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You twirled the head of the broccoli piece around your fork as thoughts about what you discussed earlier ran around your head

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You twirled the head of the broccoli piece around your fork as thoughts about what you discussed earlier ran around your head. You looked up at Saburo, taking in his stoic expression as he scrolled through his phone, taking in whatever he was looking at.

You let out a small breath to calm your nerves before speaking up, "so I went to the doctor today..."

"Oh yeah? For what?" He answered, disinterest clearly evident in his tone.

"I had a couple of tests done." You responded, trying to catch his eye. He obviously didn't return the gaze, still hard glaring at his phone.

"You sick or something?" He asked before grabbing a piece of the takeout orange chicken with his hand and slurping it up.

You stared at his hand in disgust before shaking your head back to focus, "no, it was fertility testing."

Once he heard that he immediately froze, his expression shifted into one of even greater anger. "I told you not to do that!"

"But I wanted to be sure."

"Oh, so now you're making our joint decisions without me?! That's it, Y/n. I don't want you going back to that doctor. You're not to have any more testing!"

You glared at him in disbelief.

This is it. The doctor said to put your foot down to get what you want!

"News flash, Saburo! It's my life, and it's my choice to trust my doctors' opinions! We've been wanting this baby for so long, and I'm gonna take whatever tests I need to make sure I can have children! I wish you would do the same, but at least I can do my part!"

Saburo just rolled his eyes in annoyance. "There's no need to have some doctor tell you whether you can or not. Plenty of people take a long time to get pregnant and doctors have told people that they will never be parents and they end up getting pregnant anyway."

"That may be true, but I'd rather take every step I can for this pregnancy to be safe and doable."

Saburo sighed quietly before rubbing his eyes with his hand. "You're right, you're right. I'm sorry Y/n. I haven't been doing my part. Look, I'll try to find a time to get the tests done, alright? It might take a while, with my busy schedule." He finished, moving his hand to hold yours across the small circular table.

You were surprised, you never thought that he would apologize. You smiled sweetly towards your husband, "thank you, Saburo. That's really all I want."

You both stared at one another with small smiles on your face.


Once you were done eating you started washing the utensils at the sink, humming a tune to keep you entertained

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Once you were done eating you started washing the utensils at the sink, humming a tune to keep you entertained. Saburo walked up to you before placing the rest of the dirty plates beside you.

"Is that a new cologne? It smells nice, different than usual." You stated, continuing to scrub the sauce off the forks.

"It's the same one I always use." He responded, his tone showing a bit of anger.

"Jeez, I was trying to give you a compliment." You responded, facing him with your tongue stuck out mockingly. "Oh, and I walked into Niko and Keigo again this morning." You continued.

"Niko and Who?"


"Oh. Yeah, what else is new? They argue all the time." Saburo scoffed as he started to dry the dishes.

"She was really laying into him though." You mumbled, recalling the events from earlier.

"Yeah, because he's overrated, he's a loser," Saburo scoffed.

"He's not a loser. He's actually a really chill guy." Saburo only rolled his eyes at your defense.

"He says that he's going to ask Endeavor to partner up with him. I think that he's trying to get better at all the hero stuff, but it's like Niko doesn't even see how hard he's trying."

"Again he's overrated, Endeavor shouldn't accept his offer. Hawks never takes any of his hero work seriously anyway."

"Hey that's not fair." You piped up with a defensive tone. "He may be cocky sometimes and has his childish moments but he's a great hero and he's saved a lot of people and if anything people don't give him enough credit for how strong he can be."

"So you say," he hummed, "I still don't see why Niko puts up with him anyway. She's super hot and seems smart enough." Saburo contradicted without any hesitance.

You dropped the sponge in your hand, "did you just call Niko hot in front of me?" You asked in utter disbelief.

Saburo just looked at you in disinterest, "what? Did you really think you're the only girl I find hot?"

Seeing that he wasn't aware of the words that left his mouth you just looked down at the blue sponge, pressing your fingers on it, watching the bubbles appear and disappear. "I just didn't expect you to say something like that. I mean I'm your wife..."

"I was just making an observation. No need to get all sensitive."

Excuse Me?

"You've got the rest of the dishes, right? I'm gonna go lie down and watch some Netflix." Saburo continued before throwing the damp drying towel onto the counter, making his way to the living room, and plopping himself onto the sofa with a groan.

You sighed as your eyes trailed after his figure before finishing the dishes and cleaning the rest of the kitchen.

~ 916 Words

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