five: the fall

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With Lorne wishing Dahlia luck and all wellbeing after showcasing how well she adapts to new music, she took her coat and made her way out of the studio after slipping her pumps back on.

On the steps of 30 Rockefeller Place, her heels clicked on the pavement as she paced back and forth waiting for her ride.

The late September afternoon breeze was not kind to her, blowing her hair about behind her and sending a slight chill through her as she bundled herself closer together.

Dahlia gripped her phone, one hand outside the warmth her coat provided her while her other hand was nestled safely cupped under her arm. She checked her contacts.

2 Missed Calls

She sighed, tucking the hair caught in her face behind her ear, looking up at the busy street before her. Crowded with so many people on the road, she began to lose hope in her ride arriving at all.

With a tap of her thumb, she opened Jack's contact info. The breeze hit her again, harsher and colder than when she first stepped outside.

Instinctively, she turned her back to the strong sudden gust of wind to lessen the blow to her face, hugging her phone and thus her bare hand into the fold of her coat. Her eyes were shut from the sheer force of the crisp air blowing so violently with full strength all at her. When she opened them, she was staring down at a pair of the longest feet she had ever seen.

"EEEEK!!" She squealed, jumping back out of shock. She forgot she had been standing in the middle of the granite steps outside Rockefeller Place.

With her arms outstretched in a desperate attempt to keep herself grounded, Dahlia started to feel herself lose her balance and begin to fall backwards. She shut her eyes and froze up, waiting for the impact to hit her as she prayed she wouldn't hit her head too hard.

A strong force gripped her hand, pulling her forward with all its might. Dahlia felt herself fall into a sculpted column.

That was warm...
and breathing...
and was hugging her close with toned arms.

She gasped, pulling slightly out of the embrace and looking up to find Pete looking down at her, his face blushing pink. Dahlia assumed it was from the weather.

"Oh!" Dahlia exclaimed, a little too loudly she realized afterwards. "Hi..." she giggled, folding her coat in closer and tightening the coat's belt. "That could've been... really bad."

Pete chuckled. "Yeah, you gotta be more careful there, ballerina." Dahlia nodded, giving him a tight lipped grin. "I--I feel like..." Pete exhaled, stuffing his fists into the pockets of his coat. "I didn't introduce myself properly. I was still waking up this morning, you know, and the elevator thing was just so unexpected."

"Yeah, I... I'm a little humiliated to admit it, but I had no idea who you were when we were in the elevator." She bit her bottom lip to hide the smile that was fighting to be seen. Her body had to cope with this rush of embarrassment, so its only logical outlet was to vent through laughing.

"No, don't. Please don't feel like that. I don't want you to feel humiliated about that. I mean, I look like Gollum on his hind legs if he stood up straight, in no means do I look like a real celebrity. So it's justified."

Dahlia suppressed her giggling, biting down the corners of her mouth. "Umm, no I meant like I knew you were part of SNL, my memory's just very selective for some reason when it comes to you."

His eyebrows cocked up in intrigue. "Huh." He snorted. "I'd ask why, but it seems like you don't know yourself." Dahlia shrugged, stuffing her hands in her coat pockets where she abandoned her phone. "I hope you know that doesn't mean I detest you in any way. I just... think it's pretty peculiar."

"So that means you've seen my seasons." Pete grinned, his voice dripping with confidence. Dahlia let a little giggle slip, making Pete giggle softly in return.

"I have, yeah. I watched the show all throughout high school. Funny enough, your first season on the cast premiered during my freshman year."

"Whoa," Pete laughed. "I'm old as fuck!" Dahlia giggled alongside him, not out of discomfort but because she genuinely found him funny. Pete continued to laugh out loud until he abruptly stopped himself. "Oh... s-sorry."


"The cursing. Sorry about that." He lowered his head, eyes down at his shoes.

"You can fucking curse. I don't fucking mind."

Pete's eyes found their way to Dahlia's, smiling a huge toothy smile and giggling with her. "Ok, ok. You're one chill chick."

She spotted a black Rolls Royce Phantom pull up to the sidewalk, the driver rolled down his window and stepped out to open the rear door.

Dahlia scoffed playfully, "Yuh huh. Whatever that's supposed to mean, thank you." She smiled at him one last time before carefully trudging down the steps towards the car.

"260 Bowery, please." she said to the driver, before getting ready to step into the backseat.

"Oh! Pete," she called, turning to him who was closer towards the foot of the steps. He was looking down at his phone when she had called him. As soon as she said his name, his eyes darted up to find hers. "Thank you for saving me." Dahlia smiled.

His face softened, his lips pulled into a bright smile as he chuckled to himself. He then tucked his phone back into the pocket of his pants, straightened his back, and saluted her.

"Don't mind me, ma'am. I'm just your friendly neighbourhood pothead."

She chortled softly to herself, shaking her head at him before stepping into the car and letting the driver close the door behind her.

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