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You've been quiet for a while y/n...say something! Your thoughts barreled in your head as you stared back at the hero, stunned. Although, you didn't have the strength to push down the smile that crept onto your lips.

"I want to be with you too, Keigo." The words slipped past your lips without another thought. You watched as his nervous demeanor switched to a shocked one and then almost immediately to a happy one. His body instantly perked up and a gleeful grin displayed his perfect grin.

"Seriously?" He said excitedly.

"I do." You giggled at his reaction, feeling his excitement slowly become contagious.

"Let's do it," he beamed as he grabbed your hands with his soft ones, "let's leave them and finally be together," he now stared into your eyes of amusement, lovingly.

You grinned, "It's time, I'm going to leave Saburo," you nodded at Keigo, "I already feel so much lighter just saying it out loud." You said in a whisper looking down for a moment and collecting all your thoughts that became frazzled from the rush.

When you looked back up at him you were met with a sympathetic yet loving smile. "How did our lives turn up this way?" He teased with a head tilt which you responded with an eye-roll and grin.

"I don't think this is how either of us envisioned having a baby." You sighed, "I wanted to bring a baby into a loving family, a loving home. I wanted..." you paused and looked at Keigo. Seeing him completely focused on you and your thoughts brought a smile to your face. "Someone who'd treat me like you do."

"And that's understandable my dove," his finger soothing your hand with care and understanding.

"I mean, I'm supposed to go to the doctor to find out the baby's sex this week and I'll be going alone!" You rolled your eyes and sat back in exasperation at your situation. "It's getting late, I should probably head back," you piped up before he could respond, "not that Saburo cares."

After paying the check and leaving, the pair left to where your car was parked, the parking area was pretty much deserted compared to when you had arrived. At least in the area in which you had left the car.

"Y/n, I need to tell you something before you go," Keigo quickly turned to you right when you were going to do the same. The suddenness of the action surprised you as a small yelp escaped your mouth, his body now basically pining you against the hood of the vehicle. "I love you."

"I'm in love with you." He continued, "and I meant it when I tell you everything will be ok." His hand came up to caress your cheek. "This whole thing is going to get worked out, I promise." His golden eyes pierced into yours as you gained the confidence to stare into them and let them take you in, "do you trust me?"

"I trust you," you nodded, pure love and something else clouding your hues as they traveled around his face, taking in his features deeper. Suddenly you couldn't contain it anymore, meeting your eyes with his again and seeing the reciprocated love in them just gave you the boost you needed. "Why don't we take this into the car?" You smiled mischievously, catching the excited flicker of his wings.

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