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~Red's POV~

I woke up the next day, in the Hayden Resort. I thought over what happened last night... I agreed to help the gang. I agreed to go against team Magma. 

It'll be easy though, cause May was honestly the only one beside Maxie who I needed to "fear". Now, she's my ally. The plan is fool proof. 

I walked out of my room once I got ready, Drew and May were sitting on the couch, while Leaf and Gary argued in the kitchen, Misty was in the balcony, Paul was nowhere to be seen, Dawn was running around looking for something and Ash was feeding his pokemon. 

I sighed and asked, "Where's Paul?" The gang looked somewhere behind me, I raised an eyebrow and turned around to see Paul standing there like a statue behind me. I shook my head, It's gonna take some time to get used to them. 

"So... What do we do today?" I asked, "Well, we were hoping for going to the park and relaxing.. I'm going to call Maxie and ask him for a mission." May said. I nodded, "Then, I'll go to the HQ to receive my gear." she continued. "We'll sneak in the gang and take Team Magma down?" I finished for her. 

The gang nodded, "Alright then." I said, as May's poketch rings. "Hello?" she answers, "Yeah. Now's fine." She ends the call. "It was Lin, she was asking if she could cover now. I guess we'll tell her the plan today and hope she tags along." she says. 

I was confused, "Who again?" I ask, "Oh right. Lin is our friend, she's pretty good." Dawn replies. I nod, the more help, the better. I sit down on the couch unlock my phone to see any new emails.

~A while later~

The door bell rings, May opens the door and a girl walks in, who I can only assume to Lin. She's young, probably 2-3 years younger than me. 

"Isn't that-" she stutters pointing at me. I sigh again, "Yes.. I'm not dead." I say, "you must be Lin?" she nodded. We all talked for a while, I got to know a lot about the gang. Not that I plan on snitching or anything.

 Joining Team Magma is probably the worst mistake of my life. I would kill to get rid of it.
All of a sudden, there's a sound of grass breaking. We run out of the resort to see a man dressed in black. 

~May's POV~

I immediately recognise him, "IT'S YOU! THE GUY FROM THE MALL!" I yell. The man's eyes widen in fear as he tries to run away, fortunately the boys (Drew, Gary, Red, Paul and Ash) had surrounded him. 

I release Glaceon, "Glaceon, ice beam." I command, Glaceon freezes him till his neck. I pull off his mask and we all gasp. "Brendon Birch?!" Red yells, "You know him?" I ask him and he nods, "Professor Birch's son. How do you know him?" he asks me. 

"Same school, blah blah." I say, "Why'd you try to kidnap me at the mall and what are you doing here?" I asked as Lin and Red's eyes widen. "Wait- WHAT?!" they yell. Brendan sits down and explains:

"I'm part of the Interpol, someone had dropped a tip that you were part of a criminal agency. I was sent to capture you at the mall. At the party too, I was just trying to get close to you so I can learn something to bait you with. It would have gone perfectly if Mr. Rose hadn't stepped in and confessed." He said annoyed.

Drew and I rolled our eyes, "Drama king." I muttered, as he continued: 

"Then I was told to keep an eye on you, I followed you here months ago." he said, "I don't get it, why would you choose now to break in?" Leaf asked, "Yes, we're a lot harder to deal with right now, there's Red and Lin as well as our improved pokemon." Misty added.

"That's what he was hoping for all along." I concluded, "He was keeping an eye on us meaning he probably spotted Red or erm.. CC. He knew Lin was also there. He was trying to steal our pokemon!" I yelled. 

Brendan's head lowered, we were about to explode of anger but thankfully Leaf stepped in. "Guys, calm down. It's not his fault, he was doing his job. He was tipped off to believe we were involved with crime." she said.

Brendan chuckled, "I know May is involved in crime, as well as Red. Remember, I'm part of interpol. However, I was not going to call backup to arrest you. I know about the plan."

"Sheesh, how many people found out!?" Ash exclaimed, "Alright.. even if we do believe you weren't going to arrest us, you still tried to steal our pokemon. Give me one reason not to bury you alive." Red said. 

"WAIT A MINUTE. INTERPOL? CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES? CRIME ORGANIZATIONS?" Lin yelled, "Oh.. right.. Um, perhaps it's time you learned the truth." I said, "Yes! And I want it now!" she exclaimed clearly angry. I don't blame her, we were pretty tight. 

The gang and I explained everything to her and she calmed down. Our attention was diverted to Brendan who was attempting to sneak away. Fortunately, Drew caught him by the collar and knocked him out. 

"Oookay." I said, "he was getting on my nerves." Drew muttered. Well, that was taken care of.. "What do we do of him though?" Dawn asked. "We could bury him alive." Red proposed clearly showing his phsyco side.  "No Red." 

"Let's tie him in the basement till we complete the plan." Lin suggested. "Sounds reasonable." Gary replied. "Alright." I replied. 

Just then, I received a call on my poketch by the one and only.... Maxie of Team Magma surely with a new mission. 

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