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I was deep in a sleeping coma, when I started to feel...funny. But a good funny. I figured this was just apart of my dream because like I said I was sleeping so good and I didn't even bother to open my eyes, so I had to be sleep. Right? This good funny feeling started to spread all over my body...dear lord I must be in heaven. "Please don't be dead, please don't be dead" I thought to myself.
"Oooooh....oh my Gooodddd." I caught myself saying aloud, I could hear myself. It finally dawned on me I...I was moaning. My legs felt weak and began to shake. That's when I felt these strong hands grab hold of my legs and bend them upward towards my head. "Oh my goodness, I didn't even know my body could do this. With my size and all...i guess bigger girls ARE flexible...I gotta wake up" I thought to myself still thinking I was dreaming. I finally opened my eyes figuring my bliss would end when I realized my breathing picked up and I was moaning louder. Eyes finally opened, I look down and really realized I wasn't dreaming, COLBY WAS DOWN THERE EATING ME OUT!!! My eyes widened in horror, I was somewhat embarrassed, shy, but satisfied. He had NEVER done this before since we'd been dating. I took my left hand and raised his head from my lady parts. "Ummmm..." I said expectedly for him to explain himself holding his head in a push back position from my pussy. "Good...morning babyyyy. You're finally awake." He said kissing my thighs during his first uttered words. I shuttered at each touch of his soft pink lips against my chocolate skin. I shook back into focus, "what the-, how long were you even down there?!" I questioned. "Oooh only a minute. You respond VERY quick." Colby said teasingly. "COLE ROBERT FUCKING BROCK, I- I don't even know what to say."I said. "What? You didn't like it?" Colby said tracing his hand up my shirt with his index finger along my stomach. I shivered again, "I meaannnn, yes. I just didn't expect it." I said with a nervous laugh. Colby laughed still in the position I woke up to him at, smiling up at me and staring through me with those killer blue eyes. "Good! Because I'm not finished!" Colby said excitedly. "Col-" I began. "Shhhh. Just. Lay. Back. Princess." Colby said kissing my lips (on my face!) with each word. He kissed his way back to his position between my legs. "Oh-ok-Kay." I stuttered out as I laid slowly back down on my back and colby pulled me by my legs so I was in a flatter position with my legs held up. When Colby placed his mouth back over my area, it was also when I realized just how wet I was. He always had that affect on me. Colby slurped on me like a quickly melting icee, I couldn't control my moans. "Fuuucckkk, fuck fuck fuck Colbyyyy." I moaned closing my eyes as I came hard twice. I figured that was it he would come back up now but he took a hand and slapped my pussy. "Ah!" I exclaimed in ecstasy. "COLBY!" I said shyly. "Oh shut the fuck up. You love it." He said with his face inches away from mine as his hand traveled over my spot. Before I knew it two of his thick fingers were inside of me, pumping in and out. "You're so fucking wet for me." Colby said kissing me as he still fingered me in and out, in and out." I couldn't talk at the moment. I could only stare into his eyes and moan letting him take full control and ownership of my body and soul. "You fucking like that babe? My fingers fucking in and out of your fat wet pussy?" Colby said staring deep into my eyes, our faces still close together. "Y-Yes, da-daddy." I finally was able to utter out between breathless moans. "OH MY G-GOD, I'm gonna fucking c-cum again.!!" I yelled clenching my eyes shut with my hand holding on to the arm of the hand Colby was fingering me with. "Cum on my fucking fingers baby." Colby demanded. I opened my eyes staring closely face to face with Colby and it hit me hard one of the biggest orgasms of my life. "AHHH FUCK FUCK, Fu- oooohhh my fucking God! COLE!!" I screamed and squirmed as I pushed Colby's hand out and away from me. I curled up in the fetal position. I squeezed my eyes closed and my legs closed tightly as I tried to get myself together and come down off the high Colby had just put me in. "Haha." Colby laughed. Face planted into the mattress of my bed with my hair over my face, I finally glanced up towards Colby still breathing heavy, finally getting myself together more and more. "You...jerk!" I said hitting Colby's hip with my free hand that wasn't holding between my legs. "Ow! Heyyy." Colby laughed. "Well you may hate me again" Colby said with a sneaky smile. "Don't you fucking dare put your mouth on me again." I said now finally getting control of my breathing. "Oh , I didn't plan to use my mouth to make you cum again." Colby said with a big smile. Before I knew it, Colby's hard thick dick was deep inside of me pumping in and out as we both lay on our sides. One of his hands were wrapped gently tight around my neck holding me close to him and the other Colby used to slap my ass. "I love this fu-fucking ass, it's so damn fat." Colby grunted in my ear slapping my ass again. "You fucking like this don't you.?" Colby said moaning. I could tell he was close. "Yes, yes daddy I love iiiittt." I moaned. We came together and Colby held me closely in that side way position and we held hands, Colby resting his head on my arm. We got our breathing together and just laid there enjoying each other's presence, scent, and everything else. "Babe?" Colby said still laying on my arm hand tracing my outer thigh. "Yes dear?" We laughed. "I love you." Colby said. "I know" I beamed with a big cheesy smile, teasing Colby in a way. Colby sucked his teeth. "Juuuust kiddingggg." I said turning over, placing my hand on the side of Colby's face and kissing his head and all over his face. "I love you too Emerald ." I teased. "Oh God!" He said and we laughed. Before the day hit noon we had many more rounds. I was so sore when we finally went to my apartment kitchen to make us something to eat. Quarantine was the best as long as we were together.

"You're so pretty.." A Colby Brock Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now