Pranking Daddy

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Today was the day after a week away from each other that Colby would be finally coming back to me from holidays with his family. I thought, what better way to send him off than an epic prank. Colby was coming to pick me up so we could spend the day together doing things now that he was back. While he was gone we FaceTimed pretty much everyday and when I wasn't talking to him on the FaceTime I was talking to his mom and other family members they let me meet through the calls since I was back home with my family. I felt that I truly belonged and the next trip would be both of ours to take. I got my camera from my closet so that I could prank Colby while we were out. "CALLING MY BOYFRIEND DADDY IN PUBLIC TO SEE HOW HE WOULD REACT!! 😱🥰🥵", I decided to title the video once I uploaded it. I had seen many YouTube couples do this type of video so I wanted to give it a try. I turned the camera on and got my bag and did my intro and explanation to my video I would be doing. After a couple of minutes, I heard a knock, I knew it was Colby. "Alright guys, he's here let's see how we do with this prank." I said into the camera so Colby wouldn't hear me through the door. I opened the door and Colby smiled at me before pulling me forward and kissing me, I held the camera at an angle while he kissed me so my audience could see as well. "Oh what's this?" Colby said tapping the camera and looking into it in a funny way as though he was looking straight through to the audience. "Well, today's your first day back sooo I figured I'd you know blog our day. The olives and I missed you." I said smiling and looking towards the camera when I said the olives speaking to my audience before looking back at Colby. He folded his arms smiling from ear to ear, "hmph, well I missed you guys too. ESPECIALLY uh, you." He said smiling at me and rubbing his finger quickly across my chin, I blushed, laughing. I came out of my door and closed it walking in front of Colby down the hall. "Daddy, come on and hold my hand. I miss you." I said smiling knowingly into the camera, the whole time getting his reaction. He looked a little flustered and momentarily shocked that I said what I said, out loud and in public. He smiled, his cheeks turning red as cherries but he still came to me and held my hand while we walked down the hall without saying anything about it. We got to his corolla and he opened the passenger door for me. "Thank you Daddy." I said smiling into the camera as Colby closed the door for me. I set the camera onto Colby's dashboard as he went around to the drivers side of his car. I could see him smiling all the way around to his side. "How am I doing guys? Am I getting him good? Let's see how far we can get guys." I said into the camera before looking out the car window messing with my hair to play it off just as Colby opened his door to get into his side. Colby still didn't say anything about it he just started his car, pulled out of his parking spot in front of my apartment building and drove along the road. "So, um, do you want to eat first or do you want to do whatever first?" Colby asked me, keeping his eyes on the road. "I wanna eat first Daddy." I said keeping my head turned to the window to distract me from laughing. I smiled and looked towards the camera with my eyes. I looked at Colby finally and he was looking at me with the biggest embarrassed smirk on his face, he was so adorable. I called Colby daddy all of the time, sexually and in private, but never in public where others could hear me and in front of the camera, so from one to ten, I already knew Colby's embarrassment was if not at a ten already it was at least an eight. We smiled at each other like that knowingly silent for a few seconds at a red light. Colby did this kind of side ways shrug off, still smiling, as the light turned green still not mentioning anything about me calling him Daddy and this many times, at least not yet. I withheld my "Daddy"'s while we drove talking regularly all the way to get something to eat. We pulled up to red lobster and I grabbed my camera pointing it towards the building and unbuckling my seatbelt. "We're gonna get something to eat guys, who else is hungry? Because I DEFINITELY am." I said into the camera as Colby got out. "Okay guys he's out of the car, let's see how far I can take this, so far he hasn't said anything. Let's go Olive gang." I said as Colby was just coming around the car putting his phone in his pocket and opening my door. "Thanks again, Daddy." I said as I bent over and grabbed my bag out the car without looking back at Colby, I knew he was smiling so hard. I had the camera on the hood of the car faced towards him as I got my bag out of the car. "Jesus Christ." I heard him say and I looked as I closed the door he was smiling hard of course and rubbing his hair to the side. I smiled as I grabbed the camera and grabbed Colby's hand kissing his cheek then we started walking to the entrance of red lobster as I talked about more random stuff to the camera and Colby put his inputs and jokes in as well. We got into the restaurant and Colby went up to the hostess to get us a table. "Okay cool." Colby said to the hostess and coming back towards me, there was a ten minute wait so me and Colby sat on one of their benches until they called our names. Music was playing and I did a little shimmy to it but telling the camera this is where I'll put some other music or sound so I don't get copyrighted. I put he camera at an angle to show me and Colby we did a few dances into the camera still sitting, I kissed his cheek then he kissed my lips and I turned back towards the camera. Colby put his chin into my shoulder and I placed a hand on his cheek as we looked and talked into the camera. The hostess finally called it names taking us over to our seats. We both thanked the hostess and our waiter came over and introduced himself and we ordered drinks, alcoholic and non alcoholic until we were ready to decide what we wanted to eat. I put the camera on the table closer to the window to show me and Colby and our surroundings. "What do you want to eat, Daddy?" I said playfully moving my finger across Colby's hand as he held his menu open in his hands. "Jesus fucking Christ Olivia." Colby said cheesing. "Whaaat?" I said acting as if I had no clue what Colby meant. "WhAaAtTTTt". Colby mimicked me. "You know fucking what. You calling me daddy all of these times." Colby whispered to me shyly looking around and still smiling. "I like calling you daddy, daddy. I can't call you daddy now." I said knowing I was really getting to him. "Fuck-baby, PLEASE for the love of fucking I don't know, everything, please be good." Colby said. "Okay Daddy." I said picking up my menu smiling behind it to where Colby couldn't see me. "Oh my God." Colby said laughing. I was getting him good. We ordered our food I had the steak, lobster and cheesy lobster mash potatoes and broccoli. Colby ordered the lobster, grilled chicken with garlic mashed potatoes and broccoli. Our food came and we ate and drank up talking to each other and the camera as we did. I was so happy he was back. We payed for the meal and drinks and walked back out as I talked more to the camera. "Oh my God. I am SO damn full guys." I said into the camera. "What about you." I asked Colby still holding the camera to film us. "So fucking fools guys." Colby said coming up behind me, "listen." Colby said into the camera. He let out a loud burp. "That's how full I am guys. "Eh-ew, babe you're disgusting." I said looking at him. He laughed and kissed me before running toward his car. He opened my side, "M'Lady" he put on an English accent in a half bow with his hand out waiting for me to get in. "Thank you M'Lord." I played along, both of us laughing as he closed the door. "Alright guys I think I'm gonna get out one more "Daddy" before telling him about this being a prank." I said to the camera. Colby was in his trunk putting the food we took out and my bag back there. I messed around on my phone with the camera on the dashboard once again. I sang a little as I scrolled through my Instagram timeline. Colby finally got into the car and started it. "Where to next Daddy?" I asked smiling with my hand on my chin looking at Colby. "FUCK  here we go again!" Colby yelled. I couldn't hold my laughter anymore. "Babe...BABY!" I said pushing Colby's arm as he laughed rubbing the side of his head before we pulled out into the main street. "YES, yes dear?" Colby said still smiling with his eyes on the road as he drove. "It's a prank." I said still smiling and looking at him and his reaction as I was positioned with my hand on my chin before we pulled out of the red lobster parking lot. "Oh my fucking god. I KNEW IT!" Colby yelled. I laughed, "we got him real good my olives." I said into the camera clapping my hand together once and smiling. "So how do you feel? After that prank, daddy?" I asked Colby. "I fucking knew it." Colby said smiling. "Oh you knew it,did you?" I teased. "Well, I knew SOMETHING was up. I'm like you never just outright CALL me daddy. Unless we're, you know. So I fucking knew it, but it was a good prank." Colby said patting my leg with his right hand. "THANK you." I said to Colby. "I saw this prank on YouTube of people calling their spouses and partners Daddy in public to see how they would react and I'm like, I HAVE to get Colby. It's your first day back, I missed you, we missed you. So I had to get you. One more thing can you say team Olive for the camera just one time?, cause I got you good." I said. "Team...Olive." Colby said through gritted teeth as he kept his eyes on the road still smiling. "ALRIGHT guys, I got Colby good. Hopefully he doesn't try to get me back..." I said looking at Colby, he looked back at me also both of us smiling. "...well I don't know guys he might get me back. But this was a good prank slash a little bit of a blog. Comment below team Olive and what you would like to see from me next and me and Colby or anything. Love you guys so much, I will be uploading this today. We're gonna do some more running around and before I rest my head down tonight! I promise guys this video will be uploaded. Peace Olive gang stay juicy guys. I love you. Bye. Say bye daddy." I said laughing looking at Colby and putting my camera towards him as he drove. He laughed, "PEACE guys." He said smiling and shaking his head a little still looking at the road. I laughed, "Alright peace guys." I put up two fingers, smiling and turned off the camera. Colby and I continued enjoying our day without cameras, pranks or anything. Just me and him.

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