2 months later

175 6 2

~May's POV~

It's been 2 months since we've been let out for our summer break, school starts in 2 weeks. We need to take Team Magma down in this time. The gang has become very strong. We've been practicing a lot in the break. 

I haven't seen my parents in a long time, we've been living in one of the Hayden resorts. Of course, we didnt tell Drew's father about the whole story. We just told him that we wanted to have a summer holiday. 

Esther and Max are with us, they are also training, but they're our information guys. The two have been getting very close. Often times, Lynn would join us. She doesn't know about the whole, "Take down team Magma." thing. 

I plan on telling her soon, she's been a great help till now, and I'm sure she'll be great help in the mission too. We came up with a plan too. 

Basically, when Maxie calls me for another mission, I'm going to sneak the others in, they will take care of the other's and I will take care of Maxie. Once I have Maxie hostage, the whole organisation will colapse. The only problem in the plan is RED. 

It's 8 am right now. I decided to let the other's sleep for now. I am wearing a black croptop and black jeans, I wore sneakers and my red bandana. I went outside for some fresh air when I felt the presence of someone. I turned around to see CC aka Red, speak of the devil. 

"Nice to see you, May. Or should I say Sapphire." he said, "Right back at ya, CC. Oh wait, Red." I replied with a smile on my face. "You know too much." he said, "What are you gonna do about it? I beat ya fair and square last time" I say. 

"And, I left. Fair and square. But I do recall saying I'd be back." he said and I nodded. "What do you want this time?" I asked him, "Another deal, you win, I join ya on the mission. I win, you give up on the mission." he said with a smirk on his face.

I raised an eye-brow, I was shocked, but I couldn't let it show. "What mission?" I asked, "Cut the crap, May. I know." he said rolling his eyes. "What is I refuse?" I said. 

"Well then, I will tell Maxie about your mission." he said, his smirk growing. I grit my teeth. "You can do it May!" I heard from behind me, it's Dawn's voice. I smiled, "You're on!" 

[Intense match between May and Red, May wins]

I run over and hug Lucario who seems tired, but not nearly as exhausted as last time. That's an impovement. I get up to see Red talking to charizard. I walk up to him, "That was a good one." I say. 

He nodded, "I made a deal with you and I'm a man of my words." he said with a smile. "So, does that mean you'll help me take down Team Magma?" I ask and she nods again. I smile back at him as the gang catches up. 

"You did it, May!" Drew said, "Yep!" I said. Dawn comes up to me and whispers something in my ear. "The training helped, didn't it?" I nodded. I returned Lucario, we explained the plan to Red and he was impressed. 

He said he'd help me defeat Maxie, Drew told Red that he could live with us in the resort till we're done with the mission. The plan sounds perfect.. 

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