Sexual Intoxication

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The ride back I didn't have to drive, Sam offered. I sat with the girls besides Katrina sitting shotgun next to Sam and Jake and Colby sat in the back. We, the girls were taking pictures. Some from Katrina's phone and view from the front seat and some from just us girls in the back.  I took some with my phone too ones with just me and my babygirl Tara, one with just me and Devyn, she was always so sweet and accepting of me. And some of us with the guys and then just me with the guys, Katrina and me had photos of just us on her phone that she airdropped to me. I took a picture of myself and Colby was in the background smirking with a pointer finger on his lips. He was such a cutie, the fact that he was all mine still was unbelievable and mind blowing. The finger to his lip gave me flashbacks to earlier in the night before we left and were in the club. I instantly got hot again and squirmed in my seat a little, Colby noticed my change and I could see him smiling knowingly through the phone because I still had the screen to take pictures up. He smiled and turned his head, still smiling to look out of the window. I quickly put my phone down and away trying not to show my blushing to everyone, he was such a smarty pants sometimes, I loved it though. We drove back to the guys' apartment, I was staying at Colby's for the night, I guess all of us were in the sense of couples besides Devyn who we dropped off to her home before arriving to where the boys lived. We said our goodbyes and each went into the single apartments, it was just me and Colby once again. I took off my jacket and still in my school girl costume, I had got my glasses back from Colby and had them on my head, out to the balcony. It was pretty at night and it was a nice warm breeze. After coming from the bathroom and whatever else he did inside, Colby came out to be with me on the balcony. He sat with me in the chair and wrapped me in his arms. I was self conscious about being kind of on him because of my size, I wasn't the biggest but again I wasn't the smallest. Colby knew and sensed this, "stop being such a worry wart Olivia, come here, relax." He said those words and it kind of reassured me so I relaxed in Colby's arms fully and comfortably closing my eyes and just listening to the night, the nights air, and Colby's breathing and heartbeat. It didn't hurt that he also smelled like heaven, I was in bliss, my happy place. Colby rubbed my back and arm as he held me close and I held onto him as we stayed silent and in that position for awhile. Colby lifted my chin to look at him, we stayed like that silent for a few seconds before he leaned his head down and with his finger still on my chin lifted my head to meet his. Wordless, we began to kiss, I was melted butter in Colby's hands, lost in a timeless moment. As he kissed me passionately his hands rubbed all over me without the need for sight, he always knew just the right ways to hold, touch, look at, pretty much anything, me. I rubbed my hand through his brown and red hair and on his neck. I had a swift moment where I thought of his fans calling his a bloody tampon and I laughed a bit in the middle of a kiss. "What?" Colby looked at me smiling. "Nothing bloody tampon head." I laughed into Colby's chest for a moment. "Oh shut the fuck up." He laughed and continued to kiss me. The kiss deepened and before I knew it we were removing clothes and Colby had me straddled over him and leaving love kisses and bites on my neck and chest just all over me. I did the same as I reached into Colby's pants, "my turn now." I said smiling holding his dick without having to mention the earlier occurrence in the club's bathroom. He laughed and I laughed and we returned to our kiss as I stroked him up and down still straddling him and grinding against him both of us it having a care in the world if we were being watched or not. Colby moaned into my mouth as I kept going and kept our lips attached. I stopped and stood up to take off my school girl skirt. "No, keep it on. I want you to stay my naughty little school girl. You look so pretty in this." Colby said holding on to my hand so I wouldn't pull my skirt down. So like that I stayed in my school girl skirt, knee high white socks and my shirt just opened with my breast out with Colby's love bites all over. I smiled before going back to Colby, a big ridiculous smile, "babe, what are you smiling about now?". Colby said a big contagious smile on his face now too. "Nothing it's just,  that's one of the first things you said to me in the beginning and like on our first date. That I was so pretty." I said I began to get happy tears as I sat back down near Colby, still naked both of us. "Awwwww, babbbbyyy." Colby said embracing me in a hug and wiping away the tears with his thumb before giving me kisses. "And.I.meant. Every.word of it." Colby said between kisses all over my face and lips. He held his mouth to my head with his hands on each side of my head for a few seconds, quietly just us and the dark sky. I lifted my head from Colby's embrace and went back to kissing him passionately and I climbed back in my saddling position, never breaking the kiss. I could feel without looking Colby's hand reaching down and grabbing his dick to insert it in me. "*gasp*" I let out the noise as Colby went inside of me and we started the grind in sync as he kissed on my neck and held me close. I took control being on top and picked up the pace doing all the moves that I knew felt good and drove Colby absolutely crazy. "Oh my fucking God, bae you're so good and wet for me. Fuck." Colby moaned with his eyes clothes and his head back, holding onto and rubbing my hips and butt. It was dark but I could still see him, the city's lights reflecting on us. It was a high, a feeling of sexual intoxication of sorts that I felt and o could tell Colby felt too. "You're so fucking pretty babe. You're my pretty naughty school girl" Colby moaned and whispered into my ear, holding me close while thrusting up into me and pulling my hair back at the same time. "I'm your pretty naughty school girl dadd-oh I'm cumming Colbyyyyy." I moaned, Colby let go of my hair and kissed me passionately and rough holding onto my face and the other hand on my butt as I came, a strong shaking orgasm. I held onto Colby tight. I came down from the high and in our same position, Colby just stared me in my eyes. I could stare into those eyes, those blue eyes, for the rest of my life. I knew and felt it for sure in that moment and Colby gave me a look as if he knew it and maybe even felt it, too. I got up and Colby took me over to the balcony railing, my back facing him. Thank goodness no one could see or hear us with how dark it was but my that time I nor we had no care in the world about that or anything else. We were two people in love doing things people in love do, publicly. I held onto the railing, slightly leaning, and Colby got as close as he could to me inserting in me again and holding onto my neck with his lips against my ear. God I loved when he choked me, his thick warm fingers and hands with the coolness of his still in place rings and the breeze of the night air. He thrusted slowly first, then faster, and then a mix, I must have came a million times. " ugh, you're clenching my dick so hard. You love coming on this dick don't you?" Colby grunted out the words in my ear still holding my neck with one hand and slapping my ass lightly with the other as he pounded away. "Y-Yes Daddy." I moaned silently out, a quivering mess. "I-I love you C-Colby." I moaned still. "I love you too my Olive juice." He said and we laughed while still having sex at him calling me that, we were comfortable around each other that way. "Oh fuck I'm gonna cum." Colby said letting go of my neck now with both hands on my hips with hard sloppy thrusts. I couldn't control my moaning and shaking and Colby moaned uncontrollably, we came with each other. Colby turned me around to kiss my mouth both of us out of breath. I grabbed my bra and underwear from the balcony ground and Colby grabbed his close and we went inside. Colby threw his clothes to the side on the couch and walked completely naked and sweaty to the fridge grabbing a bottle of water and taking big gulps. I walked, funny of course after all of that, toward him, costume still on bra, undies, shoes, and the glasses in hand and by just looking up at him was able to get a sip of water without asking or having to say a word. I smiled and gave the bottle back to Colby, walking away. I peed and showered and I could hear Colby showering after me and his music and before I knew it, before Colby even came back out into his room I was dead to the world, sleeping like a baby.

"You're so pretty.." A Colby Brock Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now