eleven: the afterparty

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He was beginning to wonder why she didn't leave with him to Lorne's party.

She went to go see Jack, that's why. He thought. Don't even look this prick up, he probably gets paid every time you view a news article about him or something.

But why would she go see him right now? Right after that shitty little stunt he pulled on her? She doesn't deserve that...

But she deserves you?

Pete shook those thoughts away, trying really hard not to think about it and just enjoy the music. He found himself at the bar, ordering just enough shots to get him buzzed. Pete found a way to distract himself from himself by talking with castmates and cracking jokes with them, taking shot after shot after shot with them until he was feeling pretty clumsy on his feet.

No matter how much he drank, the thoughts wouldn't cease. They just kept getting louder, and louder, and louder.

God, does she think about me? Does she think about me as much as I think about her? I'm so fucking stupid, we met like last week...

You can't even ask her for her number, you permafried fish.

I fucking would! In a heartbeat, I fucking would! But she has a boyfriend, dumbass. She's keeping their thing a secret but I know, she's--she's most likely fucking him.

I know you'd love to fuck her.

"JESUS CHRIST, that's it!" Pete screamed, inadvertently making the people around him jump even with the music being so loud. Storming through the living room full of people, he rushed for the main door. Pete just needed to be anywhere but there; somewhere just to calm his mind. Even though he tried, he couldn't run from his own thoughts. They just followed him like an annoying paparazzo, bombarding him with shit he did not need nor want to hear.

"Pete, where are you going, man?" John Mulaney, who was just the host of the season premiere, called out to him while surrounded by women Pete didn't recognize.

Ignoring him, Pete threw his hand on the doorknob, twisting and pulling it as he yanked open the door with such full force it dented the wall behind the door. Dahlia stood in the open doorway, she was just about to knock on the door when Pete swung it open. This, of course, startled her and a wave of embarrassment washed over Pete.

"Hi Pete." She smiled up at him sheepishly, embarrassed at how easily startled she got.

"Hiii!" He said a little too drunkenly. A big oafish grin already plastered on his face.

Instinctively, Pete attempted to look suave and mysterious in front of Dahlia, resting his arm on the frame of the doorway. He cleared his throat, conjuring up his most seductive voice and saying, "How you doin'?"

Dahlia smiled at him, she looked like she was about to say something before Pete interrupted her. He saw that she was holding hands with this shrimpy looking guy, who Pete just realized was standing next to her this entire time.

"Hold that thought, Dahl." Pete grabbed the guy who let out a shrill EEEP! as Pete lifted him up to his face. "Listen here, Jack." Pete's voice seething with anger and resentment.

"Jesus, Pete! That's not-- Put him down!"

"You have no clue how lucky you are to have a girl like her! You should have seen the look of disappointment she had on her face because your stupid ass couldn't bother coming out to support her." Pete yelled so loud that it had caught the attention of everyone on the main floor of the rental, the music had stopped and everyone's attention was on the main entrance. Dahlia could feel everyone's eyes on her and Pete.

Pete sneered, "You hurt your lady and now... I'm gonna hurt you!"

"Oh, God..." 'Jack' squealed.

"Pete, stop it." Her voice broke, pulling her friend away from Pete. "You're such an ass." Dahlia stepped away from the doorway, descending down the short porch steps and speed walking around the side of the house to isolate herself from everyone, especially Pete.


The sinking feeling in his gut came back, that unintentionally made him sober up a little bit to really take in the severity of his actions. The guy Pete mistook for Jack was still standing there on the porch.

"Sorry, dude." Pete grumbled, his eyes heavy. The guy shrugged sheepishly, "Honest mistake."

Pete turned to find the whole party staring at him, making him realize why Dahlia reacted like that. "Oh, fuck." He ignored all those curious eyes and shifted past the guy Dahlia brought to the party, following the path Dahlia took in an effort to find her.

"Dahlia! Dahlia!" Pete called out for her, finding himself in the backyard where even more people lounged.

"Fuuuuck..." Pete's voice slurred, looking at himself in a reflection on a window. "I do look like a fish!"

Pete searched for her, pushing past people to get through and excusing himself. "Aidy!" He found his castmate in the illuminated pool, every so often changing colours, with a cocktail in her hand. "Have you seen Dahlia?"

"Uhh, yeah. I saw her head into the house. Why? What's up?"

"I-I'll explain later! Thanks though!" Pete ran toward the closest entrance back into the house, most likely the one Dahlia went through. Once inside, he saw her from behind as she started to make her way upstairs. Chasing after her, he leaped up the stairs two steps at a time.

The hallway was long, calmer in comparison to the chaos happening downstairs.

Pete checked every room on the upper level, opening every door and peaking in each one to check and see if Dahlia was in any of them. With two separate doors, Pete walked into several people being intimate.

Near the point of exhaustion, Pete felt close to giving up, knowing he made Dahlia feel worse than how she felt at the beginning of the night. Anxiously, he began biting the inside of his cheek and pinching the skin on his hands.

"FUCK!!" He punched his fist straight through the door closest to him, someone on the other side screamed in response.

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