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The pair pulled apart rapidly upon hearing your voice yell out, both clearly frazzled and eyes filled with panic as their eyes set upon the image of both you and Keigo standing before them in equal shock

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The pair pulled apart rapidly upon hearing your voice yell out, both clearly frazzled and eyes filled with panic as their eyes set upon the image of both you and Keigo standing before them in equal shock.

"You've been seeing Niko?!" Saburo flinched when the disbelief in your voice reached his ears as he exited the car with Niko behind.

"Is this who really got you pregnant?!" Keigo followed with a stronger tone of confusion and disbelief.

Niko's eyes widened at his remark, her eyebrows furrowed together in a panic, "wait, who told you the baby's not yours?"

"I did!" You stepped closer to her in anger, "I overheard you gossiping about it on the phone in the laundry room. Maybe you should be more careful."

"Hold on, Niko." Saburo now started to uncomfortably back away from her, unease tensing his shoulders. His sight started spinning as his body wobbled backward, "did you just say your baby might be mine?!" His final words were spoken before his vision started going dark and he collapsed onto the ground.


"Saburo, wake up

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"Saburo, wake up." You growled down as you shoved the man's shoulder.

A groan left his mouth as he groggily started to wake up, his eyelids blinking in order to get used to the lights in your apartment. "Where am I?" He muttered while shuffling to sit up on the couch he found himself on, despite the splitting headache screaming at him to stay still.

"Home." Your stone-cold voice irked, "Or rather - your home." Your face showed your irritated state as you got up from your crouched position, moving from eye level to a taller stance to look down at him. "Not mine anymore."

This caught his attention, enough to wake his consciousness up immediately, "what are you talking about?"

His eyes widened even further in panic as your frown turned into a cocky smirk. He watched you turn to reach down at a manilla folder behind sitting idly on the coffee table.

"Sign here." You hummed in delight, his eyes shifted down to the governmental form being presented before him.

"What's this?!" He laughed in disbelief.

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