fifteen: the glass with the green liquor

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Pete's senses were so delayed, waking up to the smell of breakfast only to be greeted with the sound of rushing water muffled by the thick walls.

He assumed it was his mother at first, before realizing that the sound was closer to him than he previously thought.

Did Dahlia come home with me last night?

Jolting forward in bed, he sat himself straight and up against the headboard. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, they began to adjust to his surroundings.

Once his vision fully sharpened, he didn't recognize his own room.

Confused, he climbed out of bed and pulled his feet across the floor— unusually warm for the end of September, Pete thought— and made his way to the bedroom door.

When Pete twisted the knob and pulled the door open, he came face to face with a blond man almost his height.

"Oh..." the man looked Pete up and down, putting his hands on the doorframe as he leaned in, trying to intimidate Pete. He straightened his back, staring intensely into Pete's eyes. "Who are you supposed to be?"

"Uhh..." Pete blinked. "I'm Dahlia's friend. She came over and crashed last nigh—" The man flashed Pete a confused and somewhat offended glare.

Pete sighed, rubbing his eyes. "Look dude, I have no clue what time it is, I'm still pretty high from the other night, and I—"

"Do you realize how bad this looks?" The man cut Pete off, startling him.

"To be coming out of my girlfriend's bedroom, in my clothes, obvious you two spent the night together and you're going to ignore the shit you just did to me?"

"I... wh— All I remember is taking her home from the afterparty my boss hosted. She never told me you had a key to her place. I-I— Oh God..."

"Listen very carefully, dude." He pushed Pete, forcing him to stumble a few steps back into the room. The man forced Pete back so much that he had been backed into a wall.

"I know my girl very well. She would never cheat on me, she wouldn't dream of it. So if you're some bum that broke into her condo for food and shelter, you better tell me now— because I don't want you frightening her.

I'll make this easy for you: leave now before you make a fool out of yourself or I get the law involved; and believe me when I say you don't want to see the kind of power I hold in a court of law."

Pete stopped listening to him after he said 'Listen very carefully'.

"Uhhh..." he slurred. Before Pete could really think of what to say, they both heard the door creak open and looked back to see what he caused the noise.

Dahlia had walked in, dressed only in a black towel with a gold trim, her hair wet. Pete felt his heart skip a beat when he saw her, realizing what he was seeing. She audibly gasped when she saw them both.

"Jack..." she said in an almost whisper. "What are you doing in my house?"

"I beg your pardon? You should be asking what this thing is doing in your room!" Jack raised his voice, poking Pete hard in the stomach as he spoke.

Dahlia pulled her eyebrows into a disapproving glare, "This is Pete. He's a person, not a thing, and he just so happens to be the man who safely walked me home last night."

"Where the hell were you?" Jack ignored Dahlia, stepping away from Pete and walking closer to her.

"You knew where I was, you ass." She said through pursed lips.

"You think sending Paul to babysit me was a good idea? You pay him to get you coffee and to do research before interviews, that's it—"

"I pay him to assist me." Jack hissed.

He was now right in Dahlia's face, speaking to her with such a demanding aura almost as if he were reminding her who was the dominant partner just by his stance alone.

It was the way he spoke, his tone of voice, it brought Dahlia to a bad place again. She fought back the tears that started to sting behind her eyes.

"You should know better than to let a stranger crawl into bed with you." He looked down at her with menacing eyes, she felt a burning sensation when she stared into them for too long. "Did he fuck you, Dahlia?"

"No!" She defended. Pete intervened, "We're cool, dude. It's all cool! If we did anything, you bet your ass I'd remember it, and I don't remember anything from last night!"

"Jack, come into the living room with me. You're obviously pissed so I need you to be relaxed and sitting down if I'm going to explain what happened last night." Dahlia rested a hand on his chest, the other holding up her towel which threatened to drop and expose her.

Jack glared at Pete before turning to Dahlia, "Put something on." He snapped.

"I don't want this clumsy fool staring at my girl if we're going to talk this out." Just like that, with a flick of his wrist, he motioned for Pete to exit the room first before he could storm out himself.

Pete, still somewhat dazed by what was going on around him, quickly complied.

Jack shut the door behind him, allowing Dahlia her privacy and securing her her own space so that Pete wouldn't get to see her without a towel.

Pete got to take in the magnitude of Dahlia's apartment, the vast beauty of the living room alone blew him away (mostly because everything looked better to him while he was under the influence, but also given the fact that he had only ever slept in one other beautiful condo— one he does not like to think about.)

Pete plopped down on the couch, his gaze still floating from corner to corner of the open concept room. Jack was in the kitchen pouring himself a glass of something green, shooting Pete daggers through his icy stare. When Jack was done fixing himself something to drink, he took the seat directly across from Pete, not breaking his stare.

Pete noticed the bouquet of daisies lying on the island countertop in the kitchen behind Jack, the plastic wrap still on it.

Before Pete could make an awkward attempt to start  conversation with Jack, he caught her in the corner of his eye. She came down the hall in a black crop top, grey sweatpants rolled up into cuffs at the ankle, and navy blue socks.

"Ok," she sighed, plopping down on the couch next to Jack. Pete was a little disappointed she didn't choose to sit next him.

"Pete rushed me home after he saw how freezing cold I was..."


𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐬 | pete davidsonWhere stories live. Discover now