Loose Ties

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It was Friday, which meant it was pizza night for Colby and everyone. I sat on the couch braiding Katrina and Tara's hair, just playing around. The boys, Kevin, Sam, and Jake were near the kitchen joking with each other. Colby hadn't came over yet from his apartment and I hadn't seen him in person in almost two days. He finally arrived, alcohol in bags in each arm. Colby and I both were social anxiety individuals. So I blamed that for the reasoning maybe of Colby instead of kissing or hugging me like couples often do, saying just a simple hi as if I were some stranger or friend on the street and sitting far from me. "Okay maybe this is another prank." I said to myself. I looked at Colby, sitting with the guys completely ignoring me and then I looked to Tara, still sitting next to her. "What the fuck was that?" Tara silently mouthed to me. I shrugged my shoulders, I was just as clueless as she was. Since Tara and I seemed out of the loop and Colby and all the guys were talking regular as if this wasn't strange to them too, I figured maybe they were all in on a prank together, some boy prank they kept the girls out of. An hour passed and the pizza finally came and I started to realize the way Colby was towards me wasn't a prank and had nothing to do with social anxiety or awkwardness. When I went to the counter to get some pizza and soda I attempted to link my arm with Colby's, he kind of shimmied out of my arm. "Okayyy." I said to myself. I sat back down and ate my pizza and drank my soda when Tara and Jake suggested a game for Jake's channel. Before the game started there was a knock at the door. Kevin went to open it and in came this blonde hair slim white girl in grey tights and a white crop top and a grey knitted sweater. I thought she was here for Kevin or Reggie, I knew not Sam because he had Katrina and she was literally in the room with us. To my surprise she went right over to Colby and they embraced in a hug. "Omg hi Colbyyyy!" She said a bit loud if you asked me. "Hi Chantel! It's been ages." Colby said hugging this Chantel girl very close for comfort. "Guys this is Chantel, she's a cousin to a friend of me and Sam's that went to our high school back in Kansas." Colby said smiling as if I never existed. "Oh yeahhh Chantel, I remember you now. You and Colby had a thi..." Sam was cut off by Katrina's elbow into his side. "OW, goddangit! What was that for?" Sam said rubbing his side, Katrina whispering something in his ear. "Oh...oh no." Sam said an uneasy realization look on his face. The room fell awkwardly silent. "Well yeah I'm the passst, who knows maybe in the future too." Chantel said, she and Colby giggling, Colby more awkwardly because all of this still was in front of me, his girlfriend. "I know!" I yelled offended as I walked towards the two of them. Everyone looked at me, the others knowingly, Colby embarrassed, and Chantel shocked. "Uh-Oh are you and him a...a "thing". She said putting air quotes around the word thing. "Oh, I'm sorry I thought you were probably here for Kevin." Chantel giggled, my fist balled up and released as I tried to keep my composure. Just then Tara cut in. "And why the fuck would you think that and what's so funny?!" Tara said stepping beside me both of us ready to jump at any second. Colby and Jake got in between us and Chantel. "Wait, wait, everybody just fucking relax." Jake said his arm holding back Tara and me, Colby standing beside him making somewhat of a human fort in front of Chantel so we couldn't reach her. "Well, I don't mean to offend...but isn't it obvious? You're black so I just figured..." Chantel was cut off. "Oh my fucki- are you fucking serious?" Tara yelled pushing Jake's arm. I was crushed, angry, I felt the hot tears forming but I composed myself once again. I grabbed Tara's arm and said it's okay. "Olive no it's-" Tara began to whisper to me. "Tara, it's okay." I said letting go of  Tara's arm. I walked towards Chantel and punched her dead in the face and it was on. She couldn't beat me with her pinky, I even pulled out a fake Barbie track from her head before the fight was broken up, Kevin grabbing me and Jake grabbing Chantel from my grasp. I was boiling mad, I looked at Colby standing there dumbfounded and I was so mad I just couldn't hold it anymore, him ignoring me, treating me how he did today, and then this with this Chantel girl. I pushed passed him and grabbed my jacket and in one last swing I punched Colby as hard as I could in the face. I walked out with Tara and Katrina following me trying to calm me down as Colby yelled in agonizing pain holding his face. Fucking screw him.

"You're so pretty.." A Colby Brock Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now