The Future Beholds...

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I lay there in my bed, Colby wrapped around me laying on me sleeping in the middle of this pregnancy scare night. I kept thinking about how nervous Colby was about me being possibly pregnant. "Does he love me?....does he really want to be with me?...what if I WERE actually pregnant?..". These thoughts consistently ran through my mind as Colby lay sleeping like a slobbering angel on me. After a bit of time I couldn't hold it in anymore, "Colby...Col-..." Colby was knocked out and would answer no matter the amount of times I called out his name. I did what was the only way possible I would wake Colby up, get his attention,  and get him off of me. I smashed my phone down on his....yeah. "AHHHH what the fuck! Holy shit! Ow ow owwwww." Colby screamed rolling around falling onto the floor. I couldn't help but laugh, even though a serious moment was coming. I could have just pushed him off the bed, which was my original plan but..."Patricia made me do it"... I laughed uncontrollably, "ehhh sorry." I held my mouth, holding in my last bits of laughter. "Why the fuck did you do that?!" Colby semi yelled finally getting up from the floor and laughing himself a little. "Well, I tried to get you up but I couldn't and I was going to push you off the bed and then...Patricia made me do it." I shrugged innocently. "Who the fuck is-..." Colby began. "Oh my fucking God are you serious olive, first thing I have to do is throw out that fucking Split movie." Colby laughed in disbelief rubbing his hand across his face and through his hair. I watched him silently through all of this as he laid back into bed next to me, I was still sitting up. "What did you want anyway?" Colby said snuggling into the covers and his pillow now turned towards me. "Well, I kind of wanted to talk." I said nervously as if we haven't been together awhile now, twisting my fingers. "Welllll..." I procrastinated. "Babe just spit it out." Colby laughed. "Well," I paused. "I was thinking about last night and with the whole pregnancy scare thing. And how you reacted when I told you. And it got me to thinking about our future and if it's something you really want with me." I said finally getting out what was bothering me and meeting Colby's eyes. "Babe...olive..." he took my hands in his sitting up right like I was sitting. " think I wouldn't want a future or any babies with you because of that? No freaking way." Colby said wrapping me into a bear hug like cuddle and putting peck kisses all over my face, I couldn't help but giggle. "Are you kidding, you mean every fucking thing to me. I don't care about your weight versus other girls out there, having babies which of course will happen someday for us it just shocked me at the moment, and especially not the color difference of our skins. I freaking love you woman and I'm here forever. Whatever problems that come about as we've done already so far, will be worked out and if anything I'm freaking stoked for our kids some day. I'm sorry." Colby said stroking my face as he put another kiss on me. "Aw, babe you're going to make me cry. Literally shut the fuck up right now. That was so sweet and beautiful " I said laugh crying wiping the tears as I sat up out of Colby's embrace. "I freaking love you." I said still wiping happy tears. "Awww my babyyyy." Colby joked laughing himself as he wiped my last bit of tears and held my face to kiss me. We laid back down in a cuddle facing each other and before I knew it we both fell asleep again. As I drifted to sleep I felt comfort being wrapped in Colby's embrace with his shallow sleeping breath softly hitting my face, putting me in further comfort as I fully fell asleep in his strong long arms. It was a comforting blissful feeling to know how Colby felt and that we got that out of the way, I was so comfortable, I was with my forever home and I'm glad I found that in Colby...who would have thought. I could have never, at least not for myself. Colby's my for lifer, I knew that really good and deep within myself now, and I knew he knew the same for me with him.

"You're so pretty.." A Colby Brock Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now