Messing up and making up

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~May's POV~

I came out blushing slightly and ran to the kitchen hoping the girls wouldn't notice me, but by rotten luck, Dawn saw me and rushed to me.

 "Omg! What happened?! I saw Drew go into your room, you both were ALL ALONE!" Dawn gushed, "Um, Really Dawn? Now? Here?" I asked indicating to her that Drew is right behind her, "Oh, right, come on girls! We have a little talking to do!" she called out as she pulled me to my room and the girls followed. 

Dawn shoved me onto the bed as the girls entered, she made sure the door was shut and sat next to me, "Okay! Spill! What happened?" Dawn asked and the girls knew exactly what they were talking about, I curled up into a ball and tried to hide but Dawn pulled me back up.

 "Oh okay," I whined, "Alright! Spill the beans May!" Misty said pumping a fist in the air as I sighed, "IKissedhimonhischeek" I blurted quickly.

 "Huh?" Leaf said tilting her head. I sighed again and explained what happened leaving the girls to fangirl, "Aww! You two are perfect!" Dawn gushed, "Yes!" Leaf and Misty joined in.

 "Seriously? You too? I expected Dawn to gush but not you two." I said indicating to Leaf and Misty.

 "Sorry May! This is just too good!" Leaf said, "So, do you like him?" Dawn asked suddenly, "There's no hiding from you three is there?" I asked and they shook their heads. 

"Well, I think I do." I said, "You think?" Dawn pushed, "I mean I do, but I don't think he feels the same way, I mean. Even if he does, there's just something that might make him change his mind. Ugh, it's too complicated." I whined falling back into the bed. 

"May, what are you hiding?" Leaf asked blankly making me slightly panic, "What do you mean!?" I said quickly, a little too quickly. "Yep, that pretty much seals my theory" Leaf added, "Sometimes I hate how smart you are." I muttered. 

"Fine, I'll tell you but I need to tell everyone this at once." I said getting up to go to the living room where the guys were watching a movie along with Max and Esther. 

I walked up the TV and switched it off making them groan, "Why'd you do that airhead?" Drew said, "I need to tell you something." I said seriously. The guys were suddenly interested, I sat down on one end of the sofa as the girls also came and sat. 

"Okay, how do I put this together in a way that's not confusing..." I muttered to myself. "I'm a part of Team Magma" I blurted out, they were all shocked except Max, even Paul which was a little freaky. "What type of joke is this, airhead?" Drew snapped.

 I sighed, "I knew it would change the way you guys look at me," I said, "It's not a joke. Earlier today I was called to Team Magma headquarters." I said, "Wait, so you help them steal pokemon and all?!" Gary exclaimed angrily, "To be honest, yeah. I do." I said hanging my face down. "That means you're evil!" Ash yelled, "Yeah! Don't you know it's wrong!" Gary followed, "I never expected this from you, May!" Dawn said almost in tears. "You're evil!" Ash repeated. 

"You're wrong, Ash." Max spoke up making the others even more confused. "What do you mean? She just said she helps them steal pokemon." Misty debated angrily, "Will you let me speak!?" Max said angrily making them shut up, "You have no right to judge her without knowing her reasons!" Max added angrily, now standing up. 

I tried fighting back the tears but they were too much, I got up and ran out of the dorm room leaving Max to explain them the reason I joined Team Magma. I came out of the dorm and ran to the rose garden, it was very relaxing. 

~Max's POV~

I was cross with the gang, how could they just blame May without knowing the reason!? May ran out of the door with tears in her eyes, She's a strong girl but everyone has their limits, May has hers too. "May!" Dawn called out to her but she was gone. "Max, please tell us the reason May joined Team Magma?" Esther asked me and I nodded.

"Well, it happened a year ago. May never wanted to join Team Magma, she despised them beyond limits." I said as I sat back down on the sofa, "May had just won her 5th grand festival, mom and dad couldn't come but I had gone to see it, she was very happy. A while later, when we were eating we heard an explosion, without missing a beat we ran to the source, a huge Team Magma mech was wreaking havoc. May warned them that if they didn't stop she'd have to make them stop, but they didn't listen. She asked Blaziken to use overheat on the mech making it blast into pieces. Maxie was impressed and decided to set terms, if May joined Team Magma then they wouldn't harm anyone, however if May refused they'd destroy the whole city." I said as I fought back some tears remembering what happened, "May had no choice but to join them, but she promised, that one day she will shut Team Magma down." I finished. 

~Drew's POV~

I couldn't believe it, "May joined Team Magma because she was forced to?" I asked and Max nodded getting up, "I need to find her, she usually gets really upset when this topic comes up. May's strong but she can only take this much." Max said getting ready to leave but we stopped him, "Max, we'll go talk to her." Dawn said, "Yeah, we were the ones that snapped at her." I said feeling guilty. 

Max sighed, "Fine" he said as he sat down again with Esther beside him. "You two, no funny business." I said pointing at the two and they turned beet red, "I'm not like you, crazy brother!" Esther yelled. 

"Let's go." Paul said pulling me out of the door, Dawn let her tears fall, "I can't imagine how May probably feels right now." she said as Paul hugged her.

 "Yeah, first she was forced to join and steal pokemon from trainers and then when she decides to be honest with us, we yell and snap at her." Leaf said looking down at the floor as tears silently fell down her face. 

"I was so mean to her, I don't even know if she'll be our friend anymore." Misty said frowning, I froze at the thought of May hating us now. "No, she will forgive us. I know she will" I said quietly. 

"Where do you think she is?" Gary asked as he comforted Leaf, "I don't know." I said looking at Paul, "Why are you looking at me, green owl?" he grunted.

"Well, you are the one whos mostly depressed and wanders around the school, so, you should know the places where a sad and depressed human would go, purple owl." I said while flipping my fringe. 

Paul scowled and started walking with us following, "Where're we going?" Dawn asked, "The garden" Paul replied, "That makes sense" Ash commented. "Ash and sense?" Gary mocked. 

We spotted May sitting on the garden bench, with her face buried in her legs. "Poor May." Leaf muttered. We approached her and Dawn motioned me to go first.

"May?" I gently said as I placed a hand on 'her shoulder, "Here to lecture me again?" she replied coldly. I felt awful.

 "May.. I'm sorry, I just want to say-" I started but was cut off by her, "There's nothing to say Drew." She said as got up and wiped her tears. "It's fine. It was my fault, I should have explained the whole thing first." she added.

"No May, we shouldn't have been so quick to judge." Dawn said, "Yeah May, We're really sorry. Hope you can forgive us." Misty added. 

~May's POV~

I was a bundle of mixed emotions, I always have been. Sure, I was famous but no one really knew my dark secret except Max, not even my parents. I've been pretty much a loner my whole life, I never really had real friends until I met the gang. Right now, I was sad, angry, tired, depressed and also happy that I can fix this with them. 

I took a deep breath and turned around to face the gang, who gasped at my red eyes. "It's alright guys, I forgive you." I said quietly as Dawn came up and hugged me causing a group hug with all 8 of us, well, Paul was pulled in. I was happy but it would take me a while before I can get into posture again, because right now I looked like a mess. I guess the thing with me is, I refuse to break down and let myself be crushed so I turn to my dark side. 

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