22 | Sunset | Spot

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In which, once again, I pick up right where I left off. Ah, I won't make you wait too long to find out what happens at sunset after talking about it for two chapters, going on three with this one. Enjoy! :)

Dejected, Spot walks away from the docks without looking back.

"Spot! WAIT!"

Spot whips around, heart beating wildly, to see Race, running towards him.

"I'm here! I'm here!" Race wheezes loudly, still meters away.

Spot smiles, even though on the inside he's warmer than he's ever known. "You're late," is all he can manage to call out. He doesn't know if he can handle anything else.

Race is still running. Spot realizes that Race isn't showing any signs of stopping.

"Race! Slow down!" he exclaims.

"Oh, yeah..." Race pants, but it's too late. He collides with Spot, sending Spot backwards to the ground as Race spins around and falls to the ground with him.

They both groan from the shock and pain of moving very quickly to the ground.

Race is still panting hard. "Sorry...'bout...that..."

"S'okay," Spot tells him weakly. He got a tad bit winded when he was knocked backwards. Then it hits him. "Did you really run the whole way?"

Race tries to talk, but he's still out of breath, so he just nods.

"You know that's like, miles," Spot points out, barely believing it. Race just nods again. "How did you run all that way?"

Race is still trying to breath normally.

"You know, I'll wait for you to catch your breath," Spot decides. Race only nods yet again. If he nods one more time, Spot is sure that it'll cause Race to get a headache.

Spot has waited for some time now for Race to come. He can be patient a few more moments to give Race some space and time to just breath normally. If he actually ran all that way...then wow. He deserves a break.

When Race finally catches his breath, he begins, "I tried comin' as soon as I could, but Jack didn't like the idea of me goin' to Brooklyn. I told him I was going to Sheepshead, but somehow he founded out-"

"-Race, 'founded' isn't a word."

"Sure it is."

"No, it really isn't."

"Anyway, he figured out that I was coming to see you, and he said you guys had some sort of beef earlier today-"

"-We did," Spot cuts in tersely.

"What exactly happened?"

"Just tell me why you had to run all the way here, Race."

"Fine! So, Jack locks me in the closet-"


"It's fine!"

"No, it's not fine!"

"Ya wanna hear the story or not?"

"Ugh." Spot rolls his eyes. Race is so hard sometimes. "Fine. Continue."

"So," Race continues pointedly, after being interrupted more than once, ready to get this last bit finally out,  "I'm yelling, and then Blink finds me, and he and Mush go to find the key, but right when they find the key, I burst out. I broke the door, Spot. It was wild. I'm gonna have to repay Kloppman for that. How much does a door cost again these days? But, anyway, I knew it was later'n sunset, so I ran out the door and just kept runnin' as fast as I could. And here I am."

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