What Dreams Are Made Of

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We walked in to Tender Greens and it smelled so good my hunger definitely increased just from smelling alone. "Ugh, it smells so good in here Colby." I said. "I know right, fucking heaven." Colby said as we walked over to the line. Three people were ahead of us but they moved pretty quickly. It was now our turn and we walked up, Colby let me order first. "Hi, can I have the "backyard marinated steak". I said to the tall girl at the counter. "Sure, and how would you like your steak?" She asked me politely. "Ummm, medium rare" I said. "Medium rare okay and what can I get you to drink?" She asked. "Hmm, I think I'll have the Mint Lemonade, please." I said completing my order. "And are you two together or separate?" She asked looking from me to Colby. "Oh we're together and I'll have the same thing in fact she's having except I'll have the tea. And I'll be paying for both" Colby said. "Oh, you don't have to do that Colby I'll pay for mine." I said to Colby. "It's okay, I insist." Colby said smiling handing his card to the Tender Greens employee. "Wow thanks" I said. "No problem" Colby said happily. We decided to stay in and eat so we got a table as our food was being prepared. "So, how are you liking LA so far?, Tara told me how you moved up here almost a year ago now." Colby asked me. "I really like it and I have Tara so it makes it that much better. And now I've been meeting new people. And I have you." I said smiling. Aw shit Olivia, that came out wrong too, Jesus. I thought to myself. "Colby made a "oooh reallly" kind of face, "oooh you HAVE me, wow take me out to eat first my goodness." He laughed teasing. "Heyyy you know what I meant and TECHNICALLY we are out to eat now." I smiled. "Yeah, you're right, you're right." Colby said laughing. Our drinks came first. Sitting with Colby felt like we were the only two in the world. Tara had told me about his past with girls and them trying to use or get clout from him because he's a big YouTuber and social media influencer and all. But I wanted him to know, to feel even, that I was different. I just wanted to give him all the love in the world. Hold him until he couldn't be held anymore. I wanted to kiss Colby, right here at this table or anywhere. Everything just felt natural. "So Olive, you got a boyfriend since you've been out here or from home?" Colby asked sipping his drink. "Me?, Ha I wish. I've never even been on a date." I said. "Never been on a date?! Well, why not?" Colby asked concern on his face. "Well, I guess no one likes me. I'm not the cutest or most fit around obviously. I've kissed a couple frogs here and there though." I said looking down. "Hey don't say that, any guy would be lucky to have you. You just haven't ran into the right prince and not a frog yet. And don't talk like that you are SO pretty". Colby said grabbing ahold of my hand causing me to finally look up at him. He smiled at me. I got hot, a hot flush over me making me want to grab him up then and now and... I snapped out of it. "Really? Omg thanks Colby." I said smiling returning his grip with my hand. Our food was finally at our table. Colby and I laughed and talked for what seemed like hours. After we finished Colby asked if I was ready to go. "Yeah sure let's go. I want to stop at a store just to get some lip gloss I've been wanting before we head back if that's okay with you." I said as we got up and walked to the door and out of Tender Greens. "Oh yeah sure I don't mind at all plus you're driving."Colby said holding the door for me once again. On the way to my car two younger girls stopped Colby and asked if it would be okay for them to take pictures with him. I helped them out and snapped the shots on each girls phone. They talked for a couple of minutes gave Colby hugs and went on about their day as Colby and I got into the car. "Wow you have really cool fans." I said starting the car. "Yeah they're awesome me and Sam get mobbed by them all the time. It gets hectic sometimes but we don't mind. They got us to where we are today, ya know." Colby said as we drove to the Walgreens and I pulled into a spot and told Colby he could wait for me there if he wanted. I would be quick, in and out. I got the lipglosses mango, peach, and cherry and got back out to the car. Colby was on his phone playing "Don't You Dare" by Mellow Fellow. "I can play that on my aux if you want Colby." I said looking at Colby as I put on my seatbelt and started the car again. "Oh cool that would be great." He said handing me his phone. "Sure no problem." I said plugging the phone up to my aux cord then driving away from the store. We were back at Colby's apartment building. I pulled out the mango gloss and put it on my lips, I looked over and noticed Colby had drifted off to sleep. "Hey Colby, we're here." I said shaking him awake. "Hm? Oh I'm home! Thanks for hanging with me Olivia here's my number text me yours." Colby said hugging me before he got out. "Okay doing it now. Did you get it?" I asked through my window, Colby hanging in. "Yup. By the way that gloss is pretty on you." Colby said smiling. "Ha thanks. I got three mango, cherry, and peach. "Ooooh sounds delicious I know they smell amazing." Colby said. "Definitely, here smell this one this is mango the one I just put on." Colby took the gloss and sniffed it. "Oh my God that smells fucking delicious, I bet it taste good too." Colby said handing me back the gloss. "It definitely does." I said, putting it in my bra. "Haha! Well see ya Olivia, thanks again." Colby said walking away. "Bye Colby!" I said waving and driving off. I went home smiling ear to ear and texted Tara telling her about the rest of my day. "OH.MY.FUCKING.GOD!! 🤗😝 I told you I told you, Colby is Olivia's Boo" Tara texted back. "Yeah right Tara you wish see you tomorrow." I texted back. I had just put my phone down when I heard a knock on my apartment door. I opened it it was Colby, a determined look in his eyes. "Oh hi Colby, how did you-" I was cut off by his lips. The sweetest and softest lips. He kissed me for a good minute, a normal kiss, then a sloppy kiss, then back to a normal kiss. We finally parted and he took his hands off my face and stepped back. I was flustered and breathless. "Sorry. I asked Tara your address, please don't be mad. I like you Olivia. I didn't know how to say it before. I don't care that you're a bigger girl than the girls that I usually hook up with. I don't want you to be a hook up either. I want to take this slow, I don't want to rush you but I want you, and only you. I know this is happening fast but I had to get that out." Colby said letting out a breath. "I-" I was stuck. "I want the same thing." I finally said to Colby, smiling. "Great. This is great. I'll text or call you tomorrow or something." he said walking away. "Oh!" He said walking back to me. He gave me one last kiss and licked his lips. "The Mango one does taste good, really good." He said smiling then walking away. "I closed the door. I stood there for a minute then dropped to the floor!
"What the actual fuck..." I said in my mind laying on my back on the floor in front of my door running everything that just happened by in my head again...

"You're so pretty.." A Colby Brock Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now