"The Sweetest Taboo"

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Colby came back from Kansas two weeks later. Two weeks felt like a lifetime but we called and FaceTimed each other when we could. He came back at a perfect time it was the start of a new month and the day after he came home would be an Anniversary for us, two months. I never thought I would make it this far or even have someone like Colby in my life and genuinely liking and caring for me. Colby could have anyone I mean literally anyone a girl or a guy if he was into it, but he chose the somewhat chunky girl Olivia. He boosted my confidence higher than it had ever been in my life. I no longer had so much self doubt and I was completely out of my shell than I was before Colby. I had my best friend Tara and more friends since I'd been in L.A hanging around Colby and Tara's friend group, and I had Colby. I planned a special night because Colby had come back and our two month anniversary was so close so I decided to plan something special for us. This would also be the time for us to have much needed sexual relaxation if you get what I mean. It would be our first time besides kisses and feeling each other up. Colby decided that for us in the beginning of our relationship that we would just go with the flow and whatever happened would happen in its own time. I agreed, we were both grown young adults so it could have happened any time but we equally wanted it to happen naturally and not feel rushed or pressured into it. Colby texted me that morning and said his flight would arrive here at 6:00 pm. He would drop off his stuff and come over to visit me. I decided to do something special as I previously mentioned so it gave me just enough time I'd hoped. I went to the store with Tara, Jake was coming back from Kansas too, they had all went together so we both planned something equally for our boyfriends. We were so alike sometimes. "What are you going to make Tara?" I asked pushing our empty cart through an aisle, Tara walking beside me. " I honestly have NO idea." Tara said placing her finger tips to her head. "Same." I said as we continued to walk. "I got it Tara! Maybe we should make a unison type of date happen. Colby and Jake come to my apartment where we have a welcome back Anniversary type of thing for us." I said excited, stopping to turn towards Tara to see what she thought of the idea. "Oh my fucking God Olive that's perfect!" Tara said bouncing up and down. "Yes!" I said high fiving Tara. "But what the hell are we even going to make?" Tara asked, we started walking slowly. "Hmm. I don't know. Whatever we do we gotta get it all. Get to the other store for decorations and get it all done before six. That's when their flight arrives and who knows if they'll really go home first." I said. "You're right. What should we make thoughhh?" Tara groaned. I took out my phone and scrolled through some things we could possibly make that would make everyone happy. I decided to make homemade pizza, one vegan friendly and one with pepperoni and buffalo chicken. I got extra cheese to stuff the crust, Colby loved stuffed crust and I can't say I didn't love it myself. I also got some stuff for tacos, vegan and not vegan. Tara and I were set with our groceries so we paid and headed to the liquor store, I had sodas and waters back at my apartment. Me and Tara picked out crown royal, a bottle of Jack and some fruity wine and we were on our way back to my place. As I was almost done cooking and Tara was setting the table and my color lights, the boys arrived. Jake came in first, "Hi Olivia, Hey baaabe!" Jake said loudly, Tara and I laughed saying hi. I kept my head towards the food as Jake went up to Tara lifting her into a spinning hug. While Jake and Tara finished hugging and talked seconds later I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist, it was obviously Colby, he nestled his head into my shoulder and kissed my neck saying hi before returning his head position on my shoulder. "Hi honey." I said reaching to Colby's crouched figure rubbing his head. Colby let go almost a minute later, and as he started walking to where Tara and Jake were he rubbed his hand smoothly against my butt cupping each cheek as he went across it. He gave it a little playful smack. I giggled as I finally turned off the food. "Hold it right there sir." I said turning around towards Colby. He made a dramatic stop with his hands up, "oh no I already been to jail once please not again." Colby said smiling. We all couldn't stop laughing, he was such a clown sometimes. "Will you quit it and put your hands on these to take to the table and not holding them up in the air." I said passing the food to Colby, Jake came and got the rest. I got the drinks out of the freezer, letting them chill a bit before the boys came, and we all sat down to eat. A couple of hours of eating, drinking, and talking later we finally called it a night. Tara and Jake drove back to his place, Colby stayed behind with me. Before leaving, Tara had already helped with dishes so I sat staring into space sipping a cup of wine with my legs crossed. I almost didn't notice Colby pull a chair next to me and rub his finger across my cheek before planting a kiss on it. I turned my head towards him, very tipsy. I ran my hand down Colby's cheek the same gentle way he had run his finger down mine. I stopped at his chin, cupping my pointer and thumb finger on each side and tugging his face a little towards mine. We kissed passionately and feverishly as I sat my cup of wine down. Colby stood and as I gulped the last bit of my wine, Colby took my hand and we walked to my bedroom. Before entering he said what he sent me in a Snapchat earlier today that made me laugh as we entered my room, "let's misbehave princess."...

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