🎶It's Our Anniversary🎶

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"BABE CLOSE YOUR EYES!" Colby said running up behind me placing his hands over my eyes. "What th- well I don't really have a choice now do I Cole?" I said my eyes looking back at darkness as I grabbed one of Colby's hands on my eyes. "Oh yeah." We both laughed my eyes still covered by his hands. "I just want this to be special." Colby said from behind me. "Special? Wha-" I stopped. "Ooooh this has something to do with our anniversary today." I said laughing. "Yes uh happy one year babe. I have something special for you so just follow me well let me lead you." Colby said still holding my eyes. "Happy Anniversary but I swear on a stack of bibles Colby, if this is a plot to kill me so your single again I WILL haunt you." I said fiercely, eyes still closed as if I could do anything about anything at the moment. Colby laughed at me letting go of my eyes. I opened them and looked behind at him keeled over laughing, I couldn't help but laugh too. "Olivia, do you really think I would kill you?! And then do so just to be single?! I'm fucking dying, funniest shit ever." He laughed, finally straightening up. "Alright, shut up." I pouted. "Okay I'm done." Colby laughed pecking my cheek. "Now back to closing your eyes." Colby said as he turned me back around forcefully and covering my eyes, pressing me towards him. "Ah!" I yelled smiling into Colby's hands that covered my eyes, he had caught me by surprise. Colby walked me, hands still over my eyes, out of his apartment, out of the building, and into his car. After that all of my knowing where we are sensors went away. "Keep your eyes closed Olive." Colby said as he drove wherever he was driving. "I am Cole." I laughed. We drove in silence for about ten more minutes, the silence and the days wind blowing through the window as we drove and the fact that I had my eyes closed anyway soon had me fast asleep. "Wake up." I heard Colby say booping me on my nose with his finger as I woke up. "Hftnh." I groaned as I woke up. "BUT STILL KEEP YOUR EYES CLOSED, but just uh wake up, too." Colby laughed. I laughed keeping my eyes closed as instructed. "Alright Colby what's going on here, what's this surprise?" I quizzed. "Aht Aht, not yet, you shall soon find out." Colby said as he opened his door and then opened mine. He helped me out and placed his hands over my eyes again. "Okay now, walk straight. I got you." Colby said instructing me in the direction to walk. "Okay now there's three steps. Lift your foot. Good. Two more." I eased through the three steps and I could hear Colby step to the side of me opening a door. He took my hand, my eyes still closed and led me into the place. I could hear music, the soft tunes of "Have you ever Been in Love" by The Ivy played through speakers that led to my ears. "Okay, now open your eyes." Colby said from the side of me. I opened my eyes. There were pink and red heart shaped balloons and regular shaped black and white balloons everywhere. And sparkly decorations, a sparkly banner on one wall said "🌟Happy Anniversary Olivia and Colby ❤️🖤🌟‼️" I couldn't help but smile as I took everything in from the music, to decorations, to the great smelling food, different drinks and finally to Colby smiling like a big kid at me as I turned towards him. He grabbed my hands. "Happy One Year Anniversary Olivia, I thank you for staying with me and making this one of the greatest years of my life. I hope I've done the same for you and I hope to many more years to come." Colby said kissing my forehead, still holding my hands. My smile just wouldn't wipe itself away. " Aw, Happy Anniversary, I love iiittt. Thank you so much and this has been the best year of my life too. I definitely want us to last forever too." I said standing on my tip toes pecking Colby's lips. "Besides Tara, since I moved here you are the best thing to ever happen to me, Cole. Robert. Brock." I said his name dramatically one by one and we laughed kissing each other one more time. I couldn't stop smiling this was literally one of the nicest things someone had done for me and I was so grateful. Colby led me to a table and I looked down at the tablecloth, it was so beautiful. It was plastic but made so that all of our pictures together throughout our relationship were all over it. "Oh my god, this is fucking beautiful." I said getting teary eyed. "Aw babyyy, don't cry, come here." Colby said taking me into his arms into a hug as he laughed. I laughed wiping tears. "It's just all so nice, thank you. I really love you." I said as Colby wiped my tears too with the tips of his thumbs. "I love you too. I want everyday of our lives hopefully to be like this. Here's to a year babe." Colby said leading me to sit in the gold glittered chairs wrapped in white decoration. We sat down and the caterers brought everything out to us throughout the night. I was in awe and I smiled the whole night. Colby and I ate, laughed, drink, talked, and danced a few times throughout the night, really enjoying our anniversary.

"You're so pretty.." A Colby Brock Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now