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I "shopped til I dropped" Tara and I. The day was so fun. I bought new cute outfits, two pairs of shoes, one pair sneakers, the other pair some red and black heels. Tara convinced me, as she always does when I'm unsure about something, to buy a I guess I could say, sexy, outfit for Colby's eyes. "Tara NO, I can't wear that. What if he laughs at me?" I said to Tara driving to shove the black and red lingerie back into her hand. "Oh my gosh Olive Colby will NOT laugh at you girl. TRUST me. You're beautiful no matter your size or anything I try to tell you all the time. And obviously Colby thinks so too or he wouldn't have even tried to talk to you in THAT way. So your ass is GETTING this lingerie for when you and Colby have that special moment even if I have to pay for the damn thing myself. Plus it matches your new pumps." Tara said putting the lingerie back into my hands up to my body for me to look at in the store mirror. "See. You look good girl." Tara said as she stood behind me stroking my hair. I looked at the lingerie imagining myself in it. It was really pretty, it was black and red, sparkly rhinestones on the breast part, in the sides of the underwear part, and some studded in different parts of the red with black stringed over coat part. I imagined Colby watching me in it, if I looked good or bad. Then I finally took Tara's advice and went with it. "Alrighhhttt, I'll get it" I said in exaggeration. "Yay!" Tara said clapping her hands and jumping a little as we walked to the counter to pay so we could finally leave and eat. We decided to be healthy bitches today and got salads to go, from Tender Greens of course. I drove Tara back to my apartment and she got her her car and drove back to Jakes. I was hot and tired so I decided to take another shower and relax with some ice cream. After I got out I put on my sweat booty shorts like shorts and a wife beater and sat on the couch flicking through channels. I got another Snapchat notification from Colby, I opened it eagerly. It was a snap of him in eyeliner saying it doesn't come off and then he was typing, "help me 🥺❤️...I'm at your door now btw." I screenshot that picture too then ran to the door. I opened it Colby stood there hand leaning above the door way with a huge smile on his face and the eyeliner. "Baby help meee" he pouted before giving me a kiss and coming in. "Alright ya big baby, I've got some makeup wipes in the bathroom. I'll be right back sit there on the couch." I said walking to the bathroom for the wipes. "Okay!" Colby said giddily clapping his hands and rushing to the couch. I came back and sat next to Colby, we faced each other so I could get the makeup off. "AH! That's cold, I'm scared" Colby said backing away a little. "Will you stop it." I said pulling him back so I could finish wiping the eyeliner off. It was some damn tuff eyeliner but I got it off. "Seee all gone, now you can stop whining." I sad throwing the wipes away. "Dude thanksss, major life saver." Colby said still sitting on the couch. "Hey come with me." Colby said getting up. "I just got I have to change?" I said. "Nooo you don't HAVE to but you may WANT to it gets kind of chilly out there at night." Colby said. "Out where?" I said going into my room to change. "It's a secret, just come on." Colby yelled from the living room area of my apartment. "Fine. Will you at least tell me what kind of shoes to wear? PLEASE?!" I yelled. "SNEAKERS!" He said. "Alright I'm ready." I said walking back into the room in my ripped black jeans, black sneakers and red and grey top. "Alright I'll tell ya" Colby said as we got into his red 2007 Toyota. "I want to take you to my favorite place to star gaze. Consider it like our first official date." Colby said kissing my cheek before starting his car and driving away from my apartment. I'd never been star gazing before besides looking out my window and I've never had a date before. Colby was changing a lot for me for the better.

"You're so pretty.." A Colby Brock Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now