew looks like he was put on a grill." Gary said while Paul got his phone and took a picture. "Nice one" He said while putting his phone away. 

"HEY! DELETE THAT!" Drew roared as soon as he recovered, "I don't see why I should," Paul said walking towards the dining table with a smirk. "It's too precious," he added. I smirked while going in to prepare breakfast for all of us before classes start, a while later I was done with it. 

"What have you made?" Ash asked dreamily, "Strawberry pancakes," I replied chuckling, Then the most unexpected thing happened, Drew pushed Ash out of the way and ran into the kitchen for the strawberry. I sighed and said, "Usually, I say everyone before Ash but today it's everyone before Drew." Drew's grin dropped as everyone snickered at his 'child-like' behavior. 

"Please don't be mean to me," He said like a kid as he finally got to eat. "Please act your age," I said mimicking him causing everyone to snicker again as Paul and I smirked.

~Drew's POV~ 

Everyone kept smirking but I ignored them as I ate, they were still teasing me till lunch time, so what if I love strawberries but I had bigger problems to take care of, Brianna and her posse was walking up to our table, I tried hiding my face but she spotted me anyways.

"Hey hotties!" she said in an oversweet voice making us groan, I looked at May for a rescue but she smirked and mouthed a 'good luck'. 'This couldn't get any worse'  I thought but little did I know, I was going to be proven wrong. "So, Drewy, how was your day?" Brianna asked, "It was going fine before you came," I responded blankly, I could feel her getting mad and inwardly smirked, "Oh, Drewy! You're so funny!" She said as she fake laughed, "Yay!" I said sarcastically. Then, the guys and I came up with an idea, we ignored the drama queens and talked to the girls making them so mad that they left and we were so relieved. 

~Time Skip (Last lesson)~

Last lesson was coordinating/battle lesson so it was quite fun. Obviously Dawn, May and I attend coordinating while the other's attend battle, today all we did was watch appeals by students and Dawn went first. 

"Piplup, come on out!" she called as she threw a pokeball in the air, "Piplup!" it responded.

"Piplup, bubble beam on the ceiling!" she ordered and piplup did as told.

"Awesome! Now freeze them like we practiced!" She added.

 Piplup froze the bubbles while they were falling down. "Finish with peck!" She said, the frozen bubbles now shattered and shined making the whole stage glow earning a decent amount of applause. "Awesome job, Dawn!" Soledad, the coordinating teacher said. "Yes, hun! That was great!" Harley, the other teacher added. "Next, we'll have Drew!" Soledad announced as I got up, "Good Luck" May told me and I put on a smirk. 

"Roserade! Take the stage!" I called, "Roserade!" She replied.

 "Petal dance!" I ordered and she did so, "Now, Sweet scent!" I said.

 "Great! Now, solar beam on them!" I added and it made the petals scatter along with a nice atmosphere because of the sweet scent earning an applause slightly louder than Dawn's. "Once again, Amazing job Drew." Soledad praised and Harley nodded. "May, you're next!" Soledad called. "Think you can beat me?" I said and she smirked, "Just watch." She responded as she walked over to the stage. 

"Here we go Beautifly! Morning sun!" She called happily as beautifly flew up and used morning sun.

"Okay beautifly, you know the drill! Stringshot, follow up with physcic!" She ordered gently. Beautifly used the phsycic to make hoops out of the stringshot. 

 "We're not done yet, Finish with sky-upper cut!" She added, Beautifly went through the hoops gracefully and landed on May's head as she bowed. Earning the biggest applause of today, "Wow May, you left even me speechless with that!" Soledad said chuckling, "That's right hun! They don't call you princess of Hoenn for nothing!" Harley added while twirling, May blushed slightly and came to sit next to me. 

"Nicely done, Princess." I said while handing her a rose, "Thanks" She said blushing as she took it, earning a glare from Brianna. "Yeah, May! That was great!" Dawn with a smirk that May ignored and thanked her. Then, we were dismissed and we went out of the building to meet up with the others when May got a call on her poketch. 

~May's POV~

We were headed out and spotted the rest of the gang when my poketch rang, I looked at it and sighed. "I'll meet you guys later." I said as I ran away and picked it, "Yes sir," I said as soon as I was out of hearing and sight of anyone. "Sapphire," Maxie said using my code name, I need you to free agent Zed from Team Aqua." He said, "Okay sir, do you have a ride ready?" I asked as he nodded. "It will reach you in 10 minutes, suit up." He added. I quickly got suited up in my team Magma uniform and grabbed a couple of gadgets and got in the helicopter. 

~Max's POV~ 

May had left us saying she'd be back, so we went back to the dorm and the gang did their homework while Esther and I talked to each other, We got to know each other pretty well in the last few days and I had to leave today. It had been an hour and May still hadn't come making the others worry, she wouldn't pick up any calls either but I wasn't worried one bit, If she got a call and left then it's probably a mission by Maxie. 

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