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* slight nsfw

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* slight nsfw

"Wow, you're actually really good for a first-timer." Keigo complimented you as he walked uphill beside you.

"Guess I'm a natural." You shrugged, lifting your head in playful pride.

Keigo laughed before asking you if you wanted to go another time. You agreed in excitement. "We'll see who beats who down the slope this time." Keigo's eyes narrowed in a challenge.

"You're on!" You called out after starting to jog up the snow, although the material of your outfit made it difficult to arise with stability.

"Hey! It doesn't count as winning if we don't start at the same time, you know!" He called after you. Seeing that you were too far off to hear him he let out an amused scoff before trudging after you. Cursing the cold winter air for keeping him from using his wings.

After a couple of rounds, you made your way to the sidelines and removed your gloves to blow some warm air into your fingers. The air was getting cooler and you could start to feel your body become more sensitive to the cold.

Seeing that you weren't making your way back up to the top of the slope Keigo came over to you with a worried expression.

"Are you alright?" He placed himself in front of you and cupped your icy hands with his. His wings spread a little in order to hide the intimate action. Although his hands weren't at a furnace temperature they still contained an adequate amount of warmth to comfort yours.

"I'm not sure, it's getting icier out here..." You squeezed Keigo's hands as if that would emit more warmth from them. "I think I should go back to the cabin and warm up."

"It's always something." A gruff voice spoke up, Saburo. You peeked around Keigo's scarlet wings to see your husband walking up with Niko behind him. You quickly pulled your hands away from Keigo's "She's always been the dramatic one." He told Niko, turning his head to face her while continuing to walk up. Niko snickered at the comment, her head now turned towards you, "She's fine." He shrugged looking at you two before turning forward and continuing to trudge to the top.

You and Keigo's gazes followed the pair for a minute before Keigo spoke up, "ignore him." He rolled his eyes, you turned to face him once again. "If you want to go back, I'll go with you." He leaned closer to you with a mischievous gleam in his eyes, "we can cozy up on the rug in front of the fire. We'll get a few hours to ourselves."

You could feel yourself blush at the suggestion of his words, "I've been waiting to heat things up." You purred, matching the look his eyes contained.


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