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Omg! She must've found out about me and Keigo! You panicked on the inside, feeling your palms begin to become humid

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Omg! She must've found out about me and Keigo! You panicked on the inside, feeling your palms begin to become humid. Yui was Niko's sister, you COULDN'T let her find out about you and the pro hero.

"Hmm, I really don't know what you're referring to." You hummed while looking away, a fake confused look flashing across your eyes. "I mean, nothing comes to mind." You shrugged, continuing to look clueless.

"Oh yeah?" Her eyebrows rose with an unamused gaze, "nothing about a secret blog comes to mind???" Mischief glowed in her eyes as her grin widened, "Miss Fighting Infertility."

The nervousness that built itself up inside you seemed to settle as the secretary's words processed in your mind. Your gaze finally turned to her and took in the proud grin displayed on her. As if she just found the Zodiac Killer. THAT'S what she knows about. Your thoughts further pushed your sense of relief.

"You're right. You caught me." You feigned defeat, matching her grin as you leaned bashfully onto her desk.

It was now her turn to turn bashful, "you have to tell me - what have you been doing differently to get pregnant?" A small pout shifted upon her lips, "I've been following your blog because it's so similar to my journey." She sighed. "Carson and I have been trying over a year now with no luck..."

Guilt riled up in your stomach as you gazed down at Yui's troubled state. Whenever you wrote, you didn't expect to have created such an impact on those who read it. In the beginning, it was just a way for you to vent out your frustrations on your struggle but now you were faced with how relatable your story could be to others. And now, you felt like a hack, although you had found an answer to your troubles it wasn't the most moral method that you could simply expose for others to follow as well.

You sighed in dismay, "I tried to stop worrying about it so much, I just...never gave up and continued to have hope." You offered Yui an encouraging smile as she looked up to listen to your words.

With a smile of her own, she thanked you. "That's amazing. You give me hope, Y/n."

You waved your hand in dismissal, 'If she knew the full truth, she wouldn't be saying that...' Looking down at your watch, your eyes widened at the time. "I have to get to my desk," you excused yourself and waved goodbye once again as you made your way to your office door.

"Good luck at your ultrasound today!" She called out after you.


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