First of Firsts

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Colby drove us to the spot where we would climb and just sit and gaze at the stars together. He went to his trunk and got out a blanket, a basket he'd had food for us in and his speaker for his phone to play some tunes. He really went all out for our first date together. The seclusion, just us two and the stars, with food, music, and nothing but endless time ahead of us. Colby held my hand as we walked, I felt in that moment I was the safest I could ever be. We walked slow, it was a good workout but I didn't want to be out of breath either. We made it to the spot, secluded, from the outside world and Colby laid down the blanket for us to sit on and set up the stuff on the blanket then we sat. "I went and grabbed us some Tender Greens to go." Colby said handing my container of food to me and sitting his in front of himself. "Aw that's sweet, thank you. It's like our first time there the other day all over again." I said smiling. I'd never had anyone be as sweet to me romantic wise as Colby had been since the very first day we met. It felt nice. "I got us some drinks to go with our meal." Colby said taking a bottle of Jack and two cups and handing them to me. "Wow you were really prepared, haha. All of this is really sweet thank you." I said taking a sip of Jack Daniels. It was delicious and strong but smooth to me. "Do you drink often?" I asked Colby before he could really respond to the last thing I said. "You're welcome and not always, but it was important for me to let my favorite girl try one of my favorite things on our official first date. Ya know not counting our TG outing. I'm not trying to get you drunk or anything though, don't worry." Colby smiled. I could have rolled over and died of pure over joy and melted right there at that moment. Did he just say what I think he said, was this really happening?, it was happening and I was somehow calm. I smiled, "Ooooh your favoriiite, and I oop!" I said teasingly and laughing. Colby laughed at my sarcasm. " I really am glad to be here with you tonight. I don't get the chance for this often with me and Sam's adventures, videos, and other stuff. And then the girls I'm usually with don't get all of this but you're special to me." Colby said inching closer to me, pecking my cheek. "Wow thanks Colby, I'm happy to be here with you too. I've literally had a crush forever." I said looking away kind of uncomfortable with the vulnerability and openness of me speaking my feelings and stuff. "I know." Colby said plainly taking a bite of his food and sipping his drink. I did a quick look back. "You know what?" I said heart fluttering a little. "I know you have a crush but so do I..." Colby said casually plopping more food in his mouth. I swallowed the food I had in my own mouth in a big nervous gulp and I coughed.  Colby patted then rubbed my back and rubbed my back as I finished coughing. "You alright now? Relax Olive. The feeling is definitely mutual and before you ask, no Tara didn't tell me." Colby said. "She didn't?" I said a little shocked. I was sure Tara had spilled my beans of me liking Colby more than anything itself. I had to laugh a little. "Nope. I got the vibe and it was pretty obvious. It' your eyes. The way they light up when you see me. The smile you can never hide or let fade when you're talking to, looking at, or talking about me. I noticed at the pool too. Among other things, you TOTALLY have the hots for me. Ugh." Colby said in a dramatic valley girl type voice flipping his imaginary long hair back. "Shut. Up!" I said hitting his shoulder. "Make me." Colby said inching even closer to me, his face practically against mine, his nose touching my nose. I smiled against his face, blushing. Colby kissed my nose, then my cheeks one by one, then my lips. This was honestly the best night of my life. We stopped kissing and I sat between Colby's legs letting him wrap his arms around me. I wasn't cold but at that moment I was the warmest in the world. I was content and I payed my head against Colby's chest. He lifted my chin and kissed me again as I laid in his arms, the RandB music playing, the cool warm breeze against our skin. I could have stayed like this forever.

"You're so pretty.." A Colby Brock Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now