33 | Dragon's Lair | Jack

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I'm literally playing into a cliché by making the title of this a literal part of the hero's journey. But it's dramatic and says a lot! And judging by what happened in the last chapter, this is needed. Not to mention they're in a literal dungeon. And yes, there are probably a lot of questions about the plot. It gets explained. I'm kinda impressed with myself that I could create something as big like this. Everything is going to move rather quickly from here. Anyway. Enjoy! :)


That is the only word that escapes Jack's mouth in the dead silence.

That single word would be the equivalent of quiet so great you could hear a pin drop. A quiet like this.


It can't be.

And yet it is.

David wraps his arms protectively around Jack. Maybe Jack should be the one doing that to David, but right now Jack is too shaken to care. Besides, he doesn't feel like the stronger one right now, and David supporting him is all he needs.

"You-" Jack points at Snyder. He tries not to let his voice betray his emotions. "you are supposed to be locked away right now. How are you...?"

"If you think I escaped prison, like you did, you are terribly mistaken," Snyder tells him.

Jack hates Snyder's voice.

Jack hates Snyder's creepy eyes that never leave him.

Jack hates Snyder.

And he ain't ever gonna hurt my friends.

That thought gives him the strength he needs. He gently shrugs out of David's arms.

He can do this.

At least, I hope I can.

He swallows.

I have to.

"Well then. How did you get out, then?" Jack asks. "I'm pretty sure it was a longer sentence than that."

It's been roughly two weeks since the strike, give or take. Surely a man who did such awful things as Snyder has done would have a longer sentence.

"It was never a long sentence," Snyder tells him dissmissively. "You know, Sullivan, if someone in prison is good, his sentence is shorter, rather than having it extended for being bad."

Jack knows that that one was directed right at him. He clenches his fist. His breath quickened a little when he heard the name Sullivan. Nothing wrong with the name. Even if he doesn't like it. It's just whose mouth the name is coming out of.

"That ain't his name no more," Race pipes up.

"His name is Jack Kelly," David adds firmly.

"And you ain't never goin' to get him again," Spot finishes, eyes defiant.

Jack is really touched now. Except, all he can do is wait, and watch for what Snyder is going to do. This isn't even about the Delanceys or Weasel anymore. They're forgotten. All that matters now is Snyder, and all he could potentially do.

Aside from a small flash in his eyes, Snyder's expression doesn't change that much. He just seems...amused at their protectiveness and confidence, making him all the more dangerous.

"Oh, is that so?" He sounds like he's talking to ten year olds. Condescending is not a good look for everyone. Snyder's just so much worse. "Well, you all are forgetting one thing." Then, much colder, "I can do much worse than sending these two to capture you. I came up with this whole plan, didn't I?" He eyes Weasel. "And in return for creating such a wonderful plan, the only thing I asked in return was to be released from jail, and to have the plan orchestrated well."

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