Morning Sluts

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"HEY SLUUUUTTTSSS!" Tara yelled as she came into Colby's room where I was half sleeping and Colby was on his computer editing a video. "Hey sluttt". I said sleepily sitting up in the bed as Tara jumped into a sitting position right in front of me. We hugged like we didn't just see each other and we're together for a whole day the day before. "Ooooh someone has a hickiiieeee." I teased rubbing Tara's neck with my pointer finger. "Oooooo" me, Jake, and Colby teased at the same time. "Shut uuuup" Tara said covering her neck with her shirt and smiling and blushing. "You're one to talk, Ms. OLIVIA!" Tara said still hiding the mark Jake obviously gave her on her neck. She said this as she pointed out the hickies on my neck shoulder and chest. "Wha-heyyyy, I haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about. Hmph." I said covering the hickies I now noticed were all over me but acted like they weren't there, thanks a lot Colby. They all laughed. "Ooooo" Tara teased back getting close to my face. "Oh come on, stop it now." I laughed playfully hitting Tara. Jake and Colby went on talking about whatever they were talking about on the other side of the room. "Hey, lets go out." I said to Tara as I got up grabbed some clothes I had bought over Colby's and headed into the bathroom. "Hell yeah, let's go. Girllllssss day!" Tara said following me into the bathroom and raising her hands up and down in the air. Tara closed the door and turned around to me smiling a little too hard, I knew what was coming. She pinched the side of my hip still smiling. "Oooww" What was that for?! I played along knowing full well what she did it for and what she was going to talk about as soon as she stopped her smiling. "So, SOMEONE had a...interesting night last night." Tara teased swiping her finger across my neck. "I could say the same about SOMEONE else." I said as I changed into my clothes and began to brush my teeth. "Yeah, I guess you can say that too..." we looked at each other as I brushed my teeth and both of us broke out in laugher. We stopped as we heard the boys mocking us on the other side of the hall still in Colby's room. "HEYYY!" Tara and I said simultaneously, we could hear them laughing. "Boys, they freaking suck." Tara said hopping off of the bathroom counter as I tied my hair up and sprayed on some perfume. "Yeah, lets get out of here." I agreed, finally finished. We opened the door and Colby and Jake almost fell in they were so close, "hmph" Tara said stepping over them. "Hmph" I said after stepping over them too as they laughed like fools on the floor together. We left without another word after I grabbed my keys and closed the door. "I asked if Kat wanted to come out with us but her and Sam were going somewhere." Tara said as we walked down the hall. "Oh, okay." I said and we exited he building and got into my car. "To the mall we goooo!" We said at the same time. It was time for some early holiday shopping.

"You're so pretty.." A Colby Brock Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now