Trouble in Colby..dise

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I was over Tara's to do her hair. She had a date with Jake tonight, a special date and she wanted to look really great. Tara sat in the chair in front of me, she decided to make this into a YouTube video. She said her introduction, "Hey guys its me Tara and I'm here with..." Tara pointed her hands toward me. "Hi I'm Olivia." I waved, smiling. "Guys this is my best friend Olivia. I call her Olive for short. Today I have a special date." Tara winked at the camera. She was such a natural. "...and my girl Olive is going to do my hair and makeup. Give me that special look for tonight so I decided to make it into a video for you guys.!" Tara finished and I began her look, I did her make up first. I gave her an ombré look of black and blue with a slight bit of yellow, like the moon reflecting on the night's ocean. I even jazzed it up and put a small bedazzled silver star on each top corner of Tara's eyes and her lashes. "Oooo, my bestie has me looking cuuute." Tara smiled putting down the mirror I passed to her and putting her face in a close hug to mine. We both smiled with our eyes shut. She adjusted herself back into the seat and I did her hair. I straightened her hair really good and put clips in the top front, it was a style she liked wearing often, but I put black, blue, and yellow clips, three on each side, to match her makeup and look for the night. Tara checked herself out and began talking to the camera again. "Alright guysss, this is the final look. I'm getting dressed later. I want to thank my girl Olive for getting me all beautiful." She hugged me our faces towards the camera. "Aw, you're welcome friend. You're always beautiful anyway not like I need to do much." I smiled running a hand as a last touch fix in the back of Tara's head. "Aw Bitch you're gonna make me cry." She made a pout face putting her two fingers down her face like fake tears. We laughed. Tara turned towards the camera again and clapped her hands together in a single clap, "Alright guys, I'm gonna go. I'll see you next time and possibly bring my girl back if she feels up to it. Our social links will be in the description below. Thanks so much. Ready Olive. 1...2...3.." we both put our hand to our mouths, "MUAHHH." We did it at the same time. "Bye guys.!" Tara laughed ending the video. "That was so fun. You gotta do more with me." Tara smiled admiring herself in the mirror at the work I'd just done. "Sure!" I said plopping onto her couch, scrolling through Instagram on my phone. "So things still going okay with Colby?" Tara asked sitting next to me. I didn't hear her at first I was watching a hair video on Instagram. "Helloooo earth to Oliveee, bitch?!" Tara pinched my arm. "Oowwww, what the fuck Tara?!" I complained grabbing my arm. "I know you heard me. I said how is it going with Colby? Oh God, he's fucking up isn't he? Do I have to beat his ass? That's it I'm calling him now." Tara pulled out her phone. I grabbed her hand to stop her. "No Nooo, geez I just didn't hear you. It's been going fine crazy girl." It had been a month since Colby and I first started going out. Things were going pretty nice so far. We did what I guess was normal couple stuff, he was a great boyfriend and friend. "Alright. But I will fuck him up if I have to." Tara said making a fist. "Oh, I know." I said patting her shoulder. I stayed at Tara's for another hour then I drove her to Jake's. Jake answered his door to let us in. He and Tara kissed and I went to sit in one of Jake's chairs. "You look beautiful babe. Hi Olive." Jake said letting go of Tara. "Hi Jake!" I smiled. "Thanks to Olive. She did my hair and makeup. I made it into a video for YouTube." Tara said sitting next to me. "Wow Olive, you're talented." Jake said smiling. "Thanks Jake. It's what I love to do especially for my girl, well our girl, here." I laughed playfully bumping my arm into Tara as we all laughed. There was a knock at Jake's door. He went to open it and it was Colby. My face lit up and I ran over and grabbed him into a hug. He didn't light up and he didn't hug me back. It was as if I were invisible. "Hey bro, hey Tara." Colby said as he walked passed and sat in a chair. I gave him a weird look and went back to sit near Tara. As I walked past I bumped into him hard as he stood about to sit down, before I made it to my place I was sitting next to Tara. He paid it no mind as if the wind just blew pass him and started talking to Tara and Jake. Tara looked at me and Jake looked at me like what's going on and Colby never looked. "Hey guys what are y'all looking around for?" Colby asked smiling. "We're looking at Olive?" Jake and Tara said in Unison. "You guys have been hitting the vape maybe a little too hard, Olive is not here." Colby said. "I'm literally right here, you fucking see me." I said snapping my fingers in front of Colby's place. He and Jake and Tara went on talking. Every now and then I would try to butt in and every time Colby still acted like he didn't hear or see me. I was fed up so I got up and sat on his lap. "Colby!...Coooollllby!... I know you hear and see me!" I pouted shaking Colby, he still kept talking as if nothing was going on. He was being weird and I was over it. " Tara! You see me right?" I asked looking towards Tara still on Colby's lap. "Yes ma'am, I do." Tara said smiling into her phone. "And Jake, you see me?" I asked now looking at Jake. "Yup, I see you Olive." Jake said taking a puff of his vape. I returned to looking at Colby he was scrolling on his phone. "So you see me cause they see me, Colbyyyyyya!" He still ignored me. I began to get teary eyed and got up walking toward the door, "bye Tara, bye Jake, enjoy you guys' date." I said before slamming the door. "Olive wait.!" I heard Tara yell as the door closed. I rushed towards the elevator when I heard my name being called again. This time it was Colby, I walked faster, heated. I decided to take the stairs so he couldn't stop by me waiting for the elevator. I was completely done with Cole Robert Brock, a month down the fucking drain. I didn't care how drop dead beautiful he was I wasn't putting up with this shit. I didn't even do anything wrong. I walked and wiped the tear, walked and wiped. "Olive! Wait up!" Colby yelled. I could hear him getting closer as I made it to the apartment's parking garage. I felt a strong hand grab my wrist. "GET!-...." I started to yell as I turned towards Colby. "Olive, babyyyy, it was a prank." Colby laughed. I looked from him and over noticing Tara and Jake and Tara holding Colby's camera. They all were laughing. I was pissed, relieved but pissed so I kept my stubborn stance. "And you guys knew?! I hate you all, I'm going home." I said. "Awww my babbbyyyy." Colby said keeping me in an embrace so I couldn't get away and kissing all over my face. "No quit it, shoo." I protested turning away unsuccessfully from Colby's kisses. "Aw she's still mad. Well guys I got my girlfriend Olivia with the ignoring her prank. Thanks for watching, make sure you like, subscribe and leave some comments below. I got her good guys. You asked for it. Now I have to make it up to her. Tune in next week. Peace!" Colby said ending his YouTube video. Tara handed Colby his camera after turning it off. "Good fucking luck Colby. My girl Olive here is one stubborn cookie. You're in trouble." Tara said hugging me and Jake said bye as they walked to his car for their date. "Bye guys." I said still salty at just being pranked by Colby. Jake and Tara were gone and when I turned back towards Colby he tried to put on a pout face. He was so cute especially when he pouted but I wasn't going for it, at least not yet. "Oliviaaa." Colby said coming closer towards me. "No." I said folding my arms looking away. Colby embraced me again, my arms were still folded. "I'm sowwy. It was just a prank. Give me kisses." Colby said poking his lip out toward me. "No." I said still pouting, arms folded. "Olivvvveeee. 🎶oh Olive oh will you kiss me? OLIVE OH OLIVE🎶-" Colby started to increase his volume, I cut him off because I knew where it was going and that he would get louder and louder. "OKAY, Okay! Will you hush." I said hitting Colby's arm, I pecked his lips. "Fine I forgive you." I said. "Yaaayyy." Colby said in a kiddie tone. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we walked back to the elevator and to his apartment.

"You're so pretty.." A Colby Brock Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now