thirty six: the halloween party

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quick a/n:

thank you all so much for 1000 votes! this is my first story to reach such a milestone and I'm so honoured to have this engagement on my work.
I hope you enjoy the rest of sunblossoms.
I love you, and I hope you a wonderful day today!

Pete's tattoos had always fascinated her.

She watched as he raised a tatted hand to push the doorbell to the lavish McMansion and its grand double doors. The pot lights above the door illuminated the detailing on the golden handlebars.

Dahlia could see Pete's hands better in this light. Much better than when they rode together in his car.

With his hand on the gear, she watched as the light of the street lamp seep through the windshield, coming in and fading out as Pete drove down the road.

Pete admired the way she appeared in the moonlight.

She sat quietly with her hands cupped in her lap and her body turned so she could comfortably stare out the window and into the starry night.

Little did Pete know, Dahlia had been sneaking glances at Pete and his hands on the wheel.

She didn't know what it was exactly, she found his hands to be very sensual in the way they looked.

The veins that mapped across his hands, his bruised knuckles and the fading ink of his many tattoos, each one telling a different story.

Dahlia had to stop herself from staring at his hands, crossing her left leg over her right. With her hands in her lap, too shy to break the silence, she watched her fingers hug together in an effort to self-soothe. He made her heart beat so rapidly.

She could sense a set of eyes on her. Slowly, the car rolled to a stop.

When she looked up to see the stop sign ahead of them, still so vibrantly red in the dim glow of the streetlights, she noticed Pete in the corner of her eye.

He had the softest look on his face. His cheeks perked up in an adoring smile, lips pulled together to form a bashful grin. His eyes were fixated on her, quickly darting up and down every inch on her. Sitting there, looking absolutely gorgeous in the seeping moonlight.

Unbeknownst to Dahlia, Pete had been sneaking stares at her since before they left the house. When she first got into her Foxy Cleopatra costume.

All throughout the ride and all throughout her scramble to find her hoop earrings, all without her noticing. He thought it was cute how she hadn't picked up on it, even when Pete would slip up.

He sighs to himself. All he could think about in that moment was how beautiful she was.

Where have you been all my life, Miss Coy? Echoed in his thoughts.

Pete feels his lips mouth her name, softly in a breathless whisper.

A whisper he hears.

His heart drops, he prays in that quick moment that she did not hear him.

When Dahlia turned her head ever so gently in Pete's direction, he quickly snaps forward, shifting his body to face the road again.

Pete continues to drive. Dahlia hides her face as her blushing cheeks frame the most beautiful smile Pete had ever seen.

"You like them?"

𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐬 | pete davidsonWhere stories live. Discover now