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With the crazy new sickness going around the governments put us all on "quarantine ". No going out, no traveling, and more. It was hell, the only thing that wasn't hell in still being able to see and be with Colby. All we did is sleep, eat, and I helped the boys film tik toks in their new home. Oh yeah, all the boys, Jake, Sam, Colby, and Corey moved in together again, they call it, the "trap house 2". I wasn't around for the first trap house so getting to witness it this time is pretty cool, really uh something. I like it and the guys are happy. I lived the closest to where they moved so even during quarantine I was over a lot. The boys have this thing going on where they tell their fans they, "moved to Hawaii", the fans and we all knew and still know better than that though. The pandemic is crazy luckily no one I know has gotten it or myself. I was sick once but through testing I found out thank goodness I didn't have it, I prayed for the world. Another sucky thing about quarantine is quarantine birthdays. Ugh it's the worse. I know a bit about it because MY birthday is one of them, March, the big 25, it's today in fact. I woke up to a strange tickling under my nose, and a teasing sound coming from someone I couldn't see yet because I had my eyes still closed, mouth. I opened my eyes to see Jake and I jumped from being startled at him being so close. He jumped back and that's when I saw everyone, in a line like form on one side of my bed were all the boys, Sam, Colby, Corey, and Jake smiling at me like the big goof balls they were and Sam and Colby had something behind their backs. "Oh, God." I groaned face still half into my pillow as I stared at the boys and they stared back at me with their creepy up to something smiles. "Me me me me meeee-" Jake kind of sung clearing his throat. He snapped three times and then it started. "Weeee KNOW that it's your birthday, we're stuck in quarantine, you can really go anywhereee, so happy things we bring. Happy Birthday Oliveee, our trap house quarantine queen!" They all sang with their little side to side dancing. "Awww tha-" I began to say. "Ah ah ah me lady we are not actually...done." Jake said shushing me and laughing. Once he gained composure a second later they started again, "Happy, Happppyy, HAPPPPYYYY-" the last note Corey sang in a deep baritone voice. They laughed and continued. "Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Oliviaaaaa, Happy Birthday to you!" They finished and Jake tipped his head in a Bowing motion. "Um may I clap now Jake." I asked smiling and holding my hands together prepared to clap. "You may M'Lady." Jake said properly, hands behind his back, eyes closed, and nose in the air. "Yayyyyy, thanks guys!!" I praised them. They all bowed. Sam finally moved his hands from behind his back and had a big card with my drunk face on it with my two fingers up in a peace sign and a pair of cut off hands and arms holding me up bridal style. I remember it perfectly, it was the night we all went out the boys and the girls and I got so shit faced Colby had to carry me the rest of the night home, that's all I remember or that I shall discuss and attempt to remember anyway. "Oh God!" I said palming my face the boys all laughed. "Happy Birthday Olivia!" Sam laughed as he handed me the big card with everyone's names on it and touching words on the inside. Of course Tara's signature was the biggest. "Aw thanks guys." I said holding my hand to my chest. I began to get up from the bed to hug the guys. "Hold it missy!!" Corey yelled scaring me back down. "Not yet" he whispered. Everyone laughed and Corey stood back in place next to Colby. Colby pulled a cake from behind his back. "We got this for you-" Colby said kneeling being cut off from speaking. "Mm mm" Jake cleared his throat to get Colby's attention. "M'Lady" Colby said through gritted teeth before laughing as he was kneeled in front of the bed with the cake now in front of me clearly getting that Jake wanted him to add the M'Lady part like he did. I looked at the cake and it was a photo of me and the guys in their yard when we all first visited them when they moved into this place. It was chocolate and thick with little black sprinkles shaped like face masks, of course due to everything going on now and having a birthday during it, haha boys. "Awwww thanks you guys are the best!" I got up and hugged each one of the guys, in order of how they were standing in front of me. I hugged Colby last and he grabbed me by the waist, "KISS meh baybay!!" He said dramatically and planted a big long kiss on my lips. He finally broke it. "Oooooouuuiii" the boys teased. "HEY this is a kids show!" Corey yelled. We all laughed, I laughed the hardest Corey always cracked me up. I took the cake and put it on a bedroom table and cut it giving  everyone a piece. It was an ice cream cake so the inside had vanilla ice cream, my favorite, and it blended perfectly with the chocolate cake around it. I put it in the freezer so it wouldn't melt everywhere and so others could enjoy that would stop by, as we all stand six feet apart of course, haha, and enjoy my special day together quarantine style. My mom and the girls all showed up later and we ate, watched things, sang karaoke and even danced, my mom and Colby danced a few songs together and it was the funniest thing ever. I sat down for a second in the kitchen to catch a breath and just admired everyone as danced and sang away. They really did all of this for me and during a pandemic, it created a warm feeling all over me. I was almost to tears when I was snapped out of it by Jake yelling from across the room, "party poooper, hey everyone we have a partyyyyy pooper!" He yelled pointing at me. Everyone began to teasingly chant "party pooper" forcing me to get up and show them just how wrong they were. This night could have lasted forever and I would have been the happiest girl in the world. I AM the happiest girl in the world. And I wish safety and healing and much more through this horrible time and that this would all be over soon with this illness taking over our world. I know it will and that's what I prayed about silently in my mind before getting back out on the floor and putting those party pooper words back into everyone's mouths!! We partied all night safely and with our masks. Happy Birthday to me, Olivia the Aries, the showstopper, the NOT A FREAKING PARTY POOPER JAKE! Haha!

"You're so pretty.." A Colby Brock Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now