Pokemon hunt

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~Leaf's POV~

I couldn't really sleep well at night for some reason, I had this gut feeling that something bad is going to happen today. I got up and realized its 6 o clock. I got dressed in a teal half sleeved shirt and blue jean shorts along with sneakers.

I came out and saw May on the couch dressed in a black lacy top with a brown mini skirt as well as boots that came up till her knees. I noticed she had all her Pokémon on her, "Hey May." I called out as I sat next to her.

"Hi Leaf." She said, "Um, do you mind if I ask you something?" She asked me and I shook my head, "Go ahead." I said. "Well, the thing is, last night, I couldn't sleep well. I kept having this feeling that something bad is going to happen." she started me and I was shocked.

"You too?" I muttered, "Wait, you had that feeling too?" she asked, "Yeah! Even I could barely sleep!" I claimed as she nodded. "In that case here's some coffee." She said while pouring some coffee in a fresh mug and handing it to me.

Then Drew and Paul came dressed in their usual clothing, "Hey guys." May called tiredly, "Something wrong?" Drew asked and we shook our heads. "Not really, it's just we couldn't sleep well." I said as Drew nodded his head in understanding, "Hence the coffee" May added as she motioned to the mug as Paul took some coffee as well. I honestly don't get why he needs coffee, he just sits at one place or stands and does nothing.

Misty came our next wearing a blue crop top with a tentacool on it along with brown shorts and sneakers. "Hey guys." She called drowsily. "Couldn't sleep either?" I asked Misty and she nodded. "I've got a gut feeling something bad is going to happen today." Misty added and we agreed.

She took some coffee as well and in a while we were feeling much better, Ash and Gary came out of their rooms also dressed in their usual clothing. I heard May sigh as she got up and knocked on Dawn's door.

"Coming!" Dawn called as she came out dressed in a pink top whose sleeves came till her elbows and a white skirt. "Let's go." She called as she grabbed her pink back pack, May grabbed her red one, Misty grabbed her blue one and I took my lime one, Gary had purple, Paul had black, Drew had green and Ash had orange.

It was early and since May was too tired to make breakfast we went to the school cafe where we'd always have breakfast before May came. We sat down and were chatting when we heard the school intercom, "CAN EVERYONE PLEASE COME TO THE AUDITORIUM? THE PRINCIPAL HAS AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE!" We were all confused as to what announcement was to be made now. 

We immediately started walking towards the auditorium with our sandwiches in our hands, we reached the auditorium and sat down on the seats. "Good Morning everyone! I understand I have called you all very early." The principal started and many groans and 'yes's were heard, "But I have some good news for you! Today and tomorrow will be a holiday because of the dance night that will take place tomorrow night, right here in our auditorium." He explained causing everyone to perk up and whisper. "You may leave now." the principal finished and we left the room.

"OMG! This is soo great! Alright, we're going shopping!" Dawn yelled, then we heard a poketch ring, it was May's. "Yes sir?" she asked the Team Magma leader, "Sapphire, 2 new recruits are joining and we need 2 new pokemon. Please get it and drop it off at my office." he said sternly. "Kay." May replied and ended the call. 

"Shopping's gonna have to wait." she said to Dawn, "Y'all wanna help?" She asked us, "You mean, help you steal pokemon?" Gary asked and May shook her head. "Maxie won't know if i steal or catch some free pokemon. I usually don't steal, if I do then I break into the head quarters as a randm figure and return the pokemon. So, technically, I'm faking to be the villain AND the hero." she replied while chuckling. 

"Alright! We'll help you do this fast so then we can go shopping!" Dawn yelled with a fist in the air, "Great." May said as we came out of the school, "So, what now?" I asked May. "I'm thinking of Golbat and Houndoom. What do ya think?" May asked us and we nodded, "I think that'll do." Drew said. 

"Alright, let's go to the Scorched Sanctum first." May said as we got into a helicopter that was waiting outside. "Lawrence, Scorched Sanctum" She said and the pilot nodded. "Who are your friends, Sapphire?" he asked, "School friends." May said shortly, "They'll be helping me. Mind keeping this a secret?" she said to him and he nodded. 

A while later, we were there. "Let's go!" May said as we got out of the helicopter. "Be on guard." May instructed us as the helicopter flew up, "Alright, let's see." May said as she called out Lucario. "Lucario, houndoom this time, stay on guard." May instructed him and he nodded. Then we heard a cry, "That sounds like a hurt pokemon!" Dawn claimed and May nodded, "Another fight, I'm guessing" she said. 

"Let's find out!" Drew yelled as we ran in the direction of the sound, We found 2 pokemon, a houndoom and a shiny kirlia fighting, they were about to charge again when May quickly called out Beautifly, "Beautifly! Silver wind!" she yelled. The silver wind seperated the two pokemon. 

~May's POV~

I ran in between the two pokemon and yelled, "Hey! Cool it you two!" They calmed down and I observed them, "You've both been hurt. Call it quits now." I said, they hesitantly nodded and walked over to me. I quickly healed them and they became friendly towards us. 

"Hey houndoom, do you wanna get a trainer who you can train with?" I asked the houndoom and he nodded excitedly, "Great!" I said as I threw a pokeball to him and he got in. "See, this is what I usually do. Mostly houndooms are fighting with pokemon, then you gotta stop them and then they become friendly." I explained to the gang who were smiling and nodding. 

"Kirlia, do you want to join me?" I asked the kirlia who was eating pokemon food. "Kirlia! Kirlia!" She said happily as she rubbed her cheek against my leg, "Amazing!" I said as I threw a pokeball towards it, it got in and then I released it again. "I got a kirlia!" I yelled as kirlia jumped into my arms. 

Lucario, pikachu and kirlia started talking and became good friends. I smiled at them and then turned to the gang, "Now for a golbat!" I told them, "Where do we go for a golbat?" Ash asked me and I thought, "Well, they're very easy to find, you can find them in any cave." I told them. "I know a cave near here. We can go there." I added. 

I started walking with them following, "There!" I said pointing at the cave. I was about to call out my pokemon when Ash pleaded, "Can I? Can I?" I nodded, "Sure Ash." I said as backed off. "Pikachu, thunder!" he yelled as Pikachu got off his shoulder and charged at the golbat. "Pokeball, go!" I yelled as I threw a pokeball at the golbat. 

"Thanks guys! I'll just contact Lawrence to come pick us up." I said as I called the pilot, a minute later, he reached and we got in. "Lawrence, please put these on Maxie's desk." I said handing him the two pokeball. "Will do, Sapphire." he said as he took them and soon we were at the dorm. 

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