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Colby and I entered my apartment and I went to my fridge to grab a bottle of water. The day was long and I had Jack Daniels whiskey on my breath and drying my mouth out. "Want one?" I asked holding a water out to Colby. "Sure. Thanks." Colby said grabbing the bottle from me, I got another one for me out the refrigerator and closed the door sitting down at my kitchen counter. "So this is your full apartment now that I'm not just at your door kissing you and leaving." Colby said with a smirk sipping his water. "Yeah this is my home, and uh it's not the FULL apartment. I mean you still haven't seen my bedroom." I said smiling drinking my water. Colby smirked. I stopped drinking my water and closed the cap back. "And the bathroom and stuff, ya know, a FULL apartment." I said smiling somewhat blushing. "Mmmhhhmm." Colby said teasingly smiling that killer adorable smile. I blushed into my hand. "So you uh want to check it out?" I said finishing my water and getting off the counter chair to throw it out. "Hm, I would LOVE to see your uh bathroom. I've been dying to change mine around. Maybe I'll get some...inspiration." Colby smiled. I smiled rolling my eyes. "Come on." I said pulling Colby lightly by his shirt sleeve near his wrist. I stopped at a room with the door closed looked back at Colby and smiled and then I opened it. "Well! This is my bathrooommmm.!!" I said pulling Colby in. We both laughed. It was fun to be comfortable and my goofy self around a guy and him not caring and being just as goofy. Colby took pictures of us in my bathroom mirror with his phone and sent them to my phone as we walked to my room. "And this is my room where NO magic happens." We laughed. "There'll be magic someday maybe." Colbybsaid shyly. I knew what he meant he we both smiled knowingly at each other. I got flustered. "Well, here it is. I'm gonna change into my t-shirt I wear to bed if that's okay with you." I said nervously, shifting a little. "Oh of course do you want me to go out or can I... watch you undress." Colby gave me a look with those blue deep eyes that went straight through me and I was frozen for what seemed like a whole minute. I snapped out of it, "um, ha, it's okay you can sit on my bed if you want." I said moving to my closet to take out a big oversized white t-shirt and my hair bonnet. I turned around my stuff in my hand and Colby had taken off his shirt and pants so he was only in his underwear. Once again I froze. Colby was putting his rings on my table top when he noticed me staring, I couldn't stop staring. I watched as his bare back and chest moved with every movement of his, his long arms and hands moving taking off the rings, his brown and reddish hair, and then I finally snapped out of it. When I snapped out of it Colby was smirking at me standing still in the same place near the dresser. I was melting by the second. "I sleep in my underwear usually and I didn't bring a t-shirt, well I didn't know I'd be here period actually..." Colby said. "Oh-um, you-your fine." I stuttered. "I'm fine wow thank you. You're uh not so bad yourself." Colby said sarcastically, smiling. "Oh God Colby shut the fuck up." I said laughing, throwing a pillow at him. "Heyyy." Colby laughed catching the pillow. "But really it's okay." I said getting in my bed and turning on the tv. "Great." Colby said climbing in next to me. He grabbed me into his arms and my heart fluttered. "You nervous?" Colby said knowingly as he held me. "Um, a little honestly." I said as I turned on Netflix on the tv and turned on the cartoon Big Mouth. "It's okay. To be honest, I am too." Colby said. I looked at him somewhat shocked. Like this was Colby, hot as ever, here with me and telling me that he in fact was just as much of a bag of nervousness as I was. I felt more comfortable. "We'll be okay champ." I said nestling into Colby's embrace and kissing his cheek. He smiled and I noticed him blushing. This was like a dream that I never wanted to wake up from. Colby looked down after I kissed his cheek and we did the Eskimo kiss again, this time I was fully awake and it was the most adorable thing to me, it was our thing if you will. We smiled as we stayed a few seconds nose to nose, head to head. I pecked his lips and then he pecked mine. "I won't rush this Olivia, I promise. And whenever you're ready to go to the next levels in anyway I'll be hear waiting until you're ready. Colby said before giving me one more peck, our heads and noses still together. we snuggled into each other's embrace watching Netflix shows until we fell asleep.

"You're so pretty.." A Colby Brock Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now