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~Dawn's POV~ 

We reached the dorm, and that meant, "SHOPPING TIME!" I yelled and everyone winced. I ran here and there looking for coupons and other stuff that I've been hoarding on for occasions like this when May bopped me in the head, "Get a hold of yourself, girl! We've got time!" She scolded. 

"Right, sorry. We'll split up at the mall so the guys will do their shopping and the girls will do theirs so it will be a surprise for us tomorrow." I started and the guys suddenly looked relieved, "But please! Find something you know, fit for the occasion and not casual clothing." I added and they nodded. 

"Great!" Leaf said as we grabbed out purses/wallets. We started walking towards the mall, "Guys, do you think the drama girls will be there?" May asked them and we nodded, "Definitely. I just hope that they don't steal our boys for the dances." Leaf muttered. 

"Aw, don't worry Leafy. No matter what happens, I will still be your man." Gary said as he kissed Leaf on her cheek making her blush slightly. "Yeah!" Ash chirped as he placed a hand around Misty's shoulder. Paul smiled at me and I reciprocated the smile.

May just stood there staring at Drew and he stared back at her. I smirked as I gently pushed May and she fell towards Drew and he caught her making them both blush furiously. "Oops, sorry May." I said hiding my smirk. 

"I-it's ok." She said quickly. "Thanks Drew." Drew just nodded and looked away in an attempt to hide his blush, everyone noticed what I did and smirked at the blushing pair. 

~May's POV~ 

We reached the mall and split up but I kept having this feeling that someone is watching us but shrugged the feeling away. 'Come on May! Don't think about it, I'm sure nothing's wrong.' I thought to myself. 

We were entering a designer store when Dawn sighed and stopped motioning Leaf and Misty to go ahead, she turned to me and asked, "What's wrong?" I shook my head, "Nothing." I said. "Don't you dare lie to me, May Maple!" Dawn told me firmly and I sighed. 

"Dawn, are you getting a feeling that we're being watched?" I asked her and she thought about it for a minute, "Well, not really, no." Dawn said and I nodded. "Hmm, It's probably just me then." I said with a smile, "I'll go use the washroom and come." I added and she nodded.

I started walking towards the washroom, just as I was about to enter the washroom, I felt a sharp pain in my head and saw a figure appear in front of me, he tried to tie me but I pushed him down and knocked him out. 

The headache was much better now and I went to the closest store, I entered the shop and smiled weakly as I recognized Drew. He noticed me and came towards me, "May? You alright?" He asked me and I shook my head and he held me as I was about collapse he caught me.

"What happened?" he asked me and I explained everything, "It's ok. You're safe now. Go to the girls and if something goes wrong, call me, I'll take care of this dude you're talking about." Drew told me and I gave him a smile and nodded. 

I hugged him and thanked him before I went to the shop where Dawn and the girls were. "Where were you!?" Dawn yelled as she hugged me, "Um, long story short, someone attempted to ambush me, I knocked him out, found Drew, came to you." I said shortly as the others gasped, "You're ok, right?" Leaf asked concerned. 

"Yeah! Let's get shopping girls!" I said as I pumped one fist in the air. After 2 hours of shopping, I called Drew so that we all can meet up. Then when all of us were together, we went to the food court to eat and I explained what happened to them and then we chatted till it was time to head back. 

"What do we do now?" Leaf asked as we reached home, "Let's all change into our night suits and then we can watch movies?" I suggested, and they all nodded. I quickly changed into my red pajamas, I came out to see all the boys. 

"So, did you guys get stuff to impress your girl friends?" I teased Ash, Gary and Paul. They slightly blushed but nodded. "Good. Cause if they aren't impressed.. you're good as gone. You get the gist." I further teased as the guys turned white. 

The girls came out and I went to the kitchen to grab some snacks, "So, what do we watch?" Ash asked as he got comfortable with Misty on the couch. "Hm.." I said as an evil smirk made it's way to my face, "Why do I have a feeling that this is not going to end well?" Dawn asked as she clutched on to Paul who looked like he had been strangled. 

"Because it's not. How about horror." I said with a smirk, the others smirked back, well, everyone except Dawn and Ash, they turned white. We burst into laughter as we watched Dawn beg me to change everyone's mind. "No can do, Dawn." I said with a smirk as I sat on the couch next to Drew. 

"You sure you won't freak out like a kid, airhead?" Drew teased me and I glared at him, "I'm positive, salad head." I responded, "salad head?" he asked me and I smirked, "Yes, salad head." the others chuckled as Drew muttered, "Whatever." 

We finally decided on the movie, "The lonely haunter." and then on Dawn's request the comedy movie, "The psyched pysduck" and by the end of the second movie, I was asleep on Drew's shoulder. 

~Drew's POV~

The second movie ended and everyone was asleep, everyone leaving me. I noticed May was sleeping on my shoulder and smiled, she looked so peaceful when she slept that I didn't want to wake her up.

I switched off the TV and let May snuggle closer. It was clear to me now, I have come to love May Maple. 'Why not I ask her out tomorrow?' I thought, 'But, I don't think she loves me back. Who was trying to kidnap May?'  After an eternity of thinking, I came to the decision that I will confess tomorrow and if she rejects me then I'll have to deal with it. I eventually fell asleep with my head leaning on May's. Just have to make sure that I wake up before anyone else tomorrow. 

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