That's My Girl

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I sat staring blankly at my laptop, I had a new assignment from my job. I finished working on it but it was time to type it up. Only problem is I didn't feel like it, especially since it wasn't due until the following weekend. I snapped it closed with a sigh and said to hell with it, it could wait until later. I picked up my phone from beside me on my couch and texted Colby a what's up text before going to scroll on my Instagram and then watch some tiktoks. I was in the middle of a tiktok video of a lady's story time when my phone started to ring, it was Colby. I answered, "broooooo what's uuuppp?!" I joked before Colby could say a greeting. "Oh God, baby shut the fuck up." We laughed simultaneously. "Well what is it? Must be something if you're calling instead of just texting me back." I sarcastically said into my cell phones receiver. Colby laughed, you're right actually, babe you have to come over now and see this shit. It's...just fucking....just come as soon as you can." I sighed a little, "oh god, alright I'm on the way." I said getting up and grabbing my keys and little across the shoulder bag. " okay see you soon. I love you. Be careful." Colby said. "Awwww thanks dad, I love you too and I will." I laughed because that's what he sounded like to me. "Babe fuck off." Colby laughed, he always understood my humor, "Kiddingggg. I'm fucking off I'm fucking off." I teased hanging up from Colby after laughing at my corniness once more. I drove to Sam and Colby's, it felt different thinking of the house just being theirs since Jake and Corey moved out. I knocked on the door after parking in their driveway, I had a key but I was always uncomfortable just walking into peoples homes no matter how many times I had been or whatever. Kat came to the door and instantly fell into her bubbly laugh, I laughed too. "What's going on?" I said while laughing. "Olivia just have to see for yourself." Kat said as she pulled me into the house by the arm closing the door as we jogged up the stairs together. We walked to Sam's room, "okay wait," Kat said before opening the door. "Close your eyes." Kat smiled kind of bouncing excitedly. "Katrinaaaaa.." I whined. "Oh come ooonnn." Kat whined back at me. We laughed, "okay okayyyy....I better not be getting set up or hurt." I said covering my eyes with my hands. "No peeking!" Kat said as I felt her hold me by the arm lightly being careful not to pull my hands away from my eyes and opening the door. "Okayyyy OPEN!" Kat said closing the door behind us. I did as instructed and opened my eyes, "OH MY GOOOOOOODDDDD" I said my jaw basically hitting the floor. In front of me sat Colby and Sam with makeup beat snatched to the Gods. We all burst into uncontrollable laughter. "No wait where's my phone I HAVE to take a pic!!" I said digging in my bag. "That's the same thing I did" kat said laughing. We laughed hitting and holding each other by the arms as I got my phone to the camera part. "You two look so prettyyyy!" I said looking at the two in amazement. "Omg babe! Jesus fucking Christ." Colby laughed, Sam laughed and posed. "SUUUUUHHH DUDE" Sam said in his pose with his fingers on his chin making his funny face. Colby smiled with the three fingers up he always posed with and I snapped some pics. "Yesssss ladies work it, give it to me." I said still snapping photos as Sam and Colby posed in all kind of ways from girly to more their style. Katrina and I couldn't stop laughing which made the boys laugh. "Wait how did this happen?" I said finally putting my phone away. "Our friend Manny did this to us, he's a makeup artist, and we filmed it for his YouTube." Sam explained. "Okay now we can fucking take this off." Colby said getting up and Sam followed, "hell yeah." Sam said as he went into his bathroom and Colby opened Sam's door to go to his own bathroom. "Come on babe you can help me and Kat can help Sam or whatever." Colby said grabbing my hand and leading me to his room. "Yes my beautiful dear." I teased being able to hear Kat laugh at what I had said. "Oh my God babe just come on." Colby laughed still pulling me by the hand. We made it to his room, "baby you look so beautifullllll." I said as I held Colby's cheeks in my hand being careful not to mess up the beautiful masterpiece as Colby was sitting on his bed. "Thank you Olive, now would you please tell me how to get this off? I know something about wipes but I don't have any." Colby said. "I have some here in my bag. Wait! Let me take some pics of us together before I get it off!" I said eagerly taking out my phone and the pack of makeup wipes. "Baaabbbeee." Colby fussed. "Pweeease..." I said as I sat next to Colby wrapping my arms around his neck and putting on my sad puppy dog face pouting close to his own face. "Jesus, fuck sake, okay okay." Colby laughed as I snapped back into bubbly mode getting my phone ready. "Yaaayyyy, that's my girl!" I yelled getting cozy snuggling next to my Colleen. "Babe..." Colby and I looked at each other he tried to hold in his laughter with a smirk but he couldn't hold it, we both laughed. I pecked his lips getting some of the gloss that was on his lips on mine. "Ooooo I look good in this color too Colleen." I said making poses in my phones camera screen. "Babe I'm going to kill you." Colby said. "Alright Alright, come on." I said as me and Colby posed for a plethora of pictures before I finally helped him take the makeup off. A few minutes after I finished Sam and Kat came in too with Sam's face still mostly covered besides a few smears from what he tried to take off himself. "Help!" Sam said as me and Kat laughed sitting next to each other next to a now clean faced Colby. "Alright quit your whining." I said pulling out more of my wipes for now Sam's makeup removal. I got his off and him and Colby sat near each other as me and Kat snapped and uploaded some pics as she let me hear some of her music. We heard Sam say, "man, how can they fucking wear all that shit. My eyes are still heavy." "Hell yeah man, shit is insane." Colby agreed. Me and Kat giggled behind their backs as we took what we were doing downstairs to the kitchen.

"You're so pretty.." A Colby Brock Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now