Chapter 22

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Brielle POV

JJ and I just got to my grandmothers house. We got out and walked up to the door. I knocked and an older black woman with short gray hair came to the door.

Her: May I help you?

Me: Hi. My name is Brielle Morgan and this is Jennifer. Are you Miss Mary Johnson?

Her: I am.

Me: Ma'am, would it be okay for us to come in?

She nods and let's us in. The first person I see is my mother.

Kavaria: Brielle? What are you doing here?

Me: We all need to talk. Is Arjan here too?

I saw a man come walking from the kitchen.

Him: I'm Arjan. Who are you?

Me: I'm Brielle.

Arjan: Brielle? Is it really you?

I nod.

Arjan: I haven't seen you since we were really small. You probably don't even remember me.

Me: I didn't. Not until recent events. Can we all sit down to talk?

He nods and we go in the living room with Kavaria and my grandmother.

Kavaria: What's going on?

Me: As y'all may know, I'm in the FBI. I was a profiler for years and I dealt with some dangerous killers. One has recently escaped prison and is targeting me and my family, which includes you all.

Arjan: How does he know who we are?

Me: I have no idea. All I know is he left pictures at my job. There were photos of all of you and a little girl.

Arjan: My baby.

Me: Where is she?

Arjan: Upstairs. She came home from school sick.

Me: This man is dangerous. He killed over 15 people before we caught him.

Mary: What do we need to do?

Me: I know this may be a lot but I need for you all to pack and go back to Houston with me. It's going to be the safest place for you all.

Arjan: Where will we stay?

Me: My parents house. They already know about y'all and are fine with y'all staying while we figure this situation out.

Kavaria: Your dad doesn't want me anywhere near you or Aubrey.

Me: He doesn't and neither do I but we don't have a choice.

Arjan: Why is he targeting you?

Me: I can explain more when we get to Houston. I just need y'all to come with me.

Mary: Okay. If that's the safest place for us to be, we're going.

They went and packed up what they were taking and then we headed back out. I drove back to Houston. By the time we got there, it was around 7.

I called Derek and let him know we were pulling up. He came out and we got all of their stuff out of the car and into the house.

We all went in and I explained to them the whole situation with Scratch.

Arjan: So what are we going to do?

Me: Well, for one, we're all going to be staying here. It's the safest place for everyone. As of right now, the kids are not going to be going to school. They become easy targets as soon as they leave this house and sending them there will not only put them in danger but the other kids too. Secondly, he's planning something soon. His history with hallucinogens and making others do his dirty work makes him that much more dangerous. No one is to be trusted. He sent those pictures to let us know he's closing in. And he won't stop until he gets his revenge.
Chapter 23 coming soon

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2021 ⏰

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