9 | Betrayed | Jack

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Again, I'm starting out the first paragraph or so not with Jack's view, it's gonna be a random fluid view, and THEN it's going to go to Jack. Again, I really need Jack's perspective here because there is so, So, SO much inner and external conflict, and I really wanna harvest in the inner conflict of everything rolling up into one single stressful scene. I hope I write it well. Enjoy! :)

"STRIKE!" the newsboys continue to parade around the streets. They aren't giving up. Just because they lost Jack doesn't mean they're going to stop. Besides, they still want the price to go down, regardless of Jack leading them or not.

Then there's some commotion as David gets pushed around. "Race! RACE!"

"WHADDAYA WANT I'M NOT DEAF," Race shouts back at him.

Spot comes up to them. Then he looks in front of them. This is not good. Tentatively he puts a hand on Race's shoulder. "Ra--Hey, Race."

"Yeah?" Race looks up at him (A/N: Before the comments explode (bold of me to assume that enough people read this for the comments to explode haha) with how Race can look up at Spot, a) in the movie they're kinda close to the same height, and b) Race is like a tad bit slouched, and c) it just flows better okay), any annoyance at David temporarily forgotten.

"Just, just tell me I'm seeing things," Spot says. They both want to believe he's just seeing things.

"No, you aren't," Race sighs, defeated.


"That's Jack. Dressed like a scab."


Those words hurt.

But they're true.

Then the consternation rose. 

Questions such as "What's he doing?" "Is that Jack?" "Why is he a scab?" floated around. Jack dies a little inside with each one.

"Jack, what are you doing?" Mush asks, eyes wide, shining with hurt. "Jack, it's me, Mush--"

Jack's heart begins to break with that.

"This can't be happening!" Kid Blink shouts. "This CAN'T be happening!!" If there weren't adults in front of him and Mush holding him back, Jack doesn't doubt for one second that Blink would be on him.

There's more racket as more newsies try to make out what the situation is, and how it is happening.

"This is how it is, ain't it Jack!" Race yells. "You bum! You just leave us to get a new suit? And-"

"Wait, wait, wait," Spot says. He narrows his eyes and looks at Jack. "If anyone's gonna get their hands dirty it's gonna be ME--" and then he tries jumping out, and he's so close; with his cane and everything, yelling "LET ME AT 'EM" among other things as more newsies realize it's no use and Race aided by others drag him back into the crowd.

Jack just watches it all.

Weasel says things. He's beaming. Out of all the people Jack had pleased with his decision, it had been Weasel who was the most pleased.

David is allowed to come up. Weasel seems to be able to tell that David won't actually hurt Jack. Weasel still taunts David, as Jack silently wishes for him to just stop talking.

"Oh, Davey," Jack whispers as David comes closer, barely audible. "No, please."


Whatever Jack had felt earlier, it was nothing compared to what was in David's eyes. They weren't wide, or on the brink of tears or anything. They were just hurt, and defeated, and most of all...disappointed. Davey's disappointed in me. And that hit more than any other blow could.

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