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"Congratulation, and best of luck

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"Congratulation, and best of luck." The doctor cheered, before bowing and leaving the room for the two of you.

The silence is deafening...

"Wow, I can't believe this." Saburo exhaled finally, breaking the wall of silence. "I guess we have some talking to do..."

You shifted uncomfortably from one foot to another, just as you thought everything was starting to go well. "What are you thinking right now?" Your eyes shifted to his face, "you don't look too happy."

He avoided your gaze, his left knee starting to bounce rapidly for a few silent seconds before he finally got up. "I guess- I just--" He made his way towards you, your feet back up instinctively as he got closer but only to be stopped by the wall you forgot you were leaning on before. "So maybe I shouldn't have doubted you, Y/n." He whispered lowly, his head hung in shame as he went to hold onto your hand softly.

Your body tensed up at the unfamiliar tone, you looked down at him in awe, "are you saying...sorry?"

"Well, not exactly 'sorry'." He mimicked quotation marks for the word sorry, instantly killing your hope.

Of course. He's never said sorry in his life.

"Sounds like this was all just a little misunderstanding." He hummed in delight, eyes closed in a nonchalant manner. "I've got some swimmers after all," chuckling at his own joke he stood up straighter in pride. "Even if I don't want a kid, I can't pretend it's not mine now! Ha ha."

Okay, seriously--is this his way of apologizing?

"Anyway, you obviously forgive me." Saburo backed away from you, "forgive and forget, that's how the saying goes!"

Look at him standing there, grinning like an idiot. No way you will just forget! The smug smirk on Saburo's face pulled you over the edge. You were going to get a real apology out of him, sincere or not. After everything that he has pulled over the years, you were not going to let this man manipulate you into letting this go so easily.

"I'm not falling for your lies." You growled as you now started to back him into the wall. "You can't expect me to forgive you just like that! I want a real apology." You pointed at him, directly hitting his chest with your finger harshly.

Saburo's eyebrows furrowed in worry, although he tried not to show it too much. "That's what I just gave you." He retorted as he tried to stand up for himself, ultimately failing as his confidence quickly washed away as he saw that you weren't backing away.

"I'm waiting, Saburo." You spat his name, making shivers crawl up his spine at the way your eyes seemed to glower in anger. He shifted in his spot uncomfortable, uneasiness shone through his dark eyes. But honestly, you didn't really care for it. "Look I get it," he took a breath, "I messed up, I haven't been acting right," he stopped.

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