A day at the mall!

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~May's POV~ 

I woke up early in the morning, today was a holiday because of fathers day and I was extremely excited, Dad would be coming to pick Max up so we're planning a surprise for him. I got up and prepared the cake, and woke Max up. 

"Max, wake up! It's fathers day remember!" I called to him as I opened the main door slightly, "Get dressed up and pack up your stuff cause you've got to go today." I told him. Now, to wake everyone else up. I smirked and tapped a few buttons on my poketch, making the same alarm go off as last time. 

Multiple yelps and groans were heard, "What the hell!" Paul yelled as everyone poured in, "It's fathers day, you dolts! Wish them!" I scolded them as they quickly opened their poketches. 

"Max, you ready?" I called as I got the cake out. "Yep May! Let's do this!" Max replied as he came out with his backpack. "Wowsies! Did you make that?!" Ash asked dreamily, "Sure did." I said with a smile, "And you'll get to taste it AFTER we surprise dad!" I stated. 

"Wow May! That's really good!" Dawn complimented pointing at the little slackoth on the cake, "Hehe, thanks Dawn!" I replied, and the dorm bell rang. I turned of the lights and hid behind the sofa and everyone followed. 

"Hello? May? Max? Kids?" Norman called as he entered the dorm slowly, "HAPPY FATHERS DAY, DAD!" We yelled as we sprung up. "Wow! Thanks! May, did you make that!?" He exclaimed, "Yep!" I answered proudly. 

"Thanks a lot kiddos! The slakoth is looking real good!" he said as he hugged Max and me, "Your welcome dad!" we said, We talked for a bit and then Max, dad and Esther left. "I'm putting the rest of the cake in the fridge so we can eat it later." I said with a smile. 

"What do ya wanna do?" I asked them, "Well, I was gonna go video call my dad." Dawn said, "Sounds good, you all do that while I go get some supplies." I said, "Let's all have a conference call with our dads and then we'll go out together." Leaf suggested and we all agreed. 

They introduced me with their families, (A/N: Red and Ash are NOT related in this story. Since I don't know much about Leaf, I'm going to make up a family for Leaf!) and it was fun. After half an hour, we ended the call. "So? We goin' to the mall now?" I asked them as they all shut their laptops. 

"Yep! I can't wait to-" Dawn sqealed but was interupted by Paul, "Only 3 shops troublesome, and only 30minutes in each." he declared firmly as we watched Dawn whine like the world was going to end. "It is going to end!" Dawn yelled. 

Shit! Did I say that out loud?! Oh wait, Dawn's whining to herself. Paul just shrugged and went to his room to grab his wallet as we got ready to leave. 

I put on a black one shoulder full sleeve tee and some blue ripped jeans along with my boots as I walked out of the room  to see that I was the first one to get ready. I sighed as I walked over to the couch and sat down. 

A couple of minutes later, Misty and Leaf came out of their rooms. "Ready?" I asked them and they nodded and sat next to me as we chatted a bit. 

Misty was wearing a baby blue shirt with 'Dangerous' written on it and jeans just like mine but in black. Leaf was wearing a lime green top and black shorts. Both of them were looking quite good. 

The guys then came out and I realized they were all on their phones playing some game, "So, this is what you were doing all this time." I said with a sigh. "Yep!" Ash chirped. "Well, put it down now!" I said firmly noticing that the girls were getting agitated. 

"You look good Leafy" Gary said he leaned in and kissed her on the cheek as Leaf blushed and smiled back. "You too, Mist." Ash told Misty with a goofy smile and Misty smiled back. "Not bad, June." Drew said to me as he handed me a rose. I smiled back at him and accepted the rose, "Same goes for you, grasshead." I replied as he smiled back. 

Paul just stood their waiting for Dawn. I sighed and knocked on Dawn's door. "DAWN!" I yelled as she replied, "Yeah?" she replied, "Will you come or not?" I asked, "I don't know May! Something terrible happened!" She exclaimed and Paul urgently asked, "What's wrong Dawn?" we were slightly taken aback by the fact that Paul actually called her Dawn. "I don't have good stuff to wear on such a big day." Dawn whined. 

I sighed and then smirked, "What is it, airhead?" Drew asked me and I glared at him for the nick name, "Oh Dawn~" I sang.

"I just got to know that there's a sale at the mall!" I said and in 0.2 seconds Dawn was standing in front of me completely ready. She was wearing a pink colored crop top with a plain white skirt that reached till above her knees and not too ridiculously high heels. 

"LET'S MOVE IT, GANG! THE SALE IS CALLING MY NAME!" Dawn said enthusiastically as I sighed, "When should I tell her that I was lying?" I asked the gang and they sighed in response. "Either way, we're doomed." Misty muttered as we followed Dawn. 

For the next 1 and half hour we watched as Dawn ran into a shop, Like Paul said earlier, she went into 3 shops for half an hour and we were getting tired and hungry. I swear when this girl is shopping, not even a blizzard can stop her. "Dawn!! I'm hungry!! Can we go now!?" I yelled as she kept piling me up with more clothes that I absolutely needed! 

She insisted that my fashion sense is so outdated. "DAWN! LET'S GO! NOW!" I said getting really mad now. No one gets in the way of food and me or they shall face the wrath of hangry May. 

"Yeah, we should go eat. May's getting hangry." Leaf suggested, "Ash too." Misty said pointing at Ash who also looked as mad as I was. "B-but-" Dawn started, "Dawn! If you don't come now, I will burn your entire closet!" I said angrily as she shivered, "No thank you! I will come!" She squeaked as I calmed down and smiled cheerfully, "Great!" I said.

"Geez. You sure know how to be intimidating." Gary muttered as I smirked, "I think you're forgetting who I am." I said pulling out the Team Magma badge as Gary shuddered. 

"I will shut them down... soon." I muttered as they nodded. "And we'll help you." Drew said putting a hand on my shoulder. "Yeah! We will!" Ash chirped.

We went to a nearby restaurant and chatted while eating, it was honestly very relaxing. Especially for our feet, since Dawn kept running here and there like a wild cat. Then we came home and passed out on our beds without bothering to change. 

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