7 | Irving Hall | David

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This chapter is wild...Kind of. And will be really fun to read at certain parts. Enjoy! :)

"I say, that what you say..."

Absolute silence.

A smile.

"...is what I say."

And then an eruption of sound.

Five thousand newsies, David thinks to himself. He watches Spot and Jack shake hands. Two thousand newsies in here, three thousand newsies out there.

He sees Race beside him clapping real hard, cigar in mouth, big grin.

Well he seems really happy. David remembers how ticked off Race was at the beginning of the week when they first learned that the prices had gone up.

David's surprised he can even think with all this noise.

Before much more can happen...

He sees her.

Miss Medda Larkson.

Everyone starts cheering for her.

"MEDDA! MEDDA!" Race is screaming beside him. David chuckles to himself.

"High times, hard times," Medda begins. Somehow, every single Newsie in this room (who isn't David) knows the lyrics and is singing along.

Jack, David, and Spot are sitting at a table together, watching Medda. Sarah wanted to come, but she said she had a date somewhere. Tell me everything about it, she told David before he left the house.

I wonder where she was going, David ponders. He doesn't have that long to go on that train, or any other train of thought, because the spectacle of seeing Medda surrounded by a bunch of newsies is much more entertaining. Especially since Kid Blink and Racetrack are on either side of her, looking absolutely ridiculous.

"Hey look, Medda and a show," Spot says, smiling. 

"Um, can I sit here?" Mush asks David timidly.

"Sure," David answers, pulling up a chair.

"Blink is making a fool of himself right there," Mush comments.

"So's Race," Spot laughs.

David's surprised they can all hear each other, it's so loud. Jack seems transfixed with what's happening on stage, not paying attention to any of them. David tries not to be too disheartened by it. 

"You don't think Blink actually likes her, do you?" Mush whispers to David.

"He'll forget all about her by tomorrow morning," David whispers in the same voice assuredly.

"Why are Blink and Race so obsessed with Medda?" Mush asks louder after a few moments of no talking.

"Who knows," Spot says, with the slightest hint of jealousy.

"Come on, guys," David tells them. "We know they're going to come back to their senses soon."

Mush and Spot grunt, still looking at Blink and Race linking arms with Medda.

At least I hope they know that, David thinks to himself. Surely Mush and Spot don't think Blink and Race are truly lost, right?

Jack gets up and walks toward Medda.

"And now Jack is going to make a fool of himself," David mutters loudly, enviously. Now I get how Mush and Spot feel. True, David saw Medda a couple nights ago and loved her. But this is different. This is Jack, his friend, interacting with Medda on stage, as if David doesn't exist. But surely he shouldn't feel this jealous of Medda. It's too soon to say I feel anything for him...right?

This Ain't Just Newsies No More ~ Sprace & JavidWhere stories live. Discover now