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She has always paced herself when it came to indulging in liquor, but something in the atmosphere of his party made her wilder than she's ever been before.

After downing what Dahlia believed was her fourteenth shot of rum, she held her breath in an attempt to soften the burning sensation in her throat.

Her phone vibrated. She didn't even know it was already in her hand.

dahlia baby, where'd you run off to?

Tiredly, she rubbed her eyes with the wrist of her free hand, stumbling forward and almost falling over a bejeweled ottoman. Dahlia caught herself and tried to stand straight. Dramatically, she exhaled.

Everything was just so dizzy, she couldn't help but giggle at herself.

Dahlia couldn't hear the snickering of other partygoers; her selective hearing kicked in.
A new song came on.
It was so crystal clear, it was all she could hear.

Without thinking twice about it, Dahlia felt her legs kick herself up and start moving to the beat of the music.

Couldn't even guess what the name of the song was, all she knew was that this was the kind of music you had to move your body to.

To her, the mansion was empty and she was just living her best life without a care or thought of tomorrow.

She remembered spinning about, like a free falling feather, and throwing her feet up into the air. Straight and always pointed.

God help me if I unflexed my feet in that moment, Dahlia thought. I feel so ethereal. As if I were back in Arizona.

Her hands were up over her head, arms flapping and swaying gracefully to the quick rhythmic tune blasting through the speakers on the main floor.

Perfecting the chaînés, Dahlia made a path to one of the coffeetables. Leaping onto its marble countertop, she landed exquisitely. Gracefully showcasing the strength she possessed in her pointe work.

It was also just now that she had realized she was barefoot. But the whereabouts of her black pumps was the least of her concern right then and there.

Now atop of this elegant coffeetable, she was floating, weightless.

Dahlia completed three fouettés before going into a tangent of continuous pirouettes. She couldn't care to count how many she had pulled off in that moment, but she could hear people cheering. It sounded so muffled, like her body was submerged underwater.

Dahlia leapt off of the table and landed on the plush carpeted floors of the second level. It was like her body knew that the next beat drop was coming up before she knew herself.

She felt the grip of the cold steel banister.

She wasn't thinking.

Dahlia felt her arms push herself up and over the railing overseeing the main floor of the house.

She heard the gasps of the party. The music had stopped.

It felt like she had been falling for hours.
It felt so surreal to her.

Dahlia woke up to the blinding light of the sun.

Her eyes soon adjusted, realizing she was still at the house. She groaned, rubbing her eyes before running a hand through her hair. She had fallen asleep on the sofa facing the massive living room windows. From what she could see, the house looked so clean and put together, like the events of last night never happened.

Dahlia almost questioned the authenticity of the previous night but intuitively, she knew it had all really happened.

She knew she wasn't in her house.

Nonchalantly, she pushed the blanket off of her and reached for her phone. Miraculously, the battery was still pretty high.

unknown number
4 Missed Calls

Dahlia let out a grunt of drowsiness and confusion before getting startled by the ring of her phone. It was the unknown caller.

Hesitantly, she answered.


"Hi Dahlia, this is Aidy. I've been trying to reach you. Your video went viral, which is no surprise to me, but I got Bruce on board to have you be part of the musical spot!"

Dahlia blinked, still rubbing her eyes. "I—"

"So, we'll have you come in to rehearse for this upcoming week and the performance will be on the 25th. Do you have any questions?"

"Yeah... wh-what video?"

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