Chapter 10

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Brielle POV

Its been a couple of weeks and Derek and I are still here in Houston. We decided to stay a little longer. We'll be staying here in my parents house.

I'm on my way to the high school to drop off something to MaKenna. She forgot her dance bag.

When I pulled up to the school, I parked and went in. It was a passing period.

I waited a few minutes before I went to get my visitors pass. As I was at the front desk, I looked back and saw a group forming around some girls.

I look closer and one of them is MaKenna. She was arguing with another girl.

MaKenna: Bro, all I'm saying is y'all need to keep my name out y'all mouth.

She turned around and started to walk away when some nigga walked up to them.

He said something to her.

MaKenna: But yo dick little.

Him: You a hoe. You a hoe.

MaKenna: But you wanted me though.

The other girl ran up on her and started punching her. She slipped to the ground and I seen Kenna kicking her and punching when another girl jumped in on MaKenna.

I saw admin running over to try to break it up when this nigga jumped on my sister and put her in a headlock. He was punching her in the face.

Before I can even get over there, I see Andrew coming from somewhere.

He tried to grab dude off of MaKenna but the administrators grabbed him.

I finally made my way over to them.

That dude was still hitting her and she was trying to fight him off but he was stronger than her.

Me: Why y'all grabbing him when y'all need to be grabbing that nigga that's still hitting her in the face?!

One of the administrators saw me coming over.

They were still trying to get him off her and still holding Andrew back.

Andrew: Let me go!

They got that nigga off of Kenna and Andrew tried to break loose to go after him.

They cleared the crowd as one of the administrators helped MaKenna up off the floor.

I walked up to her.

She had tears streaming down her face. Her eye was black and damn near swollen shut and she was bleeding from her nose and mouth.

I started to fucking cry looking at my little sisters face.

Me: Come here MaKenna.

She started coming towards me.

Admin: We need to take her down to the office.

Me: I will walk her there after I walk her to the nurse and call our parents.

I pulled my phone out and dialed my moms number.

She answered on the third ring.

Mom: Hey Bri.

Me: Mom, you and dad need to get here to the school now.

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