Gifting The Beanie Baby

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I got back to the guys' apartment building me and Tara. I had Colby's early gifts in my arms all wrapped in gift wrap. "See ya girl" Tara said kissing my cheek as she left towards Jake's apartment. "Bye babbbyyy." I said after kissing her cheek too as we separated and I headed back to Colby's. I had texted Colby earlier that I was coming back and didn't take his spare key so the door, thankfully, was already unlocked. "Colbyyyy." I called out to no answer. The place was quiet but I knew he was home. I sat down the gifts on his counter top and got out a shot glass filling it with crown royal. I gathered the gifts back up and the bottle and shot glass and headed towards Colby's room, the closer I got the better I could hear him snoring. I peeked my head in, Colby was fast asleep, and since he was literally the hardest sleeper I'd ever met there was no need to sneak around or be extremely quiet. He was so cute and adorable when he slept, my sweet little baby bean that was far from little, way taller than me in fact. I kissed his cheek and then his forehead while he still laid there sleeping away, completely unbothered or fazed. I sat down the gifts in the corner and poured the crown royal into the shot glass. I climbed on Colby, careful not to spill the drink I had leveled in my hand as I crawled my way a little farther to the middle of Colby's body. He was sleep on his back so this also helped to make my climbing mission easy. "Colbyyyy, wake up beaaann." I said literally pressing my face against his as I spoke. I knew it wouldn't wake him but it was fun. I took the drink and poured it into Colby's, open with snoring noises coming out, mouth. "Hfkfkth!" Colby jumped up coughing a bit on the liquor that just went down his throat. "AH!" I screamed as from Colby jumping up I fell off of him, off of the bed and onto the floor, shot glass still in hand. "What the fuck?!?!" Colby yelled finally not coughing but holding his chest. I couldn't stop laughing. Colby looked over to the floor to see me a literal crying mess laughing my life away. "Mhmhm, babe, what the fuck. Okay..." Colby said pausing holding in his laugh smiling and clearing his throat. " what the actual fuck?, two, what are you doing down there, and three, what the fuck is that shit that was just went down my throat and nearly killed that fucking crown royal?" Colby said smiling with his finger lifted and finally moving his hand from his chest. I finally began to get back up from the floor wiping my tears and finally calming down enough to stop laughing. "I'm sorry, yeah it was." I said smiling. "Oh my fucking God, you need help and I need the help to live around you." Colby said sniffling, finally fully okay. "Aw, I'm sawry." I sat down, regularly, on the side of the bed next to Colby saying with a pouty face kissing his cheek. "Now I believe I deserve an apology for being basically THROWN to the floor." I said dramatically with the back of my hand against my head. "What the fuck do you meeeean?! How was I supposed to know you were on me and you're the one that tried to kill me, ya fucking gypsy!" Colby said and we both couldn't help ourselves from bursting from laughter. "Alright, now that you're upload, LET'S TAKE SHOTS BIIITCH!" I yell with the crown royal bottle in my hand and taking one big gulp from the bottle. "Oh God, well, I'm up now LET'S FUCKING GO!" Colby yelled taking the bottle and taking a swig himself. "Oooh before I forget or we get ourselves too fucking drunk on crown royal. Happy early Thanksgiving and early Merry Christmas my beanie babyyy!" I said with a big cheesy smile on face picking up the gifts and holding them out for Colby to take. "Babe what's all of this? November has barely even started yet." Colby laughed. "Wellll, I know you'll be away from me during the holidays so I wanted to gift you early." I said smiling, jumping a little up and down. "Aww." Colby said making a sad face at me. "Baby this is so nice of you. I haven't even-" I interrupted Colby at even. "Aht! This is from my heart you don't have to get me anything at all or yet. Now open them! Open them!" I jumped back onto the bed next to Colby excitedly. "Alright, alright. But you DEFINITELY have one or a few, gifts yourself." Colby said plopping me on the nose with his pointer finger and poking his lips out towards me for a thank you kiss. I kissed him and he finally began to open the gifts. "Oooo, oh shit, Gucci and Versace cologne?!?! Ugghhh?!" Colby said smiling from ear to ear before sniffing the colognes and moaning the "ughhh" per usual. I laughed. "Thank you so muccchh." Colby said kissing me again. "You're welcome. Now open the rest." I said impatiently. Colby opened his next gifts which were a rose gold Versace Men's 43mm Palazzo Empire Rose Gold wristwatch with the black pattern and a picture-frame with a collage of pictures of Colby and I throughout our relationship so far. "Wow all of these are fucking perfect babe." Colby said putting on his watch, placing the framed pictures of us on his dresser and his colognes, not before spraying one on and coming back to where I was on the bed. "You're. So. Fucking. Sweet. I. Love you." Colby said between kisses. "Geee, thaaanks." I teased with my hand under my chin. We laughed and took more shots until the bottle was half empty and we were pretty drunk.

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